• John Ratzenberger improvised Aogaeru's song sung to No Face, and the producers kept it in.

Welcome the rich man
He's hard for you to miss
His butt keeps getting bigger
So there's plenty there to kiss!

  • Another ad lib by Ratzenberger after Aogaeru was coughed up by No-Face.

Aogaeru: Now that is an esophagus!

  • "Sen! I'm sorry I called you a dope before! ...I take it back!!"
  • The exchange between Yubaba and Kaonashi (No Face). She sees him charging at her and hits him with a Fireball spell. Cue Vomit Indiscretion Shot—Yubaba didn't stand a chance.
  • No Face's spewing, roaring rampage dwindling down to stumbling after Chihiro and hacking up some goo, after which he politely excuses himself.
  • Yubaba's frantic search for Boh.
  • Chihiro's tentative climb down the very high, very long staircase to the boiler room—then when one of the steps near the top breaks, her running full-speed down the rest of it, screaming at the top of her lungs, and finally crashing into the wall at the bottom.
  • When Yubaba tells Haku that she's going to give Chihiro one final test, a whole crowd gathered on top of the bathhouse boos Yubaba and she yells, "SHUT UP!" and they quickly retreat.