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Despite the title, this trope is not a cross between [[Groin Attack]] and [[Kill It With Fire]].
== [[Comic Books]] ==
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== [[Literature]] ==
* Ripper from ''[[World War III|The Zone]]'' novels, who drives everyone mad with his unbelievable stories of his family's misadventures back home in Hicksville.
* Partly in [[Sixteen Thirty Two1632]]. Subverted in the sense that the Americans are quite intelligent and adaptable. Played straight in that several are easy-going good natured fellows when they are not blowing things up.
* Corporal Opie Dalrymple in ''Rally Round the Flag, Boys!'' by Max Shulman. He was a country music star before he was drafted, but being in the Army doesn't stop him from writing new songs or weaken his drawl.