BioShock (series)/Nightmare Fuel: Difference between revisions

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* Big Daddies are [[Gentle Giant|Gentle Giants]] and absolutely harmless, despite being creepy-looking, walking with very heavy footsteps, and being followed by [[Creepy Child|Little Sisters]]. Unlike most enemies in the game, they won't attack you even if you get right up in their faces. On the other hand, if you attack one, it goes [[Unstoppable Rage|completely ballistic]] and throws itself at you really, really fast. It won't stop until you clear out of there (or kill it), and next time you see it, it's back to calm. A [[Berserk Button]] indeed.
** The ''introduction'' of the Big Daddy. You see a Little Sister without a Big Daddy, gathering ADAM from a corpse. A Splicer jumps down and starts to menacingly approach her. She lets out a very loud shriek that makes him hesitate. Then you hear a roar and a Big Daddy leaps down, facing the Splicer and keeping it away from the Sister. The Splicer shoots at it, to no avail. Then the Bouncer lunges, there's a loud VREEEEEN noise, an agonizing shriek, and a spray of blood on the window you're watching out of. And that's not all - it slams the Splicer into the nearest wall, drills it for a second, then SLAMS it against the window. Once, twice, thrice - and on the third time, it smashes through the window. The unbreakable, bullet-proof window. Which is a pretty good indicator of just how strong the Big Daddies really are.
** [[Papa Wolf|If you get close to the Little Sister, they'll push the little girl behind them, and start up that giant drill]]. Especially terrifying after you've seen how fast Bouncers can move, and what they can do to people with that drill. And the pushing it because of the fear that there's something like a human mind in that armored shell? That to the terrified Little Sister, ''you're'' the monster and Mr. Bubbles is the good guy? Or is it just the completely natural terror that comes along with realizing that pushing Little Sister to safety will immediately lead into mutilating your body with that drill/rivet gun? Probably a little bit of both, mostly the former. Like ''[[Shadow of the Colossus]]'' before it, this game seems to subvert traditional ideas about video game bosses. Big Daddies seem to be one of the few "honorable" characters (or character sets) in the Bioshock universe, but if you don't kill them, you don't get ADAM, and thus you have a harder time surviving. Though that would make an [[VideogameVideo Game Caring Potential|interesting]] [[Self -Imposed Challenge]], because you (probably) only have to defeat one for the sake of story.
** "Mr. Bubbles? Wake up!" Oh, for nonlethal weaponry. Unless you receive pleasure from the [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]].
** Someone ran a filter on the Big Daddy sounds to find out what they were before being recorded. [ Then uploaded it to Youtube]. Sweet dreams!
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** Even though he's supposed to be a legitimate businessman, Ryan keeps corpses of his enemies [[Rule of Symbolism|crucified]] to posts outside his office.. There's even corpses to be searched even behind his [[Applied Phlebotinum]] office lock, which answers why that "Would You Kindly?" board is written in a mysterious shade of red.
** Ryan's video to you is creepy. The brim of his hat is obscuring his eyes, and his voice is emotionless.
* And then there's the scene when {{spoiler|Atlas reveals his true self and transforms Ryan Industries into Fontaine Futuristics.}} An unsettling combination of being underwater, more steam coming from tower than a tea kettle, a deranged case of [[Evil Gloating]], and a sharp change to a red, ominous logo not only drives home the horrors, but also how badly {{spoiler|[[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|you've screwed everything up]]. [[Trigger Phrase|Not that you really had a choice.]]}}
* By the time you get to Point Prometheus, you've got enough weapons and plasmids to not worry about dying anymore. But then you get to the Little Sisters Orphanage, and see that one ghost scene, of a little girl scooting back into a storage closet, sobbing "Please, Dr. Suchong, I don't want to go onto the table!" Two notes: we've never seen a "ghost sequence" from someone still alive, and the closet she was hiding in was piled high with stacks of identical little dresses. You have to wonder about the failure rate was for the Little Sister conversion.
* There comes a point where you stop being afraid of death in this game. That doesn't stop you from being ''afraid''.