Start My Own: Difference between revisions

+Bob Vila's split with WGBH
(+Bob Vila's split with WGBH)
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* This is the premise of the manga ''Gothic Sports'', where, motivated by the fact that they simply would never see any play in their school's normal soccer team, a few girls (with two guys...) get together and start their own team for the school.
* Ryuusuke and Eiji of ''[[Beck|Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad]]'' initially play in the same band, Serial Mama, until personal differences and a missed opportunity with a record producer drive them apart. Both find success with their respective bands: Eiji's Belle Ame is commercially-successful, backed by influential producer Ran; while Ryuusuke with Beck have a much longer arc of struggles before gaining world-wide recognition.
== Comic Books ==
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* Presumably, this is the reason why [[Image Comics]] exists. Others have claimed that Image was founded not for creative freedoms, but for [[Money, Dear Boy|bigger paychecks.]]
* In Rucka's 2011 run, [[The Punisher]] takes on The Exchange, a bunch of former members of other various criminal organizations in the Marvel universe who decided to start their own organization.
== Film ==
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* ''[[Jerry Maguire]]'' starts off with Jerry becoming disillusioned with the way the sports agency operates and he is subsequently fired. He decides to start his own agency and the rest of the movie follows his struggle to keep the business afloat while still maintaining his new principles.
* One of the jokes in ''[[Eurotrip]]'' about the Bratislavan exchange rate involves Scott tossing a small coin to a hotel employee, who then quits and announces that he intends to buy his own fancy hotel with the coin.
== Literature ==
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** Some remnants of BloodClan decide to make their own Clan... in Ravenpaw and Barley's barn.
** Sol, {{spoiler|1=some time after parting ways with SkyClan}}, attempts to form his own group in an abandoned Twoleg nest.
== Live Action TV ==
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* On ''[[How I Met Your Mother]]'' Barney and Ted always wanted to start their own bar called Puzzles. On New Year's Eve 2011 they are outraged by the high cover charge at their usual bar and jokingly suggest that they should just start their own bar in Ted's apartment. The idea takes off and news of the bar goes viral. {{spoiler|However, as more and more people show up, the party turns rowdy. As their costs due to damages and other expenses rise, they have to keep raising their prices until they are almost the same as the real bar and everyone leaves. }} Also they don't actually have a liquor license.
* The basis for several episodes of ''[[The Goodies]]'', including "Radio Goodies" and "Hospital for Hire".
* Bob Vila was originally host of ''This Old House'' on [[PBS]], a home-improvement show. WGBH-TV underwriters Home Depot and Weyerhauser [[Think of the Advertisers!|withdrew their support]] as Vila had appeared in an ad for a competing regional hardware chain in New Jersey (which is now defunct). Vila was sacked, and went on to appear in his own shows elsewhere.
== Music ==
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* Although Kim Deal formed [[The Breeders]] while she was still in [[The Pixies]], a major reason the band was started was that she didn't get to sing and/or write enough songs in her main band.
* Original [[Weezer]] bassist Matt Sharp started the Rentals out of a desire to do his own take on early New Wave rock, and made it his full time job after butting heads with Rivers Cuomo.
== Newspaper Comics ==
* In ''[[Calvin and Hobbes]]'', Hobbes departed (or was booted out of) [[Fun with Acronyms|G.R.O.S.S.]] and formed his own club, C.A.D. (Calvin's A Dope).
{{quote|'''Calvin:''' ''That's'' not a name for a club!}}
== [[Professional Wrestling]] ==
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* After David Otunga schemed to get [[Wade Barrett]] kicked out of [[The Nexus]] and [[CM Punk]] installed as leader in his place, Barrett went to [[Smack Down]] and formed The Corre instead. And two other founding members of The Corre, Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater, walked out of [[The Nexus]] shortly after Barrett was deposed, unhappy with the way Punk was running things. Barrett is quick to point out that, unlike with [[The Nexus]], he is not the leader of The Corre, as it's a gathering of equals; then again, he said that about [[The Nexus]] at first too. It took a a few months, but Barrett's [[All About Me]] Attitude took over, and Gabriel and Slater promptly disbanded the group because of it.
* Sometimes, this happens with title belts, most notably [[Ted DiBiase]] creating the Million Dollar Belt and [[Zack Ryder]] creating the Internet Championship.
== Sports ==
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* The American Basketball Association formed in 1967 to compete against the NBA, but was actually a long-term plan to merge its teams with the NBA, which happened (for some of them) in 1976.
* The founder and first president of the ABA went on to form the World Hockey Association in 1972, and was the most successful challenge to the NHL's dominance in North American hockey and helped bring down the NHL's reserve clause. The WHA administration refused to incorporate the reserve clause (which allowed a club to extend a player's contract by a year when it expired and do so indefinitely, effectively binding a player to one club for his entire career) and set a then-landmark $2.7 million salary for Bobby Hull. Though the league didn't survive the Seventies, several teams merged with the NHL.
== Tabletop Games ==
* The third party ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'' 3.5 [[Sourcebook]] Untapped Potential was created by a group of Psionics fans in response to quality issues (Hint: It gets called "Complete Crud" for a reason) in the Complete Psionics first party sourcebook.
** ''[[Pathfinder]]'' was created by D&D fans upset with the way that D&D's 4th edition turned out.
== Video Games ==
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* In ''[[Terranigma]]'', Marily from Loire works at an expensive boutique at low wages, but after Loire expands, you can help her start her own business that sells affordable clothing to average consumers.
* In ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]'', one of the options for the White Glove Society sidequest is to expose Mortimer as a cannibal. When he realizes that he won't be able to turn the rest of the society (who are reformed cannibals) back to the old ways, he declares that he'll build an even better society before running off.
== Web Comics ==
* Trawn from ''[[Electric Wonderland]]'' started her independent newspaper out of discontent with futuristic [[Cyberspace]] news outlets placing decreased emphasis on presenting harsh truths to citizens.
* [ This] ''[[Xkcd]]'' strip tells it like it is.
== Web Original ==
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** [[All The Tropes|This very wiki]] was also a Start My Own created by several veteran tropers (including one who'd been a member of the site since its early days) who disagreed with the major changes made to TV Tropes' policies in 2012.
*** And there has been at least one fork from ATT, as well.
** Indeed, the whole point of [[Copyleft]] (for both open-source software and web content) is that the authors own the content and make it available under a free licence, so that they are free to take the work, fork off and go elsewhere with it.
* Happens online all the time, due to the relative ease of creating a website. If we listed all the examples we'd be here all day. However, two famous victims are [[LiveJournal]], which has a half-zillion clones at this point (all of them near-''perfect'' clones in fact, due to the site's open-source codebase), and [[Deviant ART]], whose restrictive policies led to the creation of SheezyArt and later [[Furry Fandom|FurAffinity]]. In most such cases, the result is similar to the comedic examples in fiction, with so many people starting their own site that none of them have many users.
* At one point in its history, the ''[[Global Guardians PBEM Universe]]'' had a new referee who decided, without any consultation on the owners of the property, or with the other referees, that he was going to rewrite the history of the game world, and move the game to a new site out of the owner's control. When he was (justifiably) booted with extreme prejudice, he declared the old group lame and started up his own. It lasted about four months before folding.
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* ''[[Taz-Mania]]'' episode "Francis Takes a Stand" featured Francis starting a lemonade stand. Taz opened another one across the street from Francis'. The only customer who ever appeared was a tax collector who, after buying a lemonade from Francis (and hating its taste), revealed himself a tax collector and took the money he gave Francis as payment for the lemonade.
* In ''[[Camp Lazlo]]'', Edward starts an "I Hate Lazlo" club, inviting everyone except, of course, Lazlo. He tells Lazlo to form his own club, the "Nothing Club", which Lazlo does. Soon everyone leaves Edward's club after finding it too boring (it's all about talking about how much they hate Lazlo, which only Edward does) and head over to Lazlo's.
== Real Life ==
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** The [[wikipedia:Metropolitan Community Church|Metropolitan Community Church]], as an international Protestant Christian denomination with a specific outreach to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities, was founded by [[wikipedia:Troy Perry|Rev. Troy Deroy Perry Jr.]] a few years after he was forced out of the [[wikipedia:Church of God of Prophecy|Church of God of Prophecy]] for being gay.
* As parodied in ''[[Monty Python's Life of Brian]]'', political groups (especially radical fringe groups) are very splinter-prone. Just for fun, try to find a list of your local political parties and see how many different leftist groups there are. Also happens on the far right.
** It's not just political parties. Any organisation which tries to bring together multiple disparate groups – each of which has its own strongly-held beliefs − is prone to this. It's a wonder that the average LGBT gay pride parade even manages to get off the ground, as one example, given the number of diverging viewpoints among most of the organisers.
** It's not just third parties, either. In 1824, Andrew Jackson won the popular vote in the presidential election as one of four candidates running under the banner of the Democratic-Republican Party, but the Electoral College was split. The party elite in Congress ended up awarding the presidency to Jackson's rival, John Quincy Adams. In response, Jackson founded his own party, the modern Democratic party, and ran against Adams four years later, winning in a landslide.
* This trope is credited as one of the reasons that Libertarianism (in the [[American Political System|American sense]]) has so much trouble becoming a party with any real power. There are simply too many different groups that consider themselves Libertarian to ever organize.
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* After Freedom Group moved Bushmaster production to New York (with disastrous consequences for quality) they left behind the old facilities and skilled workers, who promptly founded Windham Weaponry.
* Zilog, a chipmaker which made the processors for a few early desktop computers (Sinclair ZX81, Radio Shack TRS80, most of the CP/M machines), was founded by former Intel workers. Its Z80 chip would recognise the entire Intel 8080 instruction set, but there were hardware differences between the products. The 1981 introduction of the IBM 5150 PC soon tilted the balance back to Intel, as it used Intel's 8088 processor.
* World Outgames, an international athletic competition, was first held in Montréal in 2006 after that city's supposedly-successful bid to host the rival Gay Games broke down due to [[Executive Meddling]] by the parent organisation (Federation of Gay Games). The event was held in 2006 (Montréal), 2009 (Copenhagen) and 2013 (Antwerp) but went broke in 2017 (Miami).
{{quote|[[Breaking the Fourth Wall|Oh, so I'm not allowed with the other examples, am I?]] [[Self-Demonstrating Article|Fine, I'll start my own line!]] [[Overused Running Gag|With blackjack! And hookers!]] [[Futurama|In fact, forget the example! And the blackjack! Aww, screw the whole thing.]]