New Vindicators: Difference between revisions

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** Flostobito and the Big-A seem to have caught on with Michuru81 who now uses them in story.
** Also, Apocalypse-Tasties started out as a nickname the PCs came up with, Bulwark ends up using it in the actual story.
* [[Fan -Preferred Couple]]: There is not a man, woman, or child alive who does not want to see Anomaly and Tripper together.
** As Women in the Oubliverse are essentially [[Unfortunate Implications|cheating machines]], Anomaly and Tripper are liked mainly because they are the only central characters to have a functional relationship. But if upcoming arcs are to be believed [[True Art Is Angsty|that's too boring]].
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Anti-Neo-Sapien prejudice. This [[Your Mileage May Vary|may]] lead to [[What an Idiot!]], as the entire population of the United States is more than willing to smack-talk SPB's to their face, despite the threat of face-melting.
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* [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]: All Nephilim get them when they use their powers.
* [[God]]: Elemenoh P. Quares
** Who is, incidentally, a [[Shout -Out]] to a Kender PC from D&D games long gone by.
* [[Grand Theft Me]]: Chimera, to the point where you're not sure who is who anymore.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Several examples:
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* [[Schoolgirl Lesbians]]: Fathom, anyone?
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money]]: The Meinstein family along with the other four major owners of Patriot Robotics.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Several characters are references to past PCs from games the author has played in, mostly seen with the Europeans.
* [[Significant Anagram]]: Whenever the Aurelius or any mage casts a spell in this univrese, the incantation is an anagram. For instance, when the Aurelius casts a spell that lets himself fly he says, "lyf." When Coup casts an illusion he says, "nulliosi." Adrianna's teleport spells are simply "teleport" spelt backwards (tropelet).
** Gumshoe's real name is Mark Diet which is an anagram of Tim Drake (DC Comics' Robin, who Gumshoe is an [[Expy]] of).
** Suicide Dave is an immortal bent on killing himself. His real name is David Dathe. Dathe is an angram of "death."
* [[Single -Stroke Battle]]: {{spoiler|The Shadow cleaves through Samael with one slash of Deimos' katana}}, {{spoiler|Abaddon is taken out when his son grabs him,}} {{spoiler|Astaroth pretty much ended both Drew and Barachiel with one blow each.}}
** Seems to be that when you're in command of raw, god-like power in the world of the New Vindicators, one blow is all it will take to erase your existence.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: One has only to read his replies to fans to get this impression of Michuru81, but his [ blog] gives some huge indications of it as well.
* [[Spin-Off]]: The mystical adventures of the Illuminati take place in the same universe as a New Vindicators, though the two have never had a cross-over, except for <s> [[Wolverine Publicity|Rumble]]</s> [[The Scrappy|Rumble]] taking part in a few of their adventures.
** On the other hand is the recently started Oubliette County, it has no connections whatsoever (that we know of) with Universe 137. Players in the game currently wonder why they are bothering.
* [[Story -Breaker Power]]: Rift until the conclusion of the Apocatastasis arc, Sclera, Rumble, Quintessence, Taegan, and Apocatastasis.
* [[Strangled By the Red String]]: Brass & Rumble are inexplicably attracted to each other and start a relationship pretty much off-screen. Why? Because the local [[Mary Sue]] needs herself a man naturally.
* [[Suddenly Sexuality]]: Characters in the story come out at odd moments. Taegen just before his death, Prof. Incendiary in Chimera's backstory.
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** Arguably, the one strong, responsible female adult character in the entire story was Natalie Styles. She was loved and respected by all her students, acted in relatively intelligent and reasonable ways and had the beginnings of a normal relationship with Michuru Bradshaw. {{spoiler|Naturally, [[Women in Refrigerators|she had to die as soon as possible]].}}
*** [[Word of God]] states that this was done to [[True Art Is Angsty|deepen the character of Michuru]], [[Just Take Our Word For It|all off-screen of course]] and the reader will be pleased to know that Michuru doesn't have that big of a role in the series from that point onward until far later on in the series.
* [[The Thirty -Six Stratagems]]: {{spoiler|Adonis Skraag}} best used #10 but has also executed #1-3, 5-7, 9, 11, 14-15, 18-22, 25, 27-29, 31, 34 & 36.
* [[Time Travel]]: This is all a part of {{spoiler|Hikari's backstory/forwardstory}}
* [[Token Evil Teammate]]: Deimos
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* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: Frostbite justs wants a hug!
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: {{spoiler|Adonis}} can be either this or just a [[Card-Carrying Villain]] depending on what side of the bed he got up on that morning.
* [[What Measure Is a Humanoid?]]: Christmas Clark's relationships are entirely based on this.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: When Adonis Skraag makes it painfully clear that he's not over Chienne Bedford, Magnus Loder not only begins dating her but makes fun of Adonis for it, beats him down with his powers in the Wreck Room, and proceeds to lust after Maria Espada while doing so. Once he lands her he starts lusting after Alicia, who he knocks up and leaves as soon as Maria is acquitted of murder. Meanwhile he belittles Jacque Webber for having the job he wants, fights her, loses, and proceeds to run his mouth. All the while Magnus has information on the Affiliation but doesn't want to tell Lex because he wants to show him up.
** According to Magnus' player, Mr. Loder being such a massively terrible person was all part of his idea for the character. I'd say it worked.
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[[Category:New Vindicators]]