Stargate (film)/YMMV

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  • Adaptation Displacement: The series is more widely known to audiences than the film that inspired it, partly because the original cast got replaced in all subsequent entries.
  • Cliché Storm: Roger Ebert's review boiled every element of the movie to this, right down to the snare-drum "military" music as Daniel arrives at headquarters.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: French Stewart in a movie about aliens.
  • Special Effects Failure: Retroactive example from the Blu-Ray edition. The picture quality is so much higher than when the movie was filmed that you can see the wires holding up the Death Gliders (especially during close-ups on the pilots.
  • Values Dissonance: You have to admit that all those scantily-clad children running around Ra's ship would raise eyebrows if it were done today. Yes, apparently 1994 was a more innocent time. Either that or they wanted to give Ra an implied push across the Moral Event Horizon.
    • Given how he has them trained to use themselves as human shields for him and has his own little Child-Emperor theme going, it's likely it was a different horizon they were aiming for.
    • Still an improvement over reality considering Ancient Egyptian children generally went around completely nude aside from jewelry.
  • WTH? Casting Agency: Jaye Davidson as Ra.
    • You'd think so, but Ra in Egyptian mythology was supposed to be somewhat androgynous.
    • Jaye did come across as appropriately creepy.
    • Oddly enough, Jaye Davidson initially rejected the role, basically daring the crew to offer him a million dollars to play Ra. They called his bluff.