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* [[Crapsack World]] - Terrorists around every corner, corruption in every rank of the government, allied governments not giving a damn about Britain's survival, Russia openly slaughtering British agents in the street, and [[Anyone Can Die]] taken to [[Kill'Em All]] proportions (by this point it's safe to assume that basically all the current major characters will not survive). Oh, and if ''[[Foregone Conclusion|Code 9]]'' [[Foregone Conclusion|is still canon]], the [[It Got Worse|London will be destroyed]] sometime after the end of the series.
* [[Cruel and Unusual Death]]: Several
* [[Defictionalization]] (some terminology and catchphrases invented in this series are now used by the real MI-5)
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Ros, to an extent in series 8.
* [[Did Not Do the Research]] (a lot, including one episode using the term "zero day attack" for {{spoiler|turning a denial of service attack back on a Russian submarine}})