StarCraft II/Characters/Units: Difference between revisions

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Reapers are speedy base raiders armed with handguns and explosives, and equipped with jetpacks that let them leap up and down cliffs to quickly infiltrate enemy lines.
* [[Dual -Wielding]]
* [[Fragile Speedster]]: Besides the fact they're innately quick, their ability to jump up and down cliffs lets them escape pursuers that way as well. However they're very weak.
* [[Guns Akimbo]]
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* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Huge offensive power and a lot of HP, not very impressive movement.
* [[More Dakka]]: Its artillery barrage ability. Those Backpack Cannons get used, ''all at once''.
* [[One -Man Army]]: As of ''Heart of the Swarm'', the Thor is getting all-around buffed up, but is limited to one at a time.
* [[Splash Damage]]: With its anti-air barrage, which is designed to chew up clumped light units like Mutalisks.
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Set to be introduced with ''Heart of the Swarm'', it's armed with area-of-effect anti-air missiles and an anti-armor laser.
* [[Armor -Piercing Attack]]
* [[Composite Character]]: Apparently is about as durable and pricy as the Goliath, but with the Thor's area-attack and the approximate appearance of an SCV with longer arms and legs.
* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]
* [[Herd Hitting Attack]]
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* [[Jack of All Stats]]: Much like the unit it replaces, the Goliath, it's best as an anti-air unit but is also an effective ground support unit and does good damage for its cost. It's also a good base raider and has high versatility, given that it can be an air or ground unit and thus can transform to dodge enemy fire.
* [[Gatling Good]]
* [[Rape, Pillage and Burn]]: They like to allude to this in their quotes.
* [[Transforming Mecha]]
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* [[Drop Ship]]
* [[Escape Pod]]: Can be upgraded with them, allowing units inside to survive and be deployed on the ground if it gets shot down.
* [[In -Series Nickname]]: They're called "heal buses" by Marines. Some pilots don't take kindly to it.
* [[The Medic]]
* [[Nanotechnology]]
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* [[Telepathic Spacemen]]
* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]: According to the novelizations, spectres must regularly consume terrazine to keep their heightened powers. It can cause hallucinations, visions, fits of rage, and other assorted problems, such as it being as addicting as a typical drug and thus you can take too much of it regularly and these problems intensify. Taking the terrazine with jorium helps dull the side-effects a bit though.
* [[You Nuke 'Em]]
=== Diamondback ===
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Originally developed by the Confederacy, they can attack on the move with railgun turrets. They were discovered inactive in the ruins of Tarsonis and pressed into service by the Dominion and Raynor's Raiders.
* [[Armor -Piercing Attack]]
* [[Cool but Inefficient]]: The Diamondback is fast, has the ability to fire on the move, has good hitpoints, and has a strong anti-armor attack. However, their use is extremely niche, and they aren't as versatile as other units, such as the overpowered "campaign" Siege Tank.
* [[This Looks Like a Job For Aquaman]]: The mission that introduces the Diamondback has you tracking down and shooting fast, high-HP armored trains. The Diamondback moves fast, fires on the move, and does extra damage to armored units.
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An anti-armor flier, they act as a counter to heavier air units that Mutalisks can't compete with.
* [[Armor -Piercing Attack]]: With their corruption ability.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Squishier With Cephalopods]]
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: They move quite fast, do good damage, and have a lot of HP.
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* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]
* [[Flash Step]]: There's even an achievement for dodging a killing blow with Blink.
* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]
* [[Jack of All Stats]]: They move even faster than Zealots until they get their speed upgrade, but compared to other Protoss forces their damage output and HP is mediocre.
* [[Man in The Machine]]
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* [[Boring but Practical]]: A relatively small group of Sentries with good energy reserves can rapidly erect several Force Fields, letting them stop the opponent's retreat, block their reinforcements, and keep melee units at bay. Add in Guardian Shield to defend allies and the support fire it offers normally, and Sentries are a nice addition to any Protoss ground army.
* [[Deflector Shields]]: Besides the standard Protoss plasma shields, it has Guardian Shield to reduce damage to nearby allies.
* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]
* [[Master of Illusion]]: They inhereit the High Templar's Hallucination skill from the first game.
* [[Squishy Wizard]]: Keep them alive and they'll more than prove themselves worth the cost. The problem is that first part.
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In the lore, the Dragoons of old can no longer be created, the shrine dedicated to their construction lost with the fall of Aiur. The Dragoons that survived have been adapted into Immortals, anti-armor walkers with hardened shields that resist heavy-hitting blows.
* [[Armor -Piercing Attack]]: As a dedicated anti-armored unit, it gets an impressive damage buff when attacking an armored target.
* [[Beehive Barrier]]
* [[Death of a Thousand Cuts]]: The Immortal's hardened shields reduce the damage it takes from slow-attacking hard-hitting units like Siege Tanks. This the best way to deal with them is with fast-hitting weak units where their shields don't trigger and their armor-piercing attack bonus doesn't apply.
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Massive four-legged walkers that can walk up and down cliffs, they were developed centuries ago but sealed away in asteroids. The Protoss have recovered and reactivated them to serve as heavy support fighters.
* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]
* [[Humongous Mecha]]: So humongous that [[Weaksauce Weakness|air units can shoot them down]].
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: High damage output and a lot of HP, it moves at a fair clip and can walk over cliffs to take shortcuts and outrun ground enemies.
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Fast-moving air skirmish units, they can't attack ground units but don't need to--their Graviton Beam lets them bring ground units up to their level instead.
* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]: Yeah, the Protoss are big on this trope.
** [[Beam Spam]]: During development their ability was "Overload", where they fire a flurry of lasers to attack enemies with a [[Herd Hitting Attack]], then go off-line for a period of time.
* [[Gravity Master]]
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* [[Converging Stream Weapon]]
* [[Evolving Attack]]
* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]
* [[Glass Cannon]]: Surprisingly fragile for its cost and damage output, and are often considered some of the most valuable units in an army to keep alive. If they are kept alive, their charged beams kill even small, massed anti-air units like Marines ''very'' quickly.
* [[Wave Motion Gun]]
* [[Yin -Yang Bomb]]: According to the lore, it was designed by combining Dark Templar and Khalai manufacturing techniques, and its powerful energy beam is created by combining the two forms of psionic energy.
=== Tempest ===
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The new Protoss capital ship set to replace the Carrier in ''Heart of the Swarm'', it has a powerful area-of-effect air attack and a beam attack for ground units.
* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]
* [[Herd Hitting Attack]]
* [[The Bus Came Back]]: The Tempest was in the game in the Alpha phase as a dedicated anti-ground unit, though it had a different appearance. It got cut when the Carrier made it back into the game in ''Wings of Liberty'', only to return in ''Heart of the Swarm''.
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* [[Combination Attack]]: When combined with Archons, the stacking effect vortex has on air units plus the archons splash damage leads to the splash destroying nearly any air unit caught within the vortex after they emerge.
* [[Flying Saucer]]
* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]
* [[Large and In Charge]]: Without question the largest unit in multiplayer. In the campaign its rivaled by the Odin and the Leviathan.
* [[Mighty Glacier]]