• Despite being reduced to a minor cameo role, O'Neill is still as funny as ever.

Jack: That is why we've come all this way. Why we had to endure all that "singing". Get rid of the last bad guy, then there's... cake.

    • Three hours into the extraction ceremony...

Jack: Never, in the history of boredom, has anyone been as bored as I am, right now.

    • Then discussing Vala's disappearance.

Jack: Oh for cryin' out loud. She prob'ly just went to the bathroom. I'm next in line, by the way.

  • Alternate Teal'c and Ba'al are very funny.

Teal'c: My Lord! Shall I enact your final instructions?
Ba'al: No, you idiot, save me!

  • Daniel speaks desperately in Russian over the radio.

Mitchell: What the hell did you just say?
Daniel: We're Americans, please shoot the people chasing us!