Star Stealing Prince/Tear Jerker

  • The end of the Sepulcher, where Snowe has to kill his own parents.
  • The scene where Richard and Vera tell Snowe about the conditions of the sealing spell. Snowe hits a Heroic BSOD and actually asks them to kill him in order to prevent the demon from escaping.
  • One scene is, interestingly enough, a Tear Jerker by virtue of being absent of tears. Specifically, Snowe's memory of his parent's funeral. They were such horrible and distant parents that he couldn't even bring himself to shed a single tear, even when his entire kingdom was in mourning. Snowe was so horrified by his apathy that he convinced himself they were good parents, which ended up causing a lot of problems.
  • Hiante and Relenia's memories. Fortunately, they lead to Crowning Moments of Heartwarming during the finale.
  • This troper nearly lost it when he realized that the little lumps of clay that had suddenly started appearing in the castle were actually the remains of the Guards and Helpers who had used up the magic that kept them going after the link was severed. Especially after talking to the helper in the library.