Naruto/Characters/Hidden Sound Village: Difference between revisions

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Orochimaru's right hand man.
As a young child, Kabuto was orphaned in the Great Ninja War. Konoha's Head of Medical Corps took pity on him, taking him in and teaching him medicine. {{spoiler|This is revealed to be a [[Multiple Choice Past|cover given to him by Orochimaru]]. He was actually taken in by an orphanage run by [[Nun -Too -Holy|Nonou Yakushi]], a former Root member who he considered his mother. He joined Root to supply the orphanage with money, but was eventually attacked by and forced to kill Nonou, who Danzo had [[Manipulative Bastard|tricked intending for them to kill each other]], causing him to cross the [[Despair Event Horizon]]. Orochimaru found him and took him in, offering him a new identity in exchange for his allegiance, which Kabuto accepted.}} At some point in the past, he started working for Sasori {{spoiler|on Orochimaru's orders}}, who [[Memory Gambit|erased part of his memory to make him a sleeper agent]]. Then, when Orochimaru defected from Akatsuki, [[Amnesiac Dissonance|he broke the memory seal, and Kabuto became Orochimaru's follower]].
In combat, Kabuto uses medical techniques that he repurposed for combat. His main technique is the Ninja Scalpel, which can sever the strongest muscles with great ease. This, combined with his love of torture, make him an especially dangerous opponent.
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* {{spoiler|[[I Just Want to Be Special]]: His entire motivation after meeting up with Orochimaru was just to be noticed by people.}}
* [[Irony]]: {{spoiler|For the majority of his early childhood, Sasori manipulated him like a puppet. Now, thanks to his newfound necromancer status, he controls Sasori in almost the exact same way. Sasori was less than enthusiastic about this}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Line -of -Sight Name]]}}: kind of. As a kid, he forgot his {{spoiler|given name}} after a battle, and he was wearing a {{spoiler|samurai's helmet}} <ref>(also known as a ''kabuto'')</ref> when the people who found him decided to {{spoiler|name him}}.
* [[Loss of Identity]]: Struggled with this his whole life. Only after Orochimaru's death does he confront it and decides to assimilate his remains and become a new more powerful person.
* [[Mad Doctor]]
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* [[The Mole]]
** [[Reverse Mole]]: Interesting subversion between two groups of villains. Is allegedly Sasori's spy, but he's actually loyal to Orochimaru.
* [[More Than Mind Control]]: After Orochimaru freed him from [[Marionette Master|Sasori]]'s [[Mind Control]], he chose to become loyal to him, not from gratitude, but because ''he was seduced by his view of the world and [[For Science!|mot]][[A God Am I|ives]]''.
* [[Multiple Choice Past]]: It's been revealed that the backstory he gave when he was introduced {{spoiler|was a cover given to him by Orochimaru when he joined the Sound Village}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Necromancer]]}}: One of three, the other two being Orochimaru {{spoiler|and the Second Hokage. They all used the same technique: Impure World Ressurection}}. Kabuto is probably the best example though. He's the only one {{spoiler|who pulled off the "zombie army" part (Orochimaru used it on a smaller scale)}}. Even before he had shades of this with his Dead Soul Jutsu reanimating corpses to use as decoys.
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** {{spoiler|He also trained under the White Snake Sage to attain Sage Mode just like Naruto.}}
** His latest achievement is {{spoiler|bisecting ''[[The Ace|Itachi.]]''}}
* [[One -Man Army]]: Thanks to {{spoiler|Kuchiyose Edo tensei, Kabuto has summoned a number of warriors who probably qualify in themselves to do his bidding. Oh, they are also near immortal and can regenerate in a manner of seconds}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Orphanage of Love]]: Grew up in one. Go figure.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Our Dragons Are Different]]: His Sage Mode.}}
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* [[Snake Person]]: Takes after Orochimaru.
* [[The Starscream]]: Played with. It's suggested that he might be trying to betray Orochimaru (with Orochimaru even musing that he's not sure which way Kabuto will go), but he never actually does, possibly because Sasuke did it first.
* [[Story Breaker Power]]: {{spoiler|''Summoning: Impure World Ressurection'' is [[Magic aA Is Magic A|taken to its logical conclusion]]: Kabuto uses it to revive nigh every single poweful dead ninja that we have ever heard of, all of whom are now immortal, near indestructible and possess every single ability they had while alive}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Super Mode]]: Sage Mode.}}
* [[Teens Are Monsters]]: Before the timeskip he is merely nineteen years old and has some severe issues from his childhood as the [[Sole Survivor]] found after a large battle.
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* [[Villain Forgot to Level Grind]]: Could be considered a [[Averted Trope|Most Triumphant Aversion]]. He started as a jonin-level threat. Now he's probably {{spoiler|at Kage level, and that's just as an individual combatant. Counting all the elite shinobi he resurrected and put under his control with Edo Tensei, he might even be more dangerous than Tobi with the Rinnegan}}. {{spoiler|He even went through the same kind of training Naruto did to become a Sage.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Villainous Friendship]]: seems to have had a type I with Orochimaru.}}
* [[White -Haired Pretty Boy]]: {{spoiler|Well, until he turned into a snake person thing.}}
* [[Wild Card]]
* [[Xanatos Gambit]]: {{spoiler|Kabuto's Edo Tensei can only be stopped by his own hand, and if he dies, it will go on forever.}} Whether or not he considers the latter outcome a benefit depends on whether or not he cares if his plan is acomplished while he's alive.
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* [[Out Gambitted]]: In his fight with Shino.
* [[Pride]]: Very arrogant.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: The anime shows this (towards Orochimaru) is his main motivation.
* [[When All You Have Is a Hammer]]: His sound waves are his main jutsu, and can be used from anything from attacking targets to blocking kunai to even softening the earth.
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{{quote| Voiced By: Daisuke Egawa (JP) John De Mita (EN)}}
Dosu fights using his Melody Arm, a special attachment which, when struck, causes painful resonation within the body. Since the inner ear is used for balance, it's quite devastating. In the Chunin Exams, he fights Chouji, who attempts to avoid his Melody Arm by curling up into a ball. It's to no avail as, thanks to the body being mostly water, it makes an excellent conductor of sound. After he advances, he decides he'll have a better shot at fighting Sasuke by killing the Uchiha's opponent, Gaara. [[Super -Powered Evil Side|Naturally, this fails]], [[Dropped a Bridge On Him|and he dies]].
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: Dosu's fight with Choji in the Chunin Exams. Choji rolls into a wall and Dosu finishes him off with his sound waves.
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The Sound Five are Orochimaru's squad of personal bodyguards. They first appear during the Chunin Exam arc, where they prevent anyone from interfering with Orochimaru's fight with the Third Hokage. Their main appearance, though, is in the Sasuke Retrieval arc, where they are sent to escort Sasuke to Orochimaru's lair and serve as the antagonists of the arc. Each of them fights one of the members of the Retrieval team, and all of them are dead by the end of the arc.
Each of them possesses a Cursed Seal, which allows them to [[One -Winged Angel|transform into more powerful forms]] during battle.
The Sound Five as a whole have examples of:
* [[Barrier Warrior|Barrier Warriors]]: The Sound Four cast various barrier and sealing jutsu together.
* [[Five -Bad Band]]:
** Kimimaro-[[Big Bad]]
** Sakon/Ukon-[[The Dragon]]
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** Tayuya-[[Dark Chick]]
** Orochimaru-[[Bigger Bad]]
* [[One -Winged Angel]]: Courtesy of the Curse Mark
* [[Younger Than They Look]]: Believe it or not, they are FOURTEEN. Kimimaro's fifteen.
* [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic]]: The single colored tao symbols on their uniforms, meant to represent imbalance.
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* [[Life Energy]]: He can eat chakra to regain strength.
* [[Mighty Glacier]]
* [[One -Winged Angel]]: Becomes even bigger, [[Power Makes Your Hair Grow|grows more hair]], has his skin turn red, and grows wart-like portrubences.
* [[Power Makes Your Hair Grow]]
* [[Stout Strength]]
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* [[Ambiguously Brown]]
* [[Arachnid Appearance and Attire]]: 8 members, check; can make web, check; has a spider for summon, check. He even gets a [[Third Eye]] when in [[One -Winged Angel]] form.
* [[The Archer]]: Is able to make just about anything out of his webbing, including a fully-fledged bow and arrow set.
* [[Awesomeness By Analysis]]
* [[Evil Genius]]: It takes Kidoumaru about five minutes to figure out the weakness in the Hyuuga Clan's much-vaunted Absolute Defense, and another two minutes to exploit it and bring [[Arrogant Kung Fu Guy|Neji]] to his knees.
* [[Giant Spider]]: Summons one in Level Two, and it ''reproduces''. Sleep tight, arachnophobes...
* [[Multi -Armed and Dangerous]]: This is never mentioned nor discussed in-universe.
* [[Multi Ranged Master]]
* [[One -Winged Angel]]: Becomes even more spider-like, grows horns, and has his hair turn white and grow.
** [[Power Makes Your Hair Grow]]
** [[Third Eye]]
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* [[Grand Theft Me]]: Ukon can take control of his enemy's body and slowly kill them, but is hurt when the target is hurt, too.
* [[Healing Factor]]: Due to their cellular based powers.
* [[One -Winged Angel]]: Turns into a demonic looking pair of ogres, with fangs, claws, [[Spikes of Villainy]], and one arm and leg that are [[Red Right Hand|grossly larger and more deformed]] than the other.
** [[Horned Humanoid]]
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: Both brothers wear blue lipstick.
* [[Sissy Villain]]: A subversion: he's pretty and wears a lot of makeup, but his mannerisms are anything ''but'' feminine, and he's a violent, unapologetic sadist to boot.
* [[Spikes of Villainy]]: In [[One -Winged Angel]] form.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
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* [[Brown Note]]: While playing a melody on her flute, Tayuya can create an illusion that her opponent is strung up by wires while the skin starts to melt off their bones.
* [[Cluster F -Bomb]]: In some translations.
* [[Cute Monster Girl]]: Her level two curse transformation is much less monstrous and ugly than the others. Some think she even looks better.
* [[Dark Action Girl]]: Is more than capable of fighting both physically and tactically, at one point decking Naruto in the face hard enough to send him flying.
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* [[Master of Illusion]]: Tayuya is shown to be skilled at genjutsu.
* [[Musical Assassin]]: Her flute is heavily utilized in her fighting style.
* [[One -Winged Angel]]: A demon girl with multiple horns and very creepy eyes.
** [[Horned Humanoid]]
* [[Summon Magic]]: Summons [[Youkai]] demons based on the [[Monkey Morality Pose]].
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* [[Anatomy Arsenal]]
* [[Anti -Villain]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti -Villains|Type I]]
* [[Awesome Yet Practical]]: He uses his ability to manipulate his skeleton to move after his illness has rendered him immobile.
** May explain the above loss of momentum as his attack being a reshaping of his body instead of movement.
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** [[Your Days Are Numbered]]
* [[Determinator]]: His illness was well into it's final stages before he set out to retrieve Sasuke, and keeps on fighting until the moment of his death.
* [[The Dragon]]: Leader of the Sound Five, and one of Orochimaru's best followers. May have been [[Co -Dragons]] with Kabuto pre-illness. If you count the anime, then ''both'' Kimimaro and Kabuto shared this role with Guren.
* [[Expy]]: His relationship with Orochimaru is quite reminiscent of Zabuza and Haku's.
* [[Facial Markings]]: Like all members of the Kaguya clan, two points on the forehead, which are based on a fashion of ancient Japanese noblemen.
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* [[Lovecraftian Superpower]]
* [[Nigh Invulnerability]]: Highly durable, and able to resist Gaara's Sand Coffin.
* [[One -Winged Angel]]: Bones jut out completely, hair colour and eye colour changes, and he gets even faster and more [[Nigh Invulnerable]].
* [[Only One Name]]: In spite of being from the Kaguya clan, the databooks say his name is only "Kimimaro".
* [[Relationship Voice Actor]]: He tangles with the [[Liam O Brien]]-voiced Gaara. [[Monster (Anime)|Hmm...]]
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* [[The Stoic]]
* [[Villainous Valour]]
* [[White -Haired Pretty Boy]]