StarCraft (video game)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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** [[Badass Biker]]: His trademark Vulture.
** [[Badass Normal]]: For a setting where troops in [[Power Armor]] are considered basic infantry and can be trained and outfitted for combat in a matter of minutes, Raynor's lack of psionic abilities or any other apparent enhancements makes him seem [[Ridiculously Average Guy|ridiculously average]], especially since he is not [[Book Dumb|particularly intelligent or well-educated]]. However, he more than makes up for this by the fact that he is a genuinely nice person, [[Magnetic Hero|which not only attracts friends and followers]], but also makes him one of the few humans to be respected by the Protoss as both a friend and an ally. When put together with his several years of combat experience, Raynor is as much a formidable leader of men as a combatant in his own right, the latter of which is most ably demonstrated by him managing to single-handedly beat another battle-hardened veteran in seven-foot-tall [[Power Armor]] with no more than the clothes on his back and ''his bare hands''.
* [[Better the Devil You Know]]: His reason for helping Kerrigan against the UED is a combination of this and the [[Lesser of Two Evils]].
* [[BFG]]: His sniper rifle, with its "Mark 12 Penetrator round", which he uses to great effect on Char.
* [[Book Dumb]]: He's not exactly stupid, but he does defer to the expertise of others on many occasions.
* [[Book Ends]]: He reaches for his revolver as {{spoiler|Tychus}} looms up behind him...
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Even before the Zerg invasion, Raynor had already lost countless friends and loved ones, often to circumstances beyond his control. Nearly all of his former military comrades ended up either being killed in combat or in the manhunt that followed after their unit was disbanded. Both his parents die in poverty, refusing to accept the ill-gotten earnings that he sent to them. His son was taken away by the Confederacy for having psionic powers and later said to have been "killed in a shuttle accident"; hearing the news caused his wife's health to decline until she eventually succumbed to illness. Now he lives with the guilt of having inadvertently helped Arcturus Mengsk to power by killing millions of innocent people, as well as failing to save Kerrigan from being turned into the Queen of Blades.
* [[The Captain]]: His rank and standing under Mengsk.
** [[Rebel Leader]]: After his departure.
* [[Chivalrous Pervert]]: Of course, it's hard to be chivalrous around a telepath. It can be argued that he's actually normal since [[All Men Are Perverts]], especially in the novels. Oddly enough, the novels completely change the meaning of the exchange between him and Kerrigan that imply this, turning it instead into a reflection of his [[Dead Little Sister|Dead Little Son]].
* [[Clear My Name]]: Subverted. He's branded a terrorist and outlaw by [[Villain with Good Publicity|Mengsk]], he realizes that there's no real way to clear his name, so he focuses on bringing Mengsk down to his own level instead.
* [[Cool Ship]]: He hijacked the battlecruiser Hyperion when he parted ways with Arcturus Mengsk, and it's now his flagship.
* [[Cosmic Plaything]]:
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: Prior to becoming a marshal, he was a crook and train robber along with Tychus. When they pushed their luck too far, Tychus was caught and he took the fall for their crimes without ratting out Raynor. It's one of the major reasons Raynor trusts Tychus throughout the campaign. Oh yeah, and he's lost both his wife and son; the latter to the Confederacy's Ghost program, the former to grief over their son's death.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
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* [[Humans Are Bastards]]: He seems to be the [[Only Sane Man|only decent human being]] in the ''[[Starcraft]]'' universe willing and able to take a stand against the more powerful corrupt factions. Realizing this wasn't good for his views about the humanity in general.
* [["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight]]: He tried this with {{spoiler|Kerrigan}}. It didn't work until after the events of ''Wings of Liberty''.
** He gets his own miniature version with Matt through out the campaign as he is slowly losing faith in his revolution, especially with Kerrigan back on the scene.
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]] -> [[Knight in Sour Armor]]
* [[La Résistance]]: Twice, even.
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* [[Magnetic Hero]]: Mike Liberty describes him as one:
{{quote|'''Mike Liberty:''' James Raynor was the most decent man I ever encountered during the fall of the Confederacy. Everyone else, I can safely say, was either a victim or a villain or quite often both. At first glance, Raynor seems like a backwoods cowboy, one of those good old boys swapping lies about the days gone by. There's a cocksureness, an overconfidence about him that makes you bridle initially. Yet over time you come to see him as a valuable ally and -- dare I say it? -- a friend. It all comes from belief. Jim Raynor believed in himself and believed in those around him. And from that strength came the strength that allowed him and those who followed him to survive everything else the universe threw at him. Jim Raynor was a most decent and honorable man. I suppose that's why his is the greatest tragedy in this godforsaken war.}}
** When he first leads the rebellion on Mengsk this is bordering on [[Hundred-Percent100% Adoration Rating]], which he's ''really'' uncomfortable with. This has lessened somewhat in ''Wings of Liberty'', due to him becoming cynical and bitter and a lack of success or funds, a few of the crew very briefly consider mutiny. This is put to an end though, and his crew are soon completely behind him again.
* [[A Million Is a Statistic]]: Inverted; Raynor mourned all eight billion of Kerrigan's victims, not just Fenix.
* [[Morality Chain]]: In one of the novels Kerrigan implies that thinking about Raynor is the one thing that can awaken the humanity she lost.
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* [[Rebellious Rebel]]: Joined Arcturus Mengsk and the Sons of Korhal to fight the corrupt and oppressive Terran Confederacy, but rebelled and formed his own resistance when he realized that Mengsk was even worse than them.
* [[Revolvers Are Just Better]]: He carries one around despite having an assault rifle as a default weapon. He even ''lowers his assault rifle'' and pulls out the revolver when he approaches Valerian. It's ultimately a symbolic move as the revolver only has one bullet and it's meant for {{spoiler|Arcturus, whom Raynor mistakes Valerian for initially}}. It ends up being destined for {{spoiler|Tychus}}.
* [[Right Man in the Wrong Place]]:
* [[Rousing Speech]]: Delivers an epic one before the last mission of ''Wings of Liberty''
{{quote|''"That thing may be the key to stopping the Queen of Blades, but it's our sweat and blood that'll make it happen. After everything we've been through, past all the fire and fury, the one thing I know, is that we can count on each other, to get the job done. Or die trying. If that's what it takes. Because some things are just worth fighting for."''}}
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* [[Villain with Good Publicity]]: He's the ruler of the Terran Dominion, got most of the Dominion eating out of his hand, and branded genuine good guy Jim Raynor a terrorist and a real and present threat to Terran society, with even managing to maintain his hold over the Dominion by pretending to save them from the Zerg onslaught which destroyed Tarsonis, as well as violently suppressing or slandering anybody who would challenge his rule. Most people like him, however, and are loyal to the Dominion, and he's widely considered a media darling and doesn't shy away from interviews with the press. And then {{spoiler|Raynor goes and blows Mengsk's real motivation of self-aggrandizement and ever more power, resulting in a mild [[Villainous Breakdown]]}}.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: Especially in the novels. At the very least, Mengsk started off this way, if the novels and [[All There in the Manual|the backstory in the manual]] are to be believed. Mengsk himself portrays himself as this after he crosses over into outright villainy and it's largely left up to the player's interpretation whether he's purely in it for his own personal gain or if he really believes he's doing the right thing. More and more, it seems he's slipping further into selfishness as time passes.
* [[Wicked Cultured]]: The man loves [[A Glass of Chianti|his liquor]], his classical music, his cigars, and plays a mean game of chess, even during his days as a terrorist rebel. His former command ship, a massive Battlecruiser named Hyperion, differs ''greatly'' from normal design standards to accommodate his tastes. To name one such variation, it has wider-than-normal hallways lined with carpets and paintings and lit by wall sconces. Raynor thinks it seems more like a fancy mansion than a warship.
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: He does this to Kerrigan by leaving her on Tarsonis. It didn't work out like he thought. It may also revenge for both her questioning his actions and over the fact that {{spoiler|she is the Ghost who killed his father.}}
* [[You Killed My Father]]: His original motive for rebelling against the Confederacy before his desire for power consumed him. It's also one of the reasons he abandoned Kerrigan to the Zerg on Tarsonis. {{spoiler|She was the Ghost that killed and decapitated his father}}.
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* [[Deep South]]
* [[Dying Declaration of Love]]: Lester declares his love for Sarge right as they are about to be eaten by a group of Zerg, much to the latters disgust.
* [[Explain, Explain, Oh Crap]]:
{{quote|'''Sarge:''' ''It's a Zerglin' Lester, smaller type o' Zerg. They oughtn’t be out this far unless...'' *hears gurgling noises behind him* ''Oh shit!''}}
* [[Lower Deck Episode]]: The cutscene they appear in.
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* [[Unperson]]: Heavily implied to happen to anyone who might get a little too talkative about their operations.
Magistrate of Mar Sara/Commander
* [[Defector From Decadence]]: Twice, first the Confederacy then Mengsk.
* [[Mission Control]]
* [[Non-Entity General]]
* [[Player Character]]
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{{quote|As of the events of Starcraft II, he has become the de-facto leader of the Protoss, but given the tribal disputes and his own youth & inexperience, things aren't going so well for him.}}
* [[Bling of War]]: Vastly contrasts his appearance in Brood War, when he wore nothing but a shoulder pad and a loincloth.
* [[Cool Starship]]: He is a Scout pilot in the events of the first game and in the sequel, he pilots a Mothership in the Protoss mini-campaign, the Shield of Aiur.
* [[Fan Boy]]: Of Tassadar's. He hopes to be as great a leader as he was someday.
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'''Raynor:''' I stand corrected. }}
* [[Blood Knight]]
* [[Drool Hello]]: In a cutscene, he walks along a hallway when slime drips onto him. He looks up... to see two hydralisks coming after him.
* [[Facing the Bullets One-Liner]]: "The Khala awaits me Kerrigan, and though I am eager to rejoin my brethen ''you will not find me easy prey''.
* [[Fire-Forged Friends]]: With Raynor.
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* [[Big Bad]] Of ''Brood War'' (though you play for her as the Zerg) and ''Wings of Liberty''.
* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: Until the end of the Protoss campaign.
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]]: She lived up to it, too.
* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: When she was human she was loyal enough, but once she became infested anyone who dared to trust her ended up paying for it.
* [[Cruel Mercy]]: Does this to Zeratul and to Mengsk.
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* [[Meaningful Name]]: "Sarah" means princess or a woman of noble stature, and "Kerrigan" means dusky or dark. According to [[Word of God]], Kerrigan was named after Nancy Kerrigan, who at the time was involved in a feud with Tonya Harding, back when she was just a throwaway character before her character was expanded. So while the meaningful name is coincidence, it still certainly fits.
* [[More Than Mind Control]]: Kerrigan is legitimately mind-controlled, but once she gets out of it, she realizes [[Evil Feels Good|she ''likes'' being evil]], and decides to become the supreme leader of the Swarm and cripple all the other factions at the same time, although her motives for this are not clear. It is hinted in the [[All There in the Manual|manual]] that the process of infestation 'binds' the infested creature to the Swarm, implying that even after the death of the Overmind, Kerrigan could not truly be 'free' from the Zerg. Fan speculation suggests that {{spoiler|the Overmind ''wanted'' Kerrigan to take over the Swarm after its demise. Starcraft 2 confirms this, making the Overmind a... good guy?}}
** Supplementary materials straight-out state that the process removed human morality. Which explains why she acts like a freaking sociopath.
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: You probably don't wanna mess with someone named the "Queen of Blades".
* {{spoiler|[[Not Quite Back to Normal]]}}