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Quite simply-- When a character's life seems to 'jump'. They are at work and then suddenly they are at home, with no memories of what happened in between. Sometimes the memories will come back in the form of flashbacks.
This can happen for many reasons-- [[Laser-Guided Amnesia|memory damage]], aliens, [[Trauma -Induced Amnesia|trauma]], [[Grand Theft Me|posse]][[Demonic Possession|ssion]], or [[Split Personality|multiple personalities]], just to name a few.
[[What Did I Do Last Night?]] is the lighter and/or more comedic version of this trope, usually related to drinking too much (see also [[Binge Montage]]).
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* ''In Like Flint''. While playing golf with the U.S. President, Z.O.W.I.E. chief Lloyd Cramden uses his stopwatch to time the President's golf swing. When he checks the watch, he finds that the swing took 3 minutes. His investigation of the missing 3 minutes leads to the discovery of a plan to take control of the minds of women all over the world and put a nuclear sword of Damocles in orbit around the Earth.
* Aaron Stampler in ''[[Primal Fear]]'' mentions that he "loses" time over his childhood. {{spoiler|This is explained as his alter-ego taking over during times of stress.}}
* This is something that the title character must deal with in the domestic drama ''Regarding Henry'', starring [[Harrison Ford]]. When Henry [['Tis Only a Bullet In The Brain|survives a gunshot wound to the head]], the resulting pinched artery affects his memory. Cue the rest of the movie depicting him [[Quest for Identity|coming to terms]] with [[Loss of Identity|not remembering anything]] about [[Missing Time|his life before]] the [[Trauma -Induced Amnesia|shot]].
* This happens to Eddie in ''[[Limitless]]'' when he starts taking too much NZT.
== Literature ==
* [[Robert Heinlein]]'s novella "[http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Unpleasant_Profession_of_Jonathan_Hoag:The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag|The Unpleasant Profession Of Jonathan Hoag]]"
* In [[Lois Duncan]]'s ''[[Down a Dark Hall (Literature)|Down a Dark Hall]]'', the girls in the school are possessed by ghosts randomly, and they have don't remember anything that happens while possessed.
* This is apparently what Ginny's possession in ''[[Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets]]'' looked like from her end, based on her account from [[Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix|three books later]]: "When he did it to me, I couldn't remember what I'd been doing for hours at a time. I'd find myself somewhere and not know how I got there."
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* In ''[[Medium]]'' Alison is possessed by a ghost which causes her to not have any memories while the ghost is in control.
* ''[[Eli Stone]]'' gets this in the first season finale, which is how he realizes he's in a coma-induced hallucination.
* Happens to Donna in an episode of ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' where she's stuck in a virtual reality. Though in her case, time really DOES jump, and people just tell her that it's her memory.
* ''[[House (TV)|House]]'':
** Happens to one of the vict--- patients of the week.
** Happens in the Season 2 finale when House himself, while walking down a stairs, realizes he can't remember what happened between being in his office and walking down the stairs. Some have interpreted this as House gaining temporary [[Medium Awareness]], as the show cuts directly from the office to the stairs; the interim is not depicted.
* Sometimes happens in association with UFOs and other phenomena in ''[[The X Files]]''. In the first episode, Mulder is ecstatic when he and Scully lose nine minutes while investigating alien abductions.
* Happens to Sharon Valerii onboard the ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined (TV)|Battlestar Galactica Reimagined]]'', when her Cylon programming kicks in, leading to her sabotage the ship's water tanks without realising it.
* Happens to Dr.Brennan on [[Bones]], after she gets attacked by a criminal of the week and framed for murder. She believes it's some sort of mental effect naturally, while Booth thinks it's voodoo at work.
* Happens to Fred Ade-Williams in Season 4 of ''[[Tinsel]]''.
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