Shadow of Israphel/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* {{spoiler|[[Evil Laugh]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Hoist Byby His Own Petard]]: He is killed in the same fire he started when Simon and Lewis push him in and manage to block him from jumping off the bay.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Kill It Withwith Fire]]: He burns down Barbecue Bay, as well as Mistral City.}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Mole]]}}
* [[Sidequest]]: Makes Simon and Lewis help him in defeating Grimmjaw before they can gain his trust.
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* {{spoiler|[[Eye Scream]]}}
** {{spoiler|"I popped his eyes and drank the goo."}}
* {{spoiler|[[Impaled Withwith Extreme Prejudice]]: How he killed one of the Skylords.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Our Vampires Are Different]]: Apparently there is no significant difference between vampires and humans in Minecraftia since nobody ever seemed to suspect him of being one.}}
* [[The Reveal]]: {{spoiler|He's a vampire, and why Skyhold is deserted: he killed everybody.}}