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The story opens with then-Lieutenant Shepard, a biotic GDI Commando who finds herself forced to accept the assistance of the Brotherhood of Nod when slavers attack Elysium, and as a result is catapulted into heroism and fame. Seven years later, on the way to the GDI colony world of Eden Prime alongside a Council Spectre, she discovers an old enemy has emerged and attacked the human colony: the alien Scrin, working alongside the synthetic geth and a mysterious alien dreadnought.
Written by the same author behind ''[[Tiberium Wars (Fanfic)|Tiberium Wars]]'' and ''[[Forward (Fanfic)|Forward]].'' Notable for the level of depth involved in depicting the effect that a GDI-led humanity would have on the galaxy. It is indicated that this universe's Earth is set after the "good" ending to ''Tiberium Wars'' where the Liquid Tiberium Bomb was not used. The story also draws a great deal of inspiration from the canceled ''Tiberium'' game, using various designs, weapons, and uniforms from the game, such as the Integrated Combat Suit and a variant of the GD-10 weapon.
Archived story thread on Spacebattles can be found [ here], and version available [ here].
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Has an official prequel in the form of ''[ Eagle's Fall]'' by Charnobyl, which covers the Shanxi War between GDI and the Turian Hierarchy.
Not to be confused for the [[Renegade (TV series)|television series.]]
{{examples|Examples of tropes in this fanfic:}}
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** Speculation (partially supported by [[Word of God]]) is that {{spoiler|the Scrin are hiding specifically to avoid doing this to the Reapers.}} And unfortunately, {{spoiler|they seeded the wrong world with tiberium....}}
* [[Awesome but Impractical]]: Firestorm barriers, per [[Word of God]]. Their power draw is enormous and they only go in one direction, and the projectors are still vulnerable to enemy fire, making them only really useful as a surface defense system with the projectors armored and buried underground. The Firestorm can be angled to create a pyramid-shaped defensive dome, but this won't work on spacecraft because they can be attacked from any angle, and the shield would draw about three times as much power as the rest of the ship's systems put together.
* [[Badass Army]]: GDI and Nod. The former fought the Turian Hierarchy almost to a standstill on Shanxi, without much understanding of mass effect technology. The latter is implied to have some incredibly badass troops (if lacking in the raw numbers and sheer firepower of GDI). When asked what Nod's troops were like, [[Word of God|Peptuck's response]] was to put up pictures of [[Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Video Game)|Adam Jensen]], [[FEARF.E.A.R.|the Point Man]], and a [[Halo|Spartan]].
* [[Badass Minds Think Alike]]: In Chapter 8, Admiral Havoc & Garrus plan to assault a warehouse full of mercs by [[Stuff Blowing Up|blasting open the door]] and [[Dynamic Entry|charging in]] with [[Mini-Mecha|Wolverines]] and [[No Kill Like Overkill|sixty soldiers]], [[More Dakka|guns blazing]]. Shepherd manages to convince them to [[Stealth Based Mission|sneak in with a small team]]. {{spoiler|Zaeed's plan for assaulting the warehouse is the ''exact same plan'', adjusted for being a [[One-Man Army]]}}.
* [[Beam Spam]]: GDI's approach to space combat appears to take this as its central doctrine.
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* [[Death World]]: The general perception of Earth is that it's an even deadlier world then Tuchancka with one of the key differences being that when presented with the possibility of getting off the planet like the krogan a large portion of the human population chose to stay put. Which of course lends itself to the perception of humanity as a species of crazy BAMFs by the rest of the galaxy.
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Standing GDI military doctrine calls for overwhelming force in response to any attack, up to and including launching a full-scale war on one of the major galactic powers like the Batarian Hegemony.
* [[Doomed Byby Canon]]: Subverted - {{spoiler|Nihlus}} is still alive.
** Played straight when it comes to {{spoiler|Corporal Jenkins}}, but see below.
** Well, zig-zagged with {{spoiler|Jenkins}}, who makes it much further through {{spoiler|the Eden Prime mission}} than he ought to.
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** Zaeed pulls this with Jacob and the GDI Marines in Chapter 9, while storming the warehouse. Both Shepherd and Jacob [[Genre Savvy|are alert for him to doublecross them]]. {{spoiler|He does, but is foiled by Alenko.}}
* [[For Want of a Nail]]:
** Garrus' shift from a somewhat impetuous [[Cowboy Cop]] to "[[Twenty Four24|Jack Bauer]] meets the [[There Was a Door|Kool-Aid Man]]" appears to be a direct result of GDI's presence in the timeline. Thanks to GDI aggressiveness, the Council expanded the number of Spectres, and he was given an opportunity to join. He made the choice to become a Spectre, and as a result never got the instilled restraint he would have otherwise received as a police officer. The result is a Spectre who is overly aggressive.
** To a much lesser degree, there's Jacob Taylor. In the traditional ME timeline, he joined the Corsairs because he thought it would cut down on the red tape that the SA puts on its military, and left to join Cerberus when even Corsairs proved little better than the Marines. In the ''Renegade'' timeline, the GDI's time honored tradition of "Step 1: identify problem. Step 2: apply military force. Step 3: repeat Step 2 until problem ceases to be problematic," seems to have prevented Jacob from ever wanting to leave the standard military.
** Zaeed's presence on the Citadel is apparently as a result of this. Due to GDI's friendliness with the krogan, Wrex got a job on Eden Prime as a bodyguard. As a result, Zaeed was the one hired by the Shadow Broker to deal with Fist.
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** To quote Shepard: "Most little girls had dolls. I had a datapad with ''[[The Prince]].''"
** Kane references ''[[Star Wars]]'' while talking to Saracino, saying that "Director, I find your lack of faith disturbing." He's grinning the whole time, so it's quite clear he ''knows'' what he's referencing. {{spoiler|Jacob}} even lampshades it.
** [[The Man Your Man Could Smell Like (Advertising)|"Smug: I am on a rachni."]]
** Three in Chapter 8: {{spoiler|Tali}}'s stealth systems have a certain [[Crysis (Video Gameseries)|mechanical voice announcing when they activate]], there's a [[FEARF.E.A.R.|REV]] [[Mini-Mecha]], and one of the mercenaries mentions getting [[Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique|"biology lessons" on a quarian prisoner]] from a guy named [[Battle: Los Angeles|Nantz]].
** When Jacob and Zaeed are talking in Chapter 9, mention is made of a "maxim" that "The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy." Which is [[Schlock Mercenary|Maxim Twenty-Nine]].
* [[Space Cold War]]: Between GDI and the Citadel. There ''was'' a cold war between GDI and the Batarian Hegemony, but GDI didn't take those slaver raids very well....
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* [[Take That]]: Chapter Three's Codex entry has a jab at the canceled ''Tiberium'' game when referencing the GD-10, saying the original product was canceled for "failing to meet quality standards."
** There's also the obligatory shot at Mass Effect 1's elevators, including a reference to the Elcor Hamlet ad.
** [[[[Die Hard (Film)|Die Hard]] “You hit him with the cargo hauler while he was airborne?” she guessed, and he scoffed.<br />“Of course not,” he said.]]
* [[Tank Goodness]]:
** GDI is still driving around "house sized masses of fuck you." (While they have not yet been described with the full phrase, the standard description ''is'' still "house-sized". Make of this what you will.)
** Garrus hijacks a tank to capture an unarmed, injured mercenary. [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|Make of that what you will.]]
* [[Teasing Creator]]: Peptuck seems to take an inordinate amount of pleasure in doing this in the discussion thread. One of his favorite non-answers is to post a picture of [[Gargoyles (Animation)|David Xanatos]] with a smile on his face and [[Clasp Your Hands If You Deceive|his hands clasped before him.]]
* [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill]]: GDI's approach to warfare is pure, unrelenting firepower coupled with [[Disproportionate Retribution]]. For comparison to the original timeline, the assault on Torfan was a costly ground attack through the pirates' tunnels. In this timeline, Torfan's base was orbitally obliterated by an ion cannon barrage that destroyed the complex and everything within fifty kilometers of the base. GDI, furthermore, has ''twenty'' defense platforms surrounding the Charon relay, each with six dreadnought-grade ion cannons on it. They're very serious about possible invasion.
** Interestingly, this is pretty much the opposite of the System Alliance's doctrine, which emphasized flexibility and mobility.
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** Or sometimes telling a [[From a Certain Point of View|very specific version of the truth,]] like when he remarked that Kane will not be appearing in chapter 5. {{spoiler|Kane does appear.}} The last line of his post is
{{quote| "I said there was no Kane in this chapter, and look. [[Exact Words|Not one instance of the word "Kane" anywhere in this chapter]]."}}
** When asked if units and tech from the Red Alert series would make an appearance (He had already confirmed that the first Red Alert game exists in this continuity, post Allied victory) he simply responded with a picture of [[Gargoyles (Animation)|David Xanatos]]. [[Teasing Creator|Its since become his favorite response to certain questions or comments.]]
** [[Word of God]] is actually [[Shrug of God]] when it comes to Shepard's appearance; with the exception of being female, severely scarred, and a biotic, all other details are left ambiguous so the reader can insert whatever appearance they think is appropriate.
*** When asked about how fast GDI's build times were, Peptuck's response was "Fast but not too fast. And no, I'm not going to be any more specific than that."
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* [[X Meets Y]]:
** The story is essentially ''[[Tiberium Wars (Fanfic)|Tiberium Wars]]'' meeting ''[ Graveyard Shift]''.
** Garrus is, per [[Word of God]], "the fusion of [[Twenty Four24|Jack Bauer]] and the [[There Was a Door|Kool-Aid Man.]]"
*** He calls what Garrus becomes in canon Mass Effect 2 "Sniper [[Batman]]."
** Tali is her canon self mixed with the stealth skills of [[Splinter Cell|Sam Fisher]] and [[Metal Gear Solid|Solid Snake]], with a [[Crysis (Video Gameseries)|Nanosuit]].