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== Live Action TV ==
* ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined (TV)|Battlestar Galactica Reimagined]]'':
** The "Helo on Caprica" plot in the first season was like this. Favorable fan reaction to Helo upgraded him to [[Mauve Shirt]], and a new plot was born. It's actually evolved to the point of being an entire series long affair, which in retrospect the writers may have never considered until the miniseries was over and done with.
** Likewise the four Cylons revealed in the Season 3 finale are practically Schrodinger's Hit-squad. All were perfectly plausibly human until the revelation, one even went through an "Am I a Cylon?" existential crisis and was told by an existing Cylon that he wasn't! But after the revelation, things still fit with them being Cylons. Though there are a few niggling plot details on how one managed to infiltrate colonial society for so long, the series kept its word that "anyone can be a Cylon". At this point, with one last Cylon left to reveal, the only people we ''know'' aren't Cylons are Helo {{spoiler|and Cally}} (have a [[Half-Human Hybrid]] child with a Cylon), Roslin (flat out told by the only one who knows she's not), and Apollo (can at most be a half Cylon).
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* Each season of ''[[Twenty Four|24]]'' has lots of shots of various characters giving significant looks and suspicious glances, so when [[The Mole]] is revealed, no matter who it is the audience has already been given a lot of seemingly suspicious behavior to justify it.
** The reason why is that each season only ''starts'' with the first half of the season planned out. The rest is written on the fly.
* The new ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' set one of these up with the Master. {{spoiler|After his death and cremation, an unidentified hand reaches in and takes a ring he wears. The creators have said they have no plan for this, and have not assigned the hand to belonging to anyone in particular. It's meant as a hook that the next batch of writers and producers can retroactively fit into their own plot when they want to resurrect him again.}}
** {{spoiler|As things turned out, ''they'' were the ones who ended up using it for the Tenth Doctor's finale.}}
* As a nod to the pre-written victory/concession speeches from [[Real Life]] below, [[The West Wing]] final season election had Santos' speechwriter do these, then additional permutations (won but lost home state, lost but won home state, etc.) were brought up for the contingency speech list...
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** In the sort-of prequel ''[[DM of the Rings]]'', during a dice roll for an enemy attack, the dice accidentally drops beneath the table to an inconvenient spot. The player who the attack was targeted towards then calls himself an "Uncertainty Lich" between life and death (though the issue is quickly cleared up).
* Hilariously occurred in ''[[Gold Digger (Comic Book)|Gold Digger]] Tangent''. The comic had a forum right beneath it, where people often speculated. One person yelled out, without spoiler tags. "Ooh! That one guy we saw taking a bath is going to swoop in and pull a [[Big Damn Heroes]], making him a Chekhov's gun!" The artist's response? "Great, now I need a new way to bail them out!" He figured it out.
* In Chapter 2 of ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court (Webcomic)|Gunnerkrigg Court]]'', a set of glowing pictures (a [[Shout -Out]] to the film ''The Peanut Butter Solution'') are briefly featured in the library. When asked about the pictures, Tom Siddell explained that he has planned out a [[Story Arc]] involving those pictures, but he isn't certain that he'll be able to work that arc into the comic. So it's unknown at this time whether those pictures will end up being a [[Chekhov's Gun]] or just [[Cow Tools]].
** The waveform has collapsed: [[Word of God|Tom says]] that particular story arc has been cut.
* Every single thing in ''[[MS Paint Adventures]]''. Since the various series use [[Interactive Fiction|fan-submitted suggestions]] to drive much of the plot, seemingly non-sequitur commands like "[[Problem Sleuth|Build a fort out of your desk]]" can lead to larger developments in the in-game universe. Or just be one-off non-sequiter gags.
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== Real Life ==
* Many of a stage magician's illusions rely on some form of this. [[The Other Wiki]] [http://en.[ (magic) |has more details]].
* Politicians facing elections usually have their victory ''and'' concession speeches prepared well in advance. Similarly, newspapers pre-write articles and obituaries. [[Hilarity Ensues]] if they jump the gun and [http://en.[ Defeats Truman|publish a wrong article]].
** ''[[The West Wing]],'' being a show about politicians and elections, [ mentioned this.]
* Similarly, Nixon had a speech ready in case something happened to Neil Armstrong and crew during their lunar soujourn.
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