StarCraft: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ascended to A Higher Plane of Existence]]: The Protoss often believe that they ascend into the Khala when they die.
** {{spoiler|Executor Tassadar may have actually done this after destroying the zerg overmind in a void-channeled/infused kamikaze attack, quoted stating that "I have not tasted death, nor shall I"}}.
* [[A Villain Named Zrg]]: The Zerg.
* [[The Bad Guy Wins]]: It happens quite often in the Starcraft universe, mainly because [[Crapsack World|they represent the vast majority of characters]] and because "the bad guy" is usually ''playable'' in that race's campaign, so the bad guy wins [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|because the player wins]].
* [[Base on Wheels]]: One of the major Terran advantages. Their command base and primary production facilities are all capable of being lifted up off the ground and moved to other locations, either if there's an imminent enemy attack or if they just need to move to an area with better resources. Technically they don't roll on the ground as per standard for this trope, but they're not able to be used as bases until they touch down, and their movement speed is pretty slow.