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* [[Arson, Murder, and Lifesaving]]
* [[Artificial Gravity]]: Rarely mentioned, but always present whenever the action takes place aboard a starship or space station.
* [[The Assimilator]]: The Borg are the trope namer and codifier.
* [[Author Appeal]]: Rick Berman has admitted that he is the one mostly responsible for so much [[Time Travel]] in the various shows. He just loves the time paradox of "this is the reason this happened but that is the origin of that event and here is where we have to make a choice as to whether this or that occurs..."
* [[Badass Army]]: The Klingons wish they were these but they are more of a subversion. Starfleet qualifies, at least in space--they tend to be somewhat underprepared for extended ground combat.
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* [[Cool but Inefficient]]
* [[Cool Starship]]: Every series has one.
* [[Collectible Card Game]]: there was one in the mid-'90s that tried to cash in on the popularity of [[Magic: The Gathering]]
* [[Command Roster]]: [[Star Trek]] is likely the [[Trope Maker]] or at least set the standard of how this trope is used.
* [[Communications Officer]]: Every series has one except ''DS9'' (though in ''TNG'', Worf gets shuffled out of the position pretty quickly and nobody really replaces him).
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* [[Emotion Suppression]]: The Vulcan culture has [[Emotion Suppression]] at its core.
* [[Emotions vs. Stoicism]]: Romulans vs. Vulcans.
* [[The Empire]]: The Klingon Empire, Romulan Star Empire and, Cardassian AllianceUnion, and Dominion. The Terran Empire in the Mirror Universe.
* [[Epic Tracking Shot]]: It's an interesting thing to note as the next generation of shows progressed in special effects.
* [[Everything Sensor]]: EVERY scanner is like this.
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* [[Exposition Beam]]: Vulcan Mind Melds are essentially this, along with a host of other [[Applied Phlebotinum]] uses.
* [[Expositron 9000]]: The ship/station computers.
* [[Fan of the Past]]: Too many to name, including Ben Sisko's love of the extinct sport of Baseball and the soft spot that Tom Paris has for classic cars and black-and-white sci-fi serials. Also, aliens love dressing up in Nazi uniforms and re-enacting WW2 (seriously, it happened AT LEAST three times!).
* [[Fan of the Past]]: Too many to name.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: There will always be at least a few members of each species that has issues with humans, other species, or vice versa.
* [[Fantastic Nuke]]: Bio-memetic gel, a key component of biogenic weapons. The actual ''effects'' of this gel are left up to the imagination; the Federation bans any and all weapons applications, so it must be pretty hairy.
** Some [[Expanded Universe]] sources imply that ''biogenic'' is the equivalent of ''weapon of mass destruction'' in current parlance. That is, this is a weapon you had DAMN well better not get caught actually using.
** The Vulcans use "Red Matter" to create pocket [[Our Wormholes Are Different|black holes]]. Nero got the bright idea of using it to ''eat a planet'' (specifically [[Death by Irony|Vulcan]]).
** The Cardassians have Dreadnought missiles.
* [[Fantastic Rank System]]: Everyone except the Federation has a different one. See the trope page for more details.
* [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture]]: While not fantasy, most of the major alien species have some connection to Real World counterparts.
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*** Starfleet - The United States Navy (Both the Earth & Federation versions of Starfleet have individual ranks & systems of hierarchy that correspond with the USN's. The color of Starfleet personnel's uniforms are based on the specifics of their job, just as its done with the flight crews aboard USN aircraft carriers. Also, during the Dominion War, "Deep Space Nine" has Starfleet deployed in the numbered fleet configurations used by the USN, with the 3rd Fleet referenced as protecting Earth & the 7th Fleet all but destroyed in a failed offensive.)
** Vulcans- Great Britain (Not a perfect match-up, but ''[[Enterprise]]'' depicted them as a regional superpower who eventually lose much of their realm of control as Earth increases theirs.)
** Klingons - Soviet Russia
*** Klingons also had some similarity to post-Soviet Russia in ''The Next Generation'' in terms of politics. But as part of [[Gene Roddenberry]]'s plan to not make them evil and a race of "black hats", they turned into... vikings. They also had no analogueanalog to the KGB, where the Romulans have the Tal'Shiar (Ministry of State Security), and the Cardassians have the Obsidian Order (The Gestapo).
** Romulans - Communist China (Secretive government who you aren't quite sure what they're up to.) The Romulans also have some allusions to the Roman Empire: Their two main planets are Romulus and Remus, they are called an Empire, their ruling body is the Senate which is headed by a Praetor, and low-ranking officers are called "Centurions".
** Bajorans - Could be perceived as Jews or Palestinians, depending on the time period and one's opinion of that conflict.
*** Starting in ''[[The Next Generation]]'', the Romulans also started to become a bit like Iran, for similar reasons.
** Ferengi - Explicitly compared to "Yankee traders" in their debut episode. They've also been accused of being Jewish stereotypes, due in no small part to the fact that most of the actors who play regular named Ferengi characters are Jewish.
** Cardassians - Nazi Germany (Mostly in regards to their Occupation of Bajor. But in some regards it is what would have happened if [[WW 2]] was a stalemate instead of an allied victory.) Weakening the comparison, the Cardassians never attempted extermination, let alone tried to wipe out the Bajoran people - even if they were very xenophobic in general. Cardassians culture is very military-center and totalitarian - on ''Deep Space Nine'' one of the characters comments that "Cardassians have a habit of looking to strong military leadership in hard times" (Bismarck, the Kaiser etc). Parallel was apparently noted in-series, as the anti-Cardassian resistance shares a name with the French resistance of WWII.
*** Cardassians as generic colonial powers works just as well as the obligatory Nazi comparison, since Bajor is always called a colony and is run along those lines: occupy and obtain resources (with local slave labor), rather than being a matter of living space or an ideology.
*** Cardassians as a version of undefeated (pre-WWII) Japan is a popular alternative, especially among those who look at details like what food they eat and many of the cultural notes in Deep Space 9.
** Bajorans- Palestinians. A religious people with a long cultural tradition whose homeland is invaded by a people who self-justify their oppressive actions through claims of moral superiority, and who [[Your Terrorists Are Our Freedom Fighters|resorted to terrorist acts]] in order to win their freedom from said oppressive invaders. Your Mileage May Vary, to put it mildly: most fans try to avoid the more unsavory real-world parallels (such as anti-semitism) of "Bajor = Palestine."
*** Bajorans as generic colonized people. (Would support the Cardassians as generic colonial powers interpretation.)
*** Bajorans as the Irish, especially in the Circle (IRA) plot-arc.
*** Bajorans actually work as a variation of the Jews and the Israelis as well. The episode "Ensign Ro" suggests this with its tale about the Bajorans losing their homeland, treated as pariahs and then resorting to terrorism (Irgun, etc) to try to regain their homeland.
** Orions- The Mafia/ Criminal Underground
** Nausicaans- Gang Leaders
** Ferengi- The East India Companies (most closely)
* [[Faster-Than-Light Travel]]: Rather hard to imagine the series without it.
* [[Fiction Science]]: The series have produced a large number of [[wikipedia:List of Star Trek technical manuals|Technical Manuals]], many of them official. These fill in many details of life in the Trekkian future, especially the inner workings of the Enterprises and other starships.
