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The [[Marvel Universe]]'s [[The Avengers (Comic Book)|all-star superhero team]], rebranded for the new millennium.
After ''[[Wham! Episode|Avengers Disassembled]]'', Tony Stark disbanded the Avengers. [[Time Skip|Six months later]], a prison riot at the Raft proved that the world needed an Avengers team, so [[Captain America]] recruited the other heroes who helped stop the riot - [[Iron Man]], [[Spider-Man]], [[Luke Cage Hero for Hire|Luke Cage]] & [[Spider-Woman (Comic Book)|Spider-Woman]] - to form the New Avengers. As the first few arcs went on, the team was joined by [[Wolverine]], [[The Sentry]] & Ronin (a disguised Echo, sent by [[Daredevil]] in his place). Following ''[[Civil War (Comic Book)|Civil War]]'' through to the end of ''[[Dark Reign (Comic Book)|Dark Reign]]'', the team was forced underground, but with the beginning of the Heroic Age they were free to operate openly.
Currently, the team is officially sanctioned by S.H.I.E.L.D., and is one of two public teams of Avengers currently active in the [[Marvel Universe]]. They are led by Luke Cage and based in Avengers Mansion.
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*** [[The Chick]]: Spider-Woman {{spoiler|(Veranke)}}
*** [[Sixth Ranger]]: Wolverine, The Sentry
*** [[Eleventh -Hour Ranger]]: Ms. Marvel
** The post-''[[Civil War]]'' line-up
*** [[The Hero]]: Luke Cage
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** Avengers Tower until its destruction during ''[[Fear Itself (Comic Book)|Fear Itself]]''.
** Avengers Mansion (current)
* [[ItsIt's Not You, ItsIt's My Enemies]]: Daredevil pulls this when Captain America first approaches him to be part of the first line-up. He tries to pull it again when Luke Cage & Jessica Jones ask him to join the team following ''[[Fear Itself (Comic Book)|Fear Itself]]'', but they point out it doesn't really work, since he'd be an Avenger & they'd have his back.
** Doctor Strange tries a similar argument after Daniel Drumm swears vengeance on him, which sets up one of Luke Cage's better lines. "Okay. Raise your hand if any of you [the gathered members of the New Avengers] have ever had the bad guy threaten all holy hell on you before he died, went to jail, disappeared, vanished, or just in general felt like lipping off." Every hand in the room goes up.
** On the other hand, Jessica Jones walked away from the team because her daughter's life was threatened by Norman Osborn.
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* [[Trauma Conga Line]]: This series has been ''hard'' on Doctor Strange. The final flare-up of dark magic which led him to give up the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme; the quest for his successor with a Dormammu-empowered Hood at his heels; and finally the abrupt [[Diabolus Ex Machina|invasion of Agamotto]] into their dimension, which the new Sorcerer Supreme, Brother Voodoo, repelled at the cost of the Eye of Agamotto and his own life -- all happened in issues of ''New Avengers''.
* [[Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object]]: "I've always wondered what would happened if I [[Buffy-Speak|Iron Fisted]] a Hulk..." <ref>[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|Let's just say the object moves]].</ref>
* [[Wham! Episode]]: Issue 31 - {{spoiler|[[The Reveal]] that the Skrulls were covertly replacing high powered figures on Earth [[Secret Invasion|in preparation of an invasion]].}}
* [[Wolverine Publicity]]: There are three characters who have been in the book since the very first arc - Luke Cage, Spider-Man & Wolverine. Guess which one's the [[Creator's Pet]] & which two this trope applies to.