Renegade (fanfic): Difference between revisions

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* [[Awesome but Impractical]]: Firestorm barriers, per [[Word of God]]. Their power draw is enormous and they only go in one direction, and the projectors are still vulnerable to enemy fire, making them only really useful as a surface defense system with the projectors armored and buried underground. The Firestorm can be angled to create a pyramid-shaped defensive dome, but this won't work on spacecraft because they can be attacked from any angle, and the shield would draw about three times as much power as the rest of the ship's systems put together.
* [[Badass Army]]: GDI and Nod. The former fought the Turian Hierarchy almost to a standstill on Shanxi, without much understanding of mass effect technology. The latter is implied to have some incredibly badass troops (if lacking in the raw numbers and sheer firepower of GDI). When asked what Nod's troops were like, [[Word of God|Peptuck's response]] was to put up pictures of [[Deus Ex Human Revolution (Video Game)|Adam Jensen]], [[FEAR|the Point Man]], and a [[Halo|Spartan]].
* [[Badass Minds Think Alike]]: In Chapter 8, Admiral Havoc & Garrus plan to assault a warehouse full of mercs by [[Stuff Blowing Up|blasting open the door]] and [[Dynamic Entry|charging in]] with [[Mini -Mecha|Wolverines]] and [[No Kill Like Overkill|sixty soldiers]], [[More Dakka|guns blazing]]. Shepherd manages to convince them to [[Stealth Based Mission|sneak in with a small team]]. {{spoiler|Zaeed's plan for assaulting the warehouse is the ''exact same plan'', adjusted for being a [[One-Man Army]]}}.
* [[Beam Spam]]: GDI's approach to space combat appears to take this as its central doctrine.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: Kaidan's appearance in Chapter 9, {{spoiler|taking down Zaeed.}}
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* [[Mathematician's Answer]]: A lot of Peptuck's responses to questions.
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: The appropriately named ''Glacier''-class dreadnoughts fielded by GDI, which are described as having an almost impractical amount of firepower.
* [[Mini -Mecha]]: The REV12 Wolverine and the Turian Hierarchy's Steelclaw knockoff.
* [[Noodle Incident]]:
** For Zaeed, that "one very unlucky dirigible."
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* [[Scars Are Forever]]: Shepard's face is severely scarred as a result of her experiences on Akuze {{spoiler|apparently due to a close encounter with Scrin buzzers.}}
** Partially subverted: Shepard was offered the chance to have her scars removed, but chose to keep them as a reminder.
* [[Shout -Out]]:
** Chapter Three:
{{quote| “That big walker,” she ordered. “We’re going to [[Firefly|kill it with our brains.]]”}}
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** Kane references ''[[Star Wars]]'' while talking to Saracino, saying that "Director, I find your lack of faith disturbing." He's grinning the whole time, so it's quite clear he ''knows'' what he's referencing. {{spoiler|Jacob}} even lampshades it.
** [[The Man Your Man Could Smell Like (Advertising)|"Smug: I am on a rachni."]]
** Three in Chapter 8: {{spoiler|Tali}}'s stealth systems have a certain [[Crysis (Video Game)|mechanical voice announcing when they activate]], there's a [[FEAR|REV]] [[Mini -Mecha]], and one of the mercenaries mentions getting [[Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique|"biology lessons" on a quarian prisoner]] from a guy named [[Battle Los Angeles|Nantz]].
** When Jacob and Zaeed are talking in Chapter 9, mention is made of a "maxim" that "The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy." Which is [[Schlock Mercenary|Maxim Twenty-Nine]].
* [[Space Cold War]]: Between GDI and the Citadel. There ''was'' a cold war between GDI and the Batarian Hegemony, but GDI didn't take those slaver raids very well....
* [[Standard Sci -Fi Fleet]]: [[Word of God]] has laid out that the different navies of both GDI and Nod have distinct compositions and doctrines. GDI's fleet primarily consists of carriers and lighter ships, with an emphasis on base-hopping and resource and convoy interdiction, with enormous, heavily-armed fleets for destroying hardened targets and "super-heavy carriers" based on MCV technology that are designed to supply cluster-wide operations. Nod, on the other hand, uses larger numbers of lighter cruisers, complete with long-range fighters and light carriers, with an emphasis on destroying enemy supplies and support and avoiding a decisive engagement, causing the enemy to waste resources and spread himself thin defending against constant attacks. Both navies make use of MCV/Crawler technology to let them operate deep in enemy territory.
* [[Stealth in Space]]: Both Nod and GDI appear to have one-upped the original timeline's stealth systems; GDI has finally cracked Nod's stealth tech to develop a working optical cloak, used in conjunction with the thermal cloaking the original Normandy had. Complete with an early throwaway line about SIS being "impossible".
* [[Superweapon Surprise]]:
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* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: One of the major points of contention between the Citadel and GDI is that the latter won't share tiberium with the former, never mind that the stuff turned one of the safest planets in the galaxy into the deadliest planet in the galaxy in less then half a century.
* [[We Are Everywhere]]: Nod. They can apparently {{spoiler|alter communications from the Citadel at will to obfuscate what happened at Eden Prime}}, and later {{spoiler|manage to get a building-sized hologram of Kane to appear in the Council Chambers}}.
* [[Wham! Line]]: {{spoiler|You can't kill the Messiah.}}
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Shepard gives a minor one to Garrus when he {{spoiler|blows out the electronics of the car that the kidnappers are driving}}.
* [[Word of God]]: ''Lots'' of hints are dropped by the author in the Spacebattles discussion thread. On the other hand, the author is also [[Shrug of God|extremely evasive]] on some questions, at some points outright saying "I dunno."