Combo-Platter Powers/Playing With: Difference between revisions

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* '''Subverted''': Amazing Girl seems to have a nonintuitive set of powers, but it turns out the rest of the Justice Team has been using their abilities to make it seem like she has all these wacky powers as a [[Batman Gambit]] to fool Emperor Evulz into considering her more of a threat than she actually is.
* '''Double Subverted''': But the experience leaves her with at least one genuine new power that doesn't fit in with her others.
* '''Parodied''': Alice is seen before she becomes Amazing Girl, literally picking her powers from a menu. "I'll have [[One from Column A and Two from Column B|one from Column A, two from Column B]], ooh, prehensile hair sounds good, and that comes with complimentary [[Most Common Superpower]], right?"
* '''Deconstructed''': The very different manifestations of Amazing Girl's power are due to an instability in her mutant DNA. If she's exposed to any further triggers, she's as likely as not to suffer a [[Superpower Meltdown]]. Worse, the powers actively interfere with each others' operation, so Amazing Girl is much less effective than if she just had one power.
* '''Reconstructed''': Amazing Girl still finds a way to optimise her power use for the situation, despite the interference, and becomes on par with her fellow heroes this way.