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{{quote box|[[File:MindYourStep_8455.jpg|frame]]}}
{{quote|'''Bro:''' ''"FUCK IM FALLING DOWN ALL THESE STAIRS ................... "''<br />
'''Jeff:''' ''"I WARNED YOU ABOUT STAIRS BRO!!!! I TOLD YOU DOG!"''|''[[Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff]]'' {{[[[Stylistic Suck|sic]] sic}}]}}
There is a set of stairs that has one step that has something wrong with it. Perhaps it's broken, perhaps it squeaks. For whatever reason, the characters have reason to avoid it. And, most of the time, they do. Until they one time when they are in a tearing hurry and they forget all about it. Their foot comes down on the defective step and [[Hilarity Ensues]].