Be the Sea Dweller Lowblood/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Badass Cape]]: He steals one from Karkat and, when wearing it, unconsciously emulates his ancestor Dualscar, who most certainly is a [[Badass]].
** [ He certainly does seem a lot cooler now].
* [[Blind Without 'Em]]: Eridan really can't see anything more than a few feet away clearly without his glasses.
* [[The Chew Toy]]: Even in an AU, the universe seems to hate Eridan.
* [[ItsIt's All About Me]]: The real reason he'll never find matespritship. All of his pity is aimed at himself, he blames everything wrong in his life on other people (never himself), and the only pity he'll ever draw is for being messed up and not for being put upon by the world, like he thinks he is.
* [[Kleptomaniac Hero]]: Seems to have a penchant for stealing Karkat's valuables.
* [[Large Ham]]: "Your think pan comes with two settings: 'asleep' and '[[Melodrama]].'"
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** [[Matchmaker Crush]]: Likely to veer into this now that Eridan has {{spoiler|confessed his feelings for her.}}
*** {{spoiler|[[Friend Zone|Moirail Zoned]] as of her rescuing him from Karkat's quarters.}}
** This is eventually deconstructed after Eridan [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|calls her out]] for trying to manipulate his and Feferi's qudrants, telling her she's no better than the bigoted and abusive highbloods. Nepeta ends up feeling so guilty that she destroys her shipping wall and gives up matchmaking.
* [[Shipper On Deck]]: The point of her shipping wall.
* [[Your Cheating Heart]]: Nepeta and Equius are moirails, but due to his inability to have a proper feelings jam with her, she's gone somewhat pale for Eridan
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* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Large Ham]]: Karkat wouldn't be Karkat without it.
* [[Nay Theist]]: In spite of {{spoiler|having a [[Near Death Experience]] complete with [[Near -Death Clairvoyance]] and inverted [[Go Into the Light]]}}.
* [[Rage Against the Heavens]]: He hates the church of the Sufferer, all of its worshipers, and the Sufferer himself. {{spoiler|When he meets/hallucinates the Sufferer in a near-death experience, he practically hate-flirts with him.}}
* [[They Died Because of You]]: Blames {{spoiler|Sollux}}'s death on himself.
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* [[Gadgeteer Genius]]: Builds a robot meant to resemble his childhood crush (Empress Aradia); however he's had to take so many parts from Sarada that it no longer looks much like Aradia at all.
* [[Gosh Dang It to Heck]]: Yes. Heck Yes. Heck Flipping Yes.
** [[Precision F -Strike]]: Gamzee drives him to this on a couple of occasions.
* [[In a Single Bound]]: He STRONG jumps [ a quarter of the way across the planet].
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== Sarada (the robot) / Latica Lacert (the ghost possessing said robot) ==
* [[The Golden Rule]]: Subverted. She plans to do unto Equius what he has done to her.
* [[ItsIt's Personal]] / [[Pay Evil Unto Evil]]: Latica is possesing the robot in the hopes that she can get revenge on her murderer.
* [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]]: All her revenge schemes are doomed to fail, and go unnoticed by her target.
* [[Replacement Goldfish]]: Sarada was originally built as a double of Aradia.
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== Terezi Pyrope ==
* [[And Then What?]]: She doesn't really seem to really ''want'' to bring Vriska to justice as much as to chase her.
* [[Cool Shades]]
* [[Dragon Rider]]
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* [[Biker Babe]]
* [[Expy]]: Of Jade Harley.
* [[Non -Ironic Clown]]: She's a member of the clown cult, but nowhere near as freaky or psychotic as Gamzee. Other than the face paint, MiRaClE Modus, clown emotes :o), and love of Faygo, there's no similarities between them at all.
* [[Raised By Wolves]]: Or rather, a half-dog lusus/half-Gamzee First Guardian.
* [[Sad Clown]]: Played with: her face paint resembles a frowning face (as opposed to Gamzee's constantly smiling makeup), though she herself is almost always grinning. However after hearing Feferi's story her expression does temporarily turn to match the makeup.
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* [[Expy]]: Of Dave Strider.
* [[Gossip Evolution]]: Some of Daivat's tabloid news casts are partially accurate. Karkat's tank getting hit by Equius turns into Karkat being assaulted by a flying blue blood. Likewise, Eridan sneaking into his respiteblock in the Royal Hive turns into the hive being attacked by terrorists with intent to kill Karkat. [[Word of God]] says that one of the articles is 100% accurate, but it's up to the readers which one it is.
* [[Long -Lost Relative]]: Long-lost in the sense that Karkat doesn't even know he exists.
* [[Nay Theist]]: He's descended from the Sufferer, but he wants absolutely nothing to do with religion.
* [[Not So Above It All]]: He goes into a panic at the thought of having his blood color revealed via blood test and how Karkat might react to learning someone else has his same blood color.
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* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]
* [[Eye Scream]]: {{spoiler|Rhosyn stabbed him in the eye.}}
* [[ItsIt's All About Me]]: Flat-out stated by [[Word of God|the author]] [[All There in the Manual|outside of the adventure itself]]. However, he's smart enough to know that to achieve his goals, he has to be a team player.
* [[La Résistance]]: The leader of IRIS.
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== The Covetous Apostate/Ioudas Iscari ==
* [[Et Tu, Brute?]]
* [[Rewarded As a Traitor Deserves]]
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* [[One True Love]]: Doc Scratch. Although since he doesn't exist in this universe, she can only be romantically attracted to...cue balls.
* [[Parody Sue]]: Hakuba is a rainbow drinker and graceful and mysterious and aloof and also very beautiful and smells like roses and is aloof and graceful and mysterious and has good fashion sense and Doc Scratch's girlfriend and Equius's half-sister and aloof and has good fashion sense and is a rainbow drinker who is graceful and mysterious...
* [[Nightmare Fuel StationattendantStation Attendant]]: She can be more than a little creepy.
== Waydie Wilson ==
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* [[Amoral Attorney|Amoral Legislacerator]]
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: Her name is Russian for "Black Hat."
* [[By the -The-Book Cop|By-the-Book Legislacerator]]
* [[Lawful Evil]]: She may be corrupt, but she still plays by the rules.
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* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]
* [[Funetik Aksent]]: [[Fandom Nickname|Milchech]] chpeakch in an unuchual manner.
* [[You Say Tomato]]: Even the author asks him to stop typing in [[Self -Demonstrating Article|hich unuchual achent]].
== The Midday Crew ==