Star Trek: The Original Series/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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** Possibly its ultimate triumph, as [[Nichelle Nichols]]' role on the show was the inspiration for Dr. Mae Jemison, ''America's first female African-American astronaut'', who later did a cameo on ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]''.
** And for the Bluetooth headset.
** The show is often credited as the inspiration for Dr. Martin Cooper to invent the cell phonesphone, but it also accurately predicted the tablet PC. Kirk is often shown using a stylus to sign a document on one, as we sign on electronic forms for credit card purchases today.
** The 3.5" one-megabyte computer disc looks like the small square tile discs used in the series.
** At the time the show was in production, the diagnostic panels over the beds and the "salt shaker" hand scanners used by McCoy were being developed and medical engineers were asking how the show's production designers had gotten hold of their plans. Today the diagnostic panels are commonplace.
** The military and many high-level police agencies are experimenting with non-lethal heat and sound beams to disperse riots and disarm attackers without killing them. Phasers on Stun, anyone?
** Automatically opening doors first came into common usage in the 1940s, but automatic sliding doors were still in development. The producers used to get mail from engineers demanding to know how they got their doors to open and close so fast. (They were operated by stagehands.) This lit the fire under more than a few engineers to perfect the automatic sliding door, which is commonplace today.
* [[Trope Namer]]: This series named the following tropes:
** [[Beam Me Up, Scotty]]