Still Waters Series/Characters/Still Waters 3: Difference between revisions

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== Student 4 Kobayashi Ayumi ==
Pretty, popular, and with a good sense of style in addition to the fact that she started her own band, Ayumi seems to have all the makings of a class favorite. But with her actions towards other students such as Caro Shaw, it seems she's hiding something ugly. What's going on, here?
* [[A -Cup Angst]]: Not as flat as that, but she's extremely jealous of Kara's...bigness.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Suggesting that someone else is more attractive or better at something than she is is probably a bad idea. Also, she doesn't like when people go against her plans or ideas.
* [[Break the Cutie]]: She suffered this in early childhood following the death of her father
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== Student 7 Mako Sylvester ==
The second transfer student, Mako Sylvester is a half-blood whose parents live in the midwest of the US. But why is she in Mahora rather than a place near her home?
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]: {{spoiler|Touch based psychic powers are cool, right? Well...not when you have no control over them and you read ''all'' emotions, thoughts, and other things ''every time you touch someone'' or in some cases some''thing''}}.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]
* [[Gentle Giant]]: The third tallest girl in the class, most of the others think she's very intimidating; she is one of the kindest, most polite people around.
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== Student 13 Ono Ran ==
Perhaps the spookiest student in the class, she is well known for scary-accurate fortunetelling. appears there's something else going on here. How does she know so much?
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]: {{spoiler|Mind control? In her case it also amounts to mind-overwriting if she isn't careful, and it's an effect that's ''always'' "on". She has to keep it under constant rein at all times}}.
* [[Creepy Child]]
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: Perhaps the worst off of the bunch.
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* [[Big Breasts, Big Deal]]: Type 5. She had an...unusual childhood.
* [[Even the Girls Want Her]]: As seen several times throughout the story.
* [[Hot Chick Withwith a Sword]]
* [[Midnight Blue Eyes]]
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]
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== Student 17 Endo Haru ==
An active, athletic sort of girl, Endo Haru would prefer to ride around on her bike rather than hang out or gossip with the others.
* [[Cursed Withwith Awesome]]: {{spoiler|Shapeshifting into a giant wolf-like creature, potential youkai powers...actually sounds pretty useful. She considers it a curse, however. She and Keiko all but say the trope name while discussing her powers early in Book 2}}.
* [[Enemy Within]]
* {{spoiler|[[Half-Human Hybrid]]}}: {{spoiler|Half human, one quarter each Wolf Youkai and Fox Youkai}}
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* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: As displayed wonderfully in Kyoto, in chapter 12 of Book 1.
* [[Dance Battler]]: Uses a modified form of [[Capoeira]].
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Spinning]]: She spins often when fighting.
* [[Fan Service]]: Her fighting style is almost entirely composed of spinning, handstands, and kicks, and since she's often wearing her school uniform with its [[Dangerously-Short Skirt|pleated]] [[Panty Shot|skirt]]...
* [[Finishing Move]]: A windpipe-crushing kick to the throat, as seen in the Kyoto arc. It's mentioned in her character story that one-shot-kill type attacks make up a large portion of the moves she was trained in.
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== Kagurazaka Asuna ==
After graduation, she went to Kyoto with Konoka and Setsuna to continue her training with those more experienced in the facets of combat she is interested in. Now she's back, and guess who has extra space for her to live in?
* [[Cool Sword]]: She carries a black katana in which an [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|evil spirit is sealed]], which she received in Still Waters 1.
* [[Hot Chick Withwith a Sword]]
* [[Master Swordsman]]: She's become this after her time in Kyoto with the Shinmeiryu
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Often seen in nothing but a towel, accidentally exposing her underwear, or otherwise accidentally trying to drive Negi crazy.
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* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]
* [[Cool Sword]]: She carries an ancient katana once wielded by [[Famed in Story|a princess who had it created in order to save her lover's life]]. [[Word of God]] says it's [[Empathic Weapon|got a mind of its own]] and [[Only the Chosen May Wield|chose Konoka]] to wield it.
* [[Hot Chick Withwith a Sword]]
* [[Master Swordsman]]: [[Word of God]] says she's isn't carrying that sword for nothing.
* [[Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant]]: Cemented with the "Scallion incident", which Asuna and Kazumi will absolutely refuse to talk about, and the mere mention of which will turn Setsuna into a pale, babbling, horrified lump. Konoka will ''smile quizzically and cock her head to the side when asked about it''.
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== Sakurazaki Setsuna ==
* [[Berserk Button]]: Don't mess with Konoka.
* [[Hot Chick Withwith a Sword]]
* [[Master Swordsman]]: Even more than before.
== Saotome Haruna ==
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* [[Chainsaw Good]]: Her favorite tool with which to dispense justice.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]
* [[Girl Withwith Psycho Weapon]]: She prefers a chainsaw, but has a distinct fondness for (and skill with) all sorts of gardening implements.
* [[Loners Are Freaks]]: She suffers from others perceiving her in this way.
* [[Peek-a-Bangs]]: Her hair has grown too long and she keeps swiping it out of her face, but it always falls back to cover one eye.
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* [[Badass Bookworm]]: as proven during the defense of Mahora in Book 1.
* [[Beware the Quiet Ones]]: Again, as proven during the defense of Mahora in the "Intruder" arc in Book 1.
* [[Girl Withwith Psycho Weapon]]: Ever wonder why she always wears that poncho? Chances are it's got something to do with hiding the two machetes strapped to her back.
* [[Machete Mayhem]]: Her weapon of choice.
* [[The Speechless]]: She was rendered mute by a severe injury to her throat.
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* [[Big Brother Instinct]]: It may not be clear at first glance, but he is incredibly protective of the students.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]
* [[Covered Withwith Scars]]
* [[Face of a Thug]]
* [[Fireballs]]: One of his magic related skills.
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* [[Memetic Badass]]: In-universe. He is unquestionably badass, but his size, his looks, and the stories about what he's done since arriving in Mahora six years ago have raised his reputation as a badass to a ridiculous extent.
* [[Papa Wolf]]: He is this toward his students, but he will back off and let Negi take care of it out of respect if he knows Negi's nearby.
* [[Playing Withwith Fire]]: His Elemental ability.
* [[Rogue Agent]]: This is his official status with the American Division, due to his actions during Still Waters 1.
* [[Stern Teacher]]: A single glare will scare most students into obedience, but he doesn't punish those who don't deserve it.
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* [[Stern Teacher]]: She is seen this way, though she isn't really a teacher.
== Takahata Takamichi ==
* [[Badass in Aa Nice Suit]]
== Konoe Konoemon ==
* [[Amusing Injuries]]: He receives them pretty much any time he appears in the story.
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* [[Ambiguously Evil]]: Individually, they have any number of motives for what they do, and thus far they've only come into conflict through stupid mistakes or as collateral damage.
* [[Asskicking Equals Authority]]: [[Word of God]] says this is mostly the case here.
* [[Stronger Withwith Age]]: As a vampire ages, it gets stronger through practice and experience.
* [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork]]: This appears to be a big part of their interactions with each other.
== Number 1 Lord Zeph Castor ==
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* [[Mind Control]]: One of his many skills.
* [[The Minion Master]]: Summoned ''dozens'' of shadow creatures in the "Intruder" arc of Book 1.
* {{spoiler|[[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]]}}: It is implied that this is what happened to him after the "Intruder" arc in Book 1.
* [[Starter Villain]]: Drunk and overpowered on the blood of not just one but ''two'' [[Supernaturally Delicious and Nutritious]] girls, he's got enough power and experience to give an unprepared Negi a challenge.
== Number 5 Sir Alexander Stratos ==
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* [[Black Magician Girl]]
* [[Skilled but Naive]]: She is said to hold a huge amount of power, even among vampires, but she's still just a baby by vampire terms.
* [[Wide -Eyed Idealist]]: In a vampire sort of way.
== Number 25 Everitt Crowley ==
* [[Dirty Old Man]]: Emphasis on "old". His favorite pastime is looking at stone-age pornography.
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A mysterious woman who is much older than she looks. What is her connection to the demons...?
* {{spoiler|[[The Hunter]]: She was created to hunt demons.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Impaled Withwith Extreme Prejudice]]: To a wall. By a Demon. With her own sword.}}
* [[Lady of War]]: Though Misora and Sarah love trying to shake her composure.
== Sir Robert The Dragonslayer ==
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== Fate's Group in Book 1 ==
== Fate ==
* [[Dragon Withwith an Agenda]]: Becomes apparent after Book 1 and {{spoiler|his interaction with Chisame at the end of Misora's arc}}. Exactly why he is even following Ocali is unknown at the moment.
* [[Villain Forgot to Level Grind]]: {{spoiler|As seen at the beginning of the Misora arc when Chisame dropped a mountain on him, and again at the end when Misora's group wiped the floor with his group, coming out of it almost without a scratch, again thanks to Chisame's intervention}}.
== Foloren Doubt ==