Grey Knights: Difference between revisions

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* [[Magic Knight]]: They are the only [[Super Soldier|Space Marines]] chapter to consist ''entirely'' of [[Psychic Powers|psykers]]. And in 40K that's basically ''bad'', as it makes you much more prone to [[The Corruption]]. However they are so [[Badass]], that it doesn't matter much to them, making them even more [[Cursed With Awesome]] than any other psyker.
* [[Mercy Kill]]: Their motive for killing civillians in daemon infestations. Given its 40k, their logic isn't that insane.
* [[Mini -Mecha]]: With the coming new army book, I give you [ the Nemesis Dreadknight]!
* [[Number of the Beast]]: The [[Initiation Ceremony]] of a new aspirant include 666 Rites of Emperor -- psychic tests explicitly compared to [[Mind Rape]], that ''most'' testees fail -- either by subjecting to Chaos, or simply going insane.
** The Grey Knights are also Chapter Number 666, of (an estimated) 1,000..
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* [[Space Marine]]
* [[The Spartan Way]]: Grey Knights is one of the (if not ''the'') chapter with the strictest selection procedure among the loyalist Marines -- and that's ''before'' any psychic tests begin -- see [[Number of the Beast]] entry. And after ''that'' the [[Laser-Guided Amnesia|aspirants' memories are flushed]] to ensure that they don't have any attachments [[The Corruption|the Chaos]] could exploit as weak points, which ''also'' leads to a fairly high number of subjects going insane. In short, [[We Have Reserves|the rejection rate]] among the aspirants would make [[Mad Scientist|Fabius Bile]] proud.
* [[Story -Breaker Power]] - The entire chapter as of the fifth edition codex. Both terms of fluff and game rules.
* [[Superpowered Mooks]]: See [[Magic Knight]] entry. Psykers are common among Space marines, but no other chapter consists ''solely'' of them.
* [[Super Soldier]]: Rather self-evidently.
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* [[Body Surf]]: {{spoiler|Magos Antigonus}} manages to do this thanks to some [[Lost Technology]].
* [[Breath Weapon]]: Lord Ebondrake, taking the form of a large dragon, can breathe black flame.
* [[Convection, Schmonvection]]: Averted in ''Dark Adeptus'', where a villain holds Alaric a distance from an active fusion reactor, causing him to start toasting.
* [[Despair Event Horizon]]: Some Guardsmen are mentioned as having "finally lost the will" when they think Alaric has fallen to Chaos.
* [[Dodge the Bullet]]: {{spoiler|Ligeia's death cultists}} do this.