Fate Nuovo Guerra/Characters/Lucca Secundus: Difference between revisions

Mass update links
m (Rename "Rated Mfor Manly" to Rated M for Manly)
m (Mass update links)
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* [[Dude Looks Like a Lady]]
* [[Embarrassing First Name]]
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]] - Kyon
* [[Gender Blender Name]]
* [[Good Old Fisticuffs]]
* [[Hair -Trigger Temper]]
* [[I Am the Band]]
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]
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* [[Insane Troll Logic]]
* [[Strange Girl]]
* [[Anti -Hero]] - Type I
* [[Fish Out of Water]]
* [[Blithe Spirit]]
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* [[Expy]] - You get three guesses of who and the first two don't count.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]
* [[Hair -Trigger Temper]]
* [[Improvised Weapon]]
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]
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* [[Trickster Mentor]] - Mikhail
* [[Inadequate Inheritor]] - According to his father
* [[Why Couldn't You Be Different?]] - Same as above
* [[Good Is Not Nice]] - He's quite good natured, until you stand in his way.
* [[Playing With Fire]] - his whole skillset
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* [[Berserk Button]]
* [[Blow You Away]]
* [[Cluster F -Bomb]]
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]
* [[Good Old Fisticuffs]]
* [[Hair -Trigger Temper]]
* [[I Just Want to Have Friends]] - Not that he'd ever admit it, but it's his greatest desire.
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Rant -Inducing Slight]]
* [[Shock and Awe]]
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* [[Martial Pacifist]]
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]
* [[Rose -Haired Girl]]
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* [[Kung Fu Wizard]] - Studied Combat Sambo.
* [[Potential Applications]] - The Clock Tower awarded her with a Color for developing a familiar that could potentially boost magical research exponentially within a single generation. She actually invented it so that she didn't ''have'' to read stuff to research.
* [[Powered By a Forsaken Child]] - Her familiars are each powered by the soul of a child <ref>one from a [[Littlest Cancer Patient|terminal patient]], another from a girl who got caught in an accident, and the last from an [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|illegal immigrant]]</ref>, which is normal for high-level familiars, such as [[Tsukihime|Len]]. Being able to use a soul in such a way is proof of her talent as a magus. To be fair, they were already dying anyway, so it would be better to recycle their souls rather than kill someone who wasn't going to die yet.
* [[Rank Inflation]] - The Association Ranks you from 7 to 1 with 7 being the lowest. If you come up with some really special stuff, you get a color i.e. Black.
* [[Rebellious Princess]] - Somewhere between this and [[Spirited Young Lady]].
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* [[Smug Snake]]
* [[Master Swordsman|Master Swordswoman]]
* [[White -Haired Pretty Girl]]
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* [[Hot Dad]] / [[Hot Mom]]- Many servants have had children in their past lives.
* [[Hypercompetent Sidekick]]
* [[Non -Human Sidekick]] - All Servants are Heroic Spirits given form by the Holy Grail.
* [[Pride]] - Many servants are prideful to the point that it's a recurring character flaw.
* [[Sidekick Ex Machina]] - As long as the Servant has a Master, anyway.
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''General tropes for Sabers''
* [[Anti -Magic]]
* [[Cool Sword]]
* [[Heroes Prefer Swords]]
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* [[Anti -Magic]] - Rank B
* [[Body Double]] - He frequently served as this for Arturia. Even his sword is a "body double" of Excalibur, so to speak, as it isn't known, and even has an effect of causing people who don't know his identity to suspect him of actually ''being'' [[King Arthur]].
* [[Cool Sword]] - Galatine, Reborn Sword of Victory
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* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]
* [[Lawful Good]]
* [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me]] - Has an NP based around making a shield out of ''anything''. Additionally, his signature NP is his true shield, which gives him a [[Status Buff]].
** [[Throwing Your Shield Always Works]]
** [[Shield -Bash]] - Once he draws his true shield, his sword is sealed off and he must resort to this. This is actually something he's famous for, by the way.
* [[Red Baron]] - Knight of the [[Meaningful Name|Sun]], Gwalchmai
* [[To Be Lawful or Good]] - Because Lancelot had that affair with Guinevere (Adultery), effectively stealing her from Arturia (Treachery), and killed Gawain's brothers, who happened to be guarding her execution (Murder), Lancelot effectively broke three big rules of chivalry. As Gawain could not forgive this, he refused to call for Lancelot's help for the Battle of Camlann, leading to the tragic end of Camelot and the Round Table. As he died, he realised that being ''too'' Lawful was a bad idea, and that he needed more Good. <ref>Fortunately for him, he gets a second chance, which is ''not'' something most people with this kind of realisation get.</ref>
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* [[Improvised Weapon]]
* [[Master Swordsman]]
** [[Dual -Wielding]] - Invented it.
** [[Implausible Fencing Powers]]
** [[Throwing Your Sword Always Works]] - Though he tossed it to throw enemies off guard rather then do any real damage.
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* [[Hot Mom]]/[[Hot Dad]] - Has been both through magical means.
* [[Idiot Hero]]
* [[ItsIt's All About Me]]
* [[Les Yay]] - With her master.
* [[Rapunzel Hair]]
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''General tropes for Lancers''
* [[Anti -Magic]]
* [[Blade On a Stick]]
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* [[Achilles Heel]] - Being the [[Trope Namer]], this is par for the course.
* [[Samus Is a Girl|Achilles Is A Girl]] - Second victim of "Arturia Syndrome"
* [[Anti -Magic]] - Rank B
* [[Chick Magnet|Chick]]/[[Dude Magnet]] - Achilles' pretty face as the most beautiful hero of the Trojan War has become a power similar to, but not as great, as Lancer's from the Fourth War. Lampshaded in her profile about how it took [[Brad Pitt|Brad]] [[Troy|Pitt]] to properly emulate her looks on screen.
* [[Bi the Way]] - Toes the line somewhere between this and [[Anything That Moves]].
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* [[Rapunzel Hair]]
* [[Red Baron]] - "Godlike Achilles"
* [[Stone Wall]] - Achilles has both the [[Nigh Invulnerable|invulnerability]] ''and'' the [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me|Shield of Achilles]], which basically means she has God Hand (minus the extra lives), A-Rank Endurance, ''and'' Rho Aias. Furthermore, her high AGI means she doesn't have to rely on these two that often. Her spear is average at best, however (it doesn't even have a full-power attack), and once her identity is discovered, that [[Achilles Heel]] is going to be a pain to protect.
* [[Tsundere]] - Type A. [[Achilles in His Tent]] was used as an example.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Green Hair]]
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* [[Cool Big Sis]]
* [[Good Old Fisticuffs]] - Greek boxing A+++
* [[Half -Identical Twins]]
** [[Synchronization]] - Battle Coordination A+
** [[Twin Telepathy]] - Part of their shared Noble Phantasm
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* [[The Pollyanna]]
* [[Twincest]] - Wishes this would happen.
* [[White -Haired Pretty Girl]]
* {{spoiler|Yandere - For her brother}}
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* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]
* [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me]]
* [[No Indoor Voice]]
* [[Rated M for Manly]]
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* [[More Dakka]] - Combined with [[Beam Spam]] to make her most powerful NP
* [[Pirate Girl]]
* [[Rose -Haired Girl]]
* [[Wooden Ships and Iron Men|Wooden Ships And Iron Women]]
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* [[Heroic BSOD]] - Right before her Death, when she realized that despite all she had done, she died miserable and alone.
* [[Honor Before Reason]]
* [[Jade -Colored Glasses]]
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]] - Still believes in Pietas, but is very unhappy about it.
* [[Memento MacGuffin]]: Her Sword, shield, and chariot.
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* [[Genius Bruiser]]
* [[Greed]]
* [[Green -Eyed Monster]]
* [[Fearless Fool]]
* [[Rapunzel Hair]]
* [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me]]
* [[Pride]] - It got him and his people killed.
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''General tropes for Archers''
* [[Anti -Magic]]
* [[The Archer]]
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* [[Anti -Hero]]
* [[Arch Enemy]] - With Kenshin.
* [[Beard of Evil]]
* [[Bottomless Magazines]] - His guns make more ammo.
* [[Card -Carrying Villain]]
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]
* [[The Determinator]] - Oh so very much.
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* [[Magnificent Bastard]]
* [[More Dakka]] - Has a np that summons hundreds of guns.
* [[One -Winged Angel]] - His fear based NP does this.
* [[Otaku]] - Inverted. Nobunaga is actually a big fan of Western culture.
* [[Pride]]
* [[Utopia Justifies the Means]] - "No matter how much blood was on my hands, no matter what sort of demon I would become, I would unite Japan for the good of the land and no man would ever stop me."
* [[Visionary Villain]] - "My dream cannot die. It must not die..."
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]] - Tried to unify Japan and was willing to kill thousands to do it.
* [[You Have Failed Me]] - Historically known for doing this. Sadly he has no mooks to destroy in his evil rages.
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''General tropes for Casters''
* [[Anti -Magic]] - Which is odd, considering it's not one of their actual class skills.
* [[A Wizard Did It]]
* [[Cute Witch]]
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* [[Friendless Background]] - Averted. Humans hated her but she had plently of fairy folk friends.
* [[Green Eyes]]
* [[Half -Human Hybrid]] - Half Elemental.
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]] - Previously. Now she wants to be a full on elemental.
* [[Nature Spirit]]
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* [[Dirty Coward]] - What other classes consider them to be.
* [[In the Back]]
* [[One -Hit Kill]] - What they try to accomplish.
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* [[Anti -Hero]] - Type-IV
* [[Blade On a Stick]]
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]
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* [[Get Back Here Boss]]
* [[Homer]]
* [[Non -Action Guy|Non Action Girl]]
* [[Rags to Riches]]
* [[Scrappy]]
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* [[Genius Bruiser]]
* [[Gentle Giant]]
* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]]
* [[Large Ham]] - But only in front of the kiddies so he "looks cool"
* [[Mighty Glacier]]
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* [[Anti -Hero]]
* [[Ax Crazy]]
* [[Blood Knight]]