Green Lantern/Characters/Green Lantern Corps: Difference between revisions

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* [[Dating Catwoman]]: With Carol Ferris.
* [[Fearless Fool]]: Was one prior to becoming a Lantern, and has his moments since then.
* [[Four -Temperament Ensemble]]: Sanguine
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: [[Brainwashed and Crazy|It wasn't his fault, though]].
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: With [[The Flash]] (the Barry Allen version).
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* [[The Determinator]]: Even among an entire group whose power is fueled by Determination, Kyle stands out.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: Kyle seems to be subject to the most gratuitous and numerous butt-shots in any comic he's in. Considering he's a Lantern, that's a lot.
* [[Four -Temperament Ensemble]]: Melancholic
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: With Guy
* [[Hollywood Nerd]]: Kyle's a pop culture and Anime/Manga nerd, yet he still looks like a movie star.
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* [[Sequential Artist]]
* [[Shout Out]]: A lot of Kyle's constructs are taken from Manga and Anime.
* [[The So -Called Coward]]: Got a lot of grief early on because, unlike Hal, he actually felt fear and doubt over his role as a [[Green Lantern]]. While the other Earth Lanterns settled into their positions fairly quickly, he was openly intimidated by it. Eventually, his ability to feel fear and overcome it was what helped him avoid Parallax's influence in ''Rebirth''.
* [[Stuffed Into the Fridge]]: [[Trope Namer]] of a sort, as it happened to his girlfriend.
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* [[Foe Yay]]: A bit with Bleez, of the Red Lantern Corps.
{{quote| '''''KISS ME YOU RED BITCH!'''''}}
* [[Four -Temperament Ensemble]]: Choleric
* [[Got the Call On Speed Dial]]: After the destruction of the Corps, Guy took [[Sinestro]]'s evil Yellow Ring just so he could continue fighting crime.
* [[Green -Eyed Monster]]: Why he hates [[Superman]]. He even accused him of trying to steal Ice, even though ''she'' came on to him.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: With Kyle.
* [[Hot Blooded]]: Literally when he had a red lantern ring.
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* [[Badass Bookworm]]: He's an architect in his day job.
* [[Dating Catwoman]]: With Fatality.
* [[Four -Temperament Ensemble]]: Phlegmatic
* [[Improbable Aiming Skills]]: He's able to out-snipe Bedovian.
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: With Katma Tui and, later, Merayn. See a pattern? (and while he may not be interested in Fatality, she certainly likes ''him''.) It carried into the cartoon, too...
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* [[Cassandra Truth]]: None of the Corps took his belief in the prophecies seriously.
* [[Death By Origin Story]]
* [[I'm Dying, Please Take My MacGuffin]]
* [[Paranoia Gambit]]: Used on him by Qull.
* [[Posthumous Character]]
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Arisia was killed by the villain Major Force, who used her to get to Guy. Or so it seemed--her species has the ability to go into dormancy to survive otherwise fatal situations, so she was only presumed dead. Years later, Hal and Guy, now Green Lanterns again, discovered the comatose Arisia in the clutches of Cyborg-Superman. With their help, she escaped and put a stop to the Cyborg's evil. She is now a Green Lantern again and is dating the Daxamite, Sodam Yat.
* [[AuthorsAuthor's Saving Throw]]: Addressing the age difference in her relationship with Hal: first making her [[Legal Jailbait]] (emphasis on "Legal"), then giving her a [[Plot Relevant Age Up]].
* [[Back From the Dead]]
* [[The Chick]]: Pre-resurrection.
** [[Action Girl]]: Post-resurrection. After [[Blackest Night]], she even ''punched a Guardian in the face for their stupidity''.
* [[Green -Skinned Space Babe|Golden Skinned Space Babe]]
* [[Healing Factor]]: Only when triggered by massive trauma.
* [[Impossibly Low Neckline]]: Justified in that her costume is a ring construct.
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{{quote| '''Homeworld:''' Thanagar}}
A reptilian soldier from Thanagar ([[Hawkman]]'s homeworld) fighting against their enemies on Rann ([[Adam Strange]]'s second home), Isamot Kol was selected during the post-''Rebirth'' rebuilding of the Corps. Though it turns out that the other Lantern picked from his sector was Vath Sarn, a Rannian soldier. This went about as well as you'd expect, but they became [[Fire -Forged Friends]] soon enough.
* [[Determinator]]: All GLs are this, but Isamot deserves a special mention from the [[New 52]] series. Long story short: the Corps are fighting enemies who can nullify GL powers and have a penchant for dismembering GLs. Isamot gets stuck on a planet full of them. Alone. He makes it back, [[Handicapped Badass|all four limbs cut off]], fighting off an ENTIRE ARMY OF THEM. With his ring. On his tongue.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Dinosaurs]]
* [[Good Thing You Can Heal]]: To the point that when Vath lost his legs in the [[Blackest Night]], Isamot volunteered to have ''his own'' amputated and transplanted.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: with Rannian Vath Sarn.
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* [[Interspecies Romance]]: With John Stewart.
* [[La Résistance]]: Leader of, against Sinestro.
* [[Green -Skinned Space Babe|Magenta Skinned Space Babe]]
* [[Sexy Mentor]]: She trained John. This even made it into the cartoon.
{{quote| '''Flash:''' ''John'' was teacher's pet? Sweet.}}
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After Ke'Haan was killed in the [[Sinestro Corps War]], Laira thoroughly embraced her new authorization to use lethal force, ultimately striking down Amon Sur even though he had surrendered. Despite her protests, the other Lanterns and the Guardians denounced it as murder and kicked her out of the Corps. A Red Power Ring soon noticed her fury and made her a Red Lantern; Hal would later try to talk her down during a fight with the Reds, but Sinestro killed her just as Hal started getting through.
* [["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight]]: Subverted when Sinestro, shall we say, interrupts.
* [[Leotard of Power]]
* [[Green -Skinned Space Babe|Purple Skinned Space Babe]]
* [[Planet of Hats]] [[Land of Dragons|Dragons]]: Jayd, making Laira herself a [[Dragon Lady]].
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]
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* [[Combat Medic]]
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: With Kyle Rayner.
* [[Green -Skinned Space Babe|Red Skinned Space Babe]]
* {{spoiler|[[Luke, I Am Your Father]]}}
* [[Messianic Archetype]]: Korugar is starting to see her as one. She tries to fight it at every turn.
* [[Villain Takes an Interest]]
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The founders and upper management of the Green Lantern Corps. Originally from the planet Maltus, one of their scientists performed an experiment to observe the beginning of creation, which had dire consequences for the universe (just ''which'' consequences depends on which [[Cosmic Retcon|Cosmic Retcons]] have occurred). In atonement, the Maltusians swore to fight evil, and moved to the planet Oa at the geographical (cosmographical?) center of the universe. In studying energy sources for their new police corps, they began harnessing emotional energies, before settling on the green light of willpower as it was least likely to drop an [[Emotion Bomb]] on its users.
A [[Planet of Hats]] who like to think that their Hat is [[The Spock]], though many readers (and some people in-universe) believe their Hat is actually [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]. They mean well, but they're full of themselves (the fact that they appointed themselves "Guardians of the Universe" speaks volumes) and a number of their actions have come back to bite them: for example, see the Manhunters under "[[Orphaned/Characters/GL Other Villains/Characters|Other Villains]]" (and the Alpha Lanterns, above, are evidence that they have not learned their lesson) and the [[Orphaned/Characters/GL Other Villains/Characters|Red Lanterns]].
* [[All Powerful Bystander]]
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* [[Humorless Aliens]]
* [[Knight Templar]]: They edged closer and closer to this since the Corps' rebirth before fully embracing it in the [[New 52]].
* [[Laser -Guided Karma]]: Most of their mistakes or dick moves usually tend to come back later to bite them in the ass.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: The males of the species all look remarkably like midget blue versions of David Ben Gurion, first prime minister of Israel.
* [[Not So Stoic]]: Sometimes their facade of emotionlessness cracks, if only briefly.
* [[One -Gender Race]]: All male, before being destroyed and reborn (there ''were'' females, but most if not all left and became the Zamarons).
* [[Planet of Hats]]
* [[Proud Scholar Race Guy]]
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* [[My Species Doth Protest Too Much]]: Along with Sayd, one of the only Guardians to not be a total jerk.
** To the point that it borders on [[Only Sane Man]].
* [[The Obi -Wan]]
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]
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=== Other Guardians ===
* Appa Ali Apsa, aka "The Mad Guardian"
* The Controllers (see "[[Orphaned/Characters/GL Other Villains/Characters|Other Villains]]")
* Pazu Pinder Pol
* Krona (see "[[Orphaned/Characters/GL Other Villains/Characters|Other Villains]]")
* Scar (see "[[Orphaned/Characters/GL Black Lantern Corps|Black Lantern Corps]]")
* The Zamarons (see "[[Orphaned/Characters/GL Star Sapphire Corps|Star Sapphire Corps]]")