Sprite Wars/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Multicolored Hair]]: His hair is multiple shades of Brown.
* [[The Men First]]: At one time he gave the men under his command a three day pass to relax while he had business to take care of.
* [[Permission to Speak Freely?]]: Asked this when a General acctually considered enlisting a young [[Magical Girl]] in the Liberators:
{{quote| '''Briano''': Permission to speak Freely Sir?<br />
'''Liberator General''': Go ahead Captain.<br />
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=== Shane ===
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]
=== Blade ===
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* [[Artificial Intelligence]]
* [[Badass Automaton]]
* [[Base Onon Wheels]]: Large enough to qualify as one.
* [[Fixed Forward-Facing Weapon]]: Though it can hit anything within the forward facing firing arc at intercontinental distances.
* [[Magnetic Weapons]]: When the Main Weapon is in Railgun configuration.
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* [[Expressive Mask]] /EyeGlasses: Ghost with his Shades on. [[Rule of Funny|Don't ask why.]]
* [[The Faceless]]: Neither of them have been seen without their Balclavas.
* [[Kill It Withwith Fire]]: Used on Roach when he first appears, but it gets subverted.
* [[Mask Power]]: Both of them have it going for them.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Both, but mostly for Roach. Aside from what he suffered through in the [[Modern Warfare 2|Game]] how he got introduced into the Sprite Wars Universe shows us he earned this name for a reason.
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* [[Hey, It's That Guy!]]: All three of them are from the [[Modern Warfare 2|Modern Warfare 2 Game.]]
* [[Bash Brothers]]
* [[Captain Ersatz]]: So the Three Rangers from Hunter Two-one, 75th Ranger Regiment are fighting alongside Orange Clad Soldiers, the [[Warhammer 40 K40000|Tau Empire]], a pair of [[Badass]] Task Force Operators from the 141 and a [[Friendly Sniper]] girl who has an obsession with Rice? Sounds like some sort of [[Fan Fiction]] gone completely mental.
* [[Cool Shades]]: Ramirez wears a pair of sunglasses.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Dunn