A Cure for Love: Difference between revisions

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* [[Bond Villain Stupidity]]: {{spoiler|Astraea}}
* [[Break the Cutie]]: L after {{spoiler|Light is poisoned by Astraea.}} [[It Got Worse]] after {{spoiler|Light regains his Kira memories and kills Watari and Misa.}} Also Light {{spoiler|after breaking up with L... and [[Lonely At the Top|taking over the world,]]}} and Matsuda [[Horrible Judge of Character|after discovering his faith in Light's innocence was unfounded,]] Sayu and Sachiko after they are told that Souichiro and Light are dead, and Mello after discovering how L lied to him.
* [[Britcom]]: Yes, in an anime fanfic. [[Useful Notes/British Accents|Light and L sound]] [[Foe Yay|like they]] [[Hypothetical Casting|should be played]] by [[David Tennant]] [[Doctor Who (TV)|and John Simms]]. It's a [[Justified Trope]] since L and several other characters were raised in England [[Translation Convention|and naturally since the original story was in Japanese they wouldn't be speaking American English either.]]
* [[British English]]: [[Translation Convention|Most of the characters speak this way, see above.]] Matt has more of a Cockney accent and [[Jerkass|Near]] [[Eagle Land|is American.]]
* [[Broken Ace]]: Light and {{spoiler|V}}.
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* [[Dirty Coward]]: Light, lampshaded "you're like a rat in the desert!"
* [[The Ditz]]: Matsuda
* [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!]]: Light {{spoiler|after he survives a chemical attack and the taskforce babies him.}}
* [[The Dragon]]: {{spoiler|Matt to V}} and {{spoiler|Mikami to Light}}.
* [[Dragon Their Feet]]: {{spoiler|Mello to V. Justified because V, [[Luke, I Am Your Father|his mother,]] was trying to keep him out of harm's way.}}
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* [[Dude, Where's My Respect?]]: Matt is not impressed by Kira and Light finds it irksome that he doesn't bow down in worship like all the others.
* [[Due to The Dead]]: {{spoiler|Though Light had Watari killed,}} he is respectful of {{spoiler|Watari}}'s room and treats it like a shrine.
* [[Dysfunction Junction]]: Whoo boy... Matt got pressured into working for a terrorist organization in order to keep his boyfriend safe {{spoiler|he was pressured into this by his boyfriend's MOTHER no less}}. L and Light are mortal enemies and deeply in love with each other and that goes about as well as you might expect they ''were'' [[Tragedy|happy together]]... until {{spoiler|Misa conspires with Astraea to return to Light his Kira memories.}} After his [[Relationship Upgrade]] with Light, [[Horrible Judge of Character|L considered Misa to be one of his only friends]] even if she is a [[Serial Killer]] that wants him dead. Light caught L talking with Mello in a clandestine meeting and [[Crazy Jealous Guy|assumed he was cheating on him.]] Light kills {{spoiler|[[Yandere|both Watari and Misa when they both became a threat to his relationship with L and then he kept L drugged up for about a week.]] Later when L regains his senses he pretends to be all forgiving [[Kiss of Death|and gives Light a hug]]... [[Cold-Blooded Torture|and then throws him down onto a bed of broken porcelain.]]}} Then there's the Yagami family. [[Heteronormative Crusader|Mr. Yagami is loudly against Light and L's relationship]] {{spoiler|[[Disproportionate Retribution|and so Light used his death to advance his schemes.]]}} L had unknowingly become Light's [[Morality Chain]] and so when L {{spoiler|breaks up with Light and tells him he should be committed}} Light becomes very cross and {{spoiler|[[Take Over the World|Takes Over The World]]}}. When Light {{spoiler|leaves}} L made up some excuse for his mother and sister-something along the lines of [[Star Wars (Film)|Kira betrayed and]] [[Death Faked for You|murdered Light]] and so Sayu wants Kira dead because she believes he killed Light. Matsuda strongly believes in Light's innocence up to the point where Light had him tied to a chair while practicing his [[Evil Laugh]] [[Break the Cutie|and so his idealism has been crushed.]] Both Kira and L {{spoiler|have hit the [[Despair Event Horizon]] since their breakup and haven't been getting much done and this is noticed by their underlings. Light is rapidly losing his grip on his remaining sanity and has been relying on [[Beleaguered Assistant|Mikami]] more and more to do all the administrative duties of ruling the world. [[Lonely At the Top|Also since Light feels secure in his rule and he has too much time on his hands]] and wants to forget about L he has developed a drug problem.}} Aizawa only stays on because he fears everything will fall apart if he leaves. Both Mello's {{spoiler|mother and boyfriend were killed by Kira- and on that last note Matt's death was a [[Psychic -Assisted Suicide]] and [[Died in Your Arms Tonight|he dies in Mello's arms.]] Then there's Mello's mother and her [[Dark and Troubled Past]] Mello was a [[Child By Rape]] and his mother was trained to be an assassin by Wammy's house. She was never allowed near her son as he grew up and the man she loved committed suicide.}} And then Near is just... Near the "poor copy" [[Emotionless Girl|Emotionless Boy]].
* [[Eagle Land]]: [[Jerkass|Near]] speaks with an American accent.
* [[Enemy Mine]]: L and Light/Kira.
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* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Light, L, {{spoiler|V}}, Near in ''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6866923/1/Last_Night_I_Dreamt_Somebody_Loved_Me Last Night I Dreamt Somebody Loved Me]'' but he seems to have lost his claws in the main story.
* [[The Masochism Tango]]: Light and L. Full stop.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Astraea, the Greek Goddess of Justice. Also, quite possibly V-[[Shout -Out|she has a]] [[V for Vendetta|Vendetta.]]
* [[Metaphorically True]]: L tells Sayu that Kira betrayed and murdered her brother.
* [[The Mole]]: Light, naturally. {{spoiler|And V.}}
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* [[No Indoor Voice]]: Mr. Yagami
* [[Not Good With Rejection]]: when L essentially breaks up with Light, wanting to have him committed, Light becomes very cross and {{spoiler|[[Take Over the World|Takes Over The World]]}}.
* [[The Not -Secret]]: 1) Light and L's "secret" relationship. 2) L, Astraea, Matt... pretty much everyone [[Selective Obliviousness|but the Kira Taskforce]] knows that Light is Kira.
* [[Not So Different]]:
{{quote| '''Sayu:''' I guess I'm frightened. And angry. Kira killed my family, not just Dad and Light. He killed all of us. And I have no time for L and his 'investigation.' If it wasn't for him then they'd still be alive. But then, Dad and Light believed in him. They thought he'd defeat Kira. [[What the Hell, Hero?|I'm angry at him because, well, you expect this from Kira; killing is what he does. But L has betrayed my family.]]}}
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* [[Overly Long Gag]]: Light annoys L when he begins listing his many, ''many'' ex-girlfriends.
* [[Original Character]]: V.
* [[Out -Gambitted]]: {{spoiler|V by Light. However she does manage to [[Heroic Sacrifice|protect her son]] by [[Half Truth|ommitting the fact]] that Kira has made [[Murder By Mistake|a literal error in judgment]].}}
* [[Papa Wolf]]: Matt for {{spoiler|V}} and Mello and Light for L:
{{quote| '''Matt''': I know you're Kira or whatever... [[Sarcasm Mode|this is me impressed.]] Doesn't change the fact that if you start any funny business with her, I'll shoot you through the fucking wall. I'm quicker than you and your little Diary of Death. OK?}}
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* [[Sherlock Scan]]: Near deduces the following about Kira from speaking with Light on the phone:
{{quote| '''Near:''' Kira, if it was Kira, sounded like a Japanese male in his late teens to early twenties... Slim build. He was probably wearing a suit since he was definitely wearing a tie. Irritable.}}
* [[Shout -Out]]: There are ''tons.'' Matt hums the ''[[Star Wars]]'' "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bzWSJG93P8 Imperial March]" when [[Big Bad|Kira]] enters [[The Omniscient Council of Vagueness|the meeting room.]] Also when Light gets a scar on one of their misadventures of getting shot at he grumbles in his [[Internal Monologue]] that it makes him look like ''[[Harry Potter (Literature)|Harry Potter]]''. Also in the [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6866923/1/Last_Night_I_Dreamt_Somebody_Loved_Me deleted scenes] Mello compares Light to the [[Byronic Hero]] Heathcliff of ''[[Wuthering Heights (Literature)|Wuthering Heights]]'' and his [[Freudian Excuse]] [[Fridge Brilliance|is similar in this ficverse.]]
** "[[Resident Evil|Matt had just been spectacularly killed by a zombie riding a unicycle.]]"
** [[The Lord of the Rings (Literature)|"One does not simply walk into Mordor."]]
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* [[Would Be Rude to Say Genocide]]: L points out to Light that his subordinates have opened death camps. Light denies he has anything to do with it (after all, [[Weapon of Mass Destruction|why would he need to]]? [[Pragmatic Villainy|His means of mass murder is so much more efficient]]).
* [[Wounded Gazelle Gambit]]: Light, he makes {{spoiler|V}} [[Just a Flesh Wound|shoot him in the arm]] so that he will look innocent to the investigators.
* [[WrittenbytheWritten By the Winners]]: Light upon meeting {{spoiler|Matt}} and realizing, [[Crowning Moment of Funny|to his horror, that once he's secured his new world this would go down as the first meeting of Kira and Astraea-this is going to be in the history books!]]
* [[X Meets Y]]: ''[[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]]'' meets ''[[Torchwood]]'' meets ''[[The Smiths (Music)|The Smiths]]'' meets ''[[Brazil (Film)|Brazil]]''.
* [[Yandere]]: Misa towards Light and after Light regains his Kira memories he becomes both possessive ''and'' obsessive of L. He begins making up excuses to himself why he isn't going to kill him now like "it's not a good time," or "I want to break him first" (suggesting he really does love him underneath the psychosis. [[Hypocritical Heartwarming|Light becomes very angry and upset]] [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You|when someone else tries to kill L]].) Light arranges things so that {{spoiler|Misa kills Watari, [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|and then he kills her]] because he felt threatened that Watari was going to make L break-up with him and that Misa (a Yandere herself would try and kill L so that she and Light could be together).}} Light keeps L drugged up for weeks afterwards and spends so much time with him that his infatuation [[Everyone Can See It|becomes rather obvious to everyone]] at which point Light even considers killing his own father because he's against their relationship. {{spoiler|Later he does use his father's death to further his schemes.}}
* [[Yaoi Guys]]: Light and L, Matt and Mello
* [[Yes -Man]]: Mikami. Light notes that his vocabulary is limited to "Yes, Kami."
{{quote| '''Matt''': He's always prissy, sitting at his desk like, 'I'm the king of you' to everyone and then Kira prances in and ol' Miki's literally throwing himself on the ground all, 'Take me up the arse, oh mighty one.' Bloody eejit.}}
* [[You Are Grounded]]: L is amused when this happens to Kira.