Steins;Gate/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* {{spoiler|[[Love Makes You Crazy]]}}
* [[Mad Scientist]]: Or, as he prefers to call himself, the [[Surprisingly Good English|Crazy Mad Scientist]] "Hououin Kyouma".
* [[The Nicknamer]]: Enjoys giving other people nicknames based on their deeds, exceptincluding: Mayuri, who already coined her ownShining nicknameFinger "Mayushii"(Moeka), andRukako Faris(Ruka), whomPart-Time alreadyWarrior goes(Suzuha), bySuper that name in public anyway. OnlyHack (Daru), and Kurisua objectmultitude to their givenof nicknames, though Daru gets more annoyed that Okabe calls him "Hack" rather than "Hacker". As for Kurisu...well, any nickname he gives her just irritates her.
**Mayuri, who already coined her own nickname "Mayushii", and Faris, whom already goes by that name in public anyway, are the only exceptions to this. Only Daru and Kurisu object to their given nicknames, though Daru gets more irritated that Okabe calls him "Hack" rather than "Hacker". As for Kurisu...well, any nickname he gives her just irritates her.
* [[Phrase Catcher]]: "[[Hypocritical Humor|You're the last person I want to hear that from]]."
* [[Screw Destiny]]
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* [[Abusive Parents]]/[[Parental Neglect]]: Kurisu's father keeps a distance from her, downright refusing to see her. {{spoiler|Justified in that he is Dr. Nakabachi}}.
*[[Accidental Innuendo]]: Subjects herself to these often, and it never ceases to embarrass her any time Okabe or Daru point it out.
* [[Adaptation Dye Job]]: Kurisu's hair is brown in the original visual novel, but has red hair in the anime.
* [[Blue Eyes]]: And they're pretty big, too.
* [[Broken Bird]]
*[[Can't Hold Her Liquor]]: In the film, it only takes one can of beer to get Kurisu drunk of her ass.
* [[Captain Ersatz]]: Looks very similar to [[BlazBlue|Tsubaki Yayoi]] (anime only) in terms of appearance, she even has the same voice actor to boot!
* [[Closet Geek]]: She often quotes internet memes, denies being an OTP without any hesitation, and clearly knows what a "tsundere" is. She also does a poor job of hiding her geeky side though.
*[[Crippling Overspecialization]]: Non-action variety. She took up maths and science from a young age, but sacrificed education in pretty much everything else to a point where even her social skills left a lot to be desired.
* [[Cry Cute]]: In episode 5, after Okabe, already irate at losing a board game with her, yells at her for calling him by his real name, and then calling her "Christina".
*[[Fiery Redhead]]: Only in the anime, and she has quite the temper to match.
* [[Guilty Pleasure]]: Posting on 2channel, dropping internet slang, just to name a few. Often becomes embarrassed when Daru and Okarin points them out.
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: Multiple nicknames used by Okabe, mainly "Christina". There's also "The Zombie" or simply "Assistant"; there was also the short lived "Celebrity 7" or "Celeb-7", and each one seems to piss her off in varying measures. She states that "The Zombie" is the nickname she hates the most.
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*[[Troll]]: At one point toys with Okabe by hanging up on him when he tries to call her until he talks to her in a more polite manner.
* [[Tsundere]]: A hilariously stereotypical one, at that. [[Lampshaded]] by Daru, much to her dismay and denial.
*[[Unkempt Beauty]]: She is no doubt easy on the eyes, but she also dresses like your average teenager with untied bootlaces, a tie only done halfway up, and her jacket hangs off the shoulders.
*[[Who Wears Short Shorts?]]: She wears a pair as part of her default attire, with a pair of stockings underneath.
* [[Yandere]]: Just... Listen to this [ drama CD].
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* [[Nice Hat]]
* [[Otaku]]: 2-D girls are the only girls for him! Except when they aren't, of course.
*[[Younger Than They Look|Younger Than He Looks]]: You'd think Daru was in his mid-20's by how he acts, looks, and sounds, but you'd be wrong; he's 18, same age as Okabe.
==Ruka Urushibara ==
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==Moeka Kiryuu ==
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Saori Goto]] (JP), Jessica Cavanagh (EN)}}
A silent young woman who prefers to communicate through her cellphone. Seems to be searching the IBN 5100 as well. {{spoiler|She works for a man named FB, and will do anything he orders}}.
* [[Berserk Button]]: She is super attached to her mobile phone; try to snatch it from her, and she becomes a total psycho!
*{{spoiler|[[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Driven to Suicide]]: ''Twice''. The first was four years prior, only to be stopped when she received FB's first message. The second is on the timeline after Ruka undoes the effects of her D-Mail, as she hasn't received any messages from FB}}.
* [[The Glasses Come Off]]: She's missing her glasses when she reveals to the lab members that {{spoiler|she's an SERN agent}}.
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* {{spoiler|[[The Mole]]: She joins the lab group largely because she's also looking for the IBN 5100, and once she has everything she needs, she leads a team to capture them all apart from Mayuri, who is marked for death instead}}.
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]: Her life is pretty empty, so she always looks essentially expressionless and depressed. When in the lab for the first time, she seems intrigued by these people, but since she looks so emotionless, it's a little hard to tell.
* [[The Quiet One]]: She hates having to speak, but when using mail, she's a real chatterbox to the point where the frequency of her messages really irritates Okabe. She begins talking just a bit more frequently by the time the movie comes around, even more so in ''0''.
* [[Rei Ayanami Expy]]: Has some shades.
* [[Shrinking Violet]]
*[[Signature Device]]: The phone she always has in her hand. Moeka is almost never seen without, and as mentioned under Berserk Button, she becomes extremely angerangry if it's taken from her forcefully. She will however, hand it over if asked politely.
* [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo]]
* {{spoiler|[[Villainous Breakdown]]: [[Driven to Suicide]] after FB drops her for failing her mission in the timeline where Ruka undoes the effects of her D-Mail, [[Madness Mantra|typing on her cell phone nothing but endless strings of "FB"]]}}.
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==Suzuha Amane ==
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Yukari Tamura]] (JP), Cherami Leigh (EN)}}
A teen girl who works at Mr. Braun's shop. Likes to ride her bicycle and gets along very well with Nae, Mr. Braun's daughter. {{spoiler|She's actually a member of the future [[La Résistance]] against SERN, and has traveled to past to meet with her father Itaru, a creator of the time traveling machine. She then travels back to [[The Seventies]] and leaves the IBN 5100 in the Urushibara shrine}}.
* [[Action Girl]]: Okabe doesn't call her "Part-Time Warrior" for nothing, you know.
*[[Bare Your Midriff]]: She wears a cropped undershirt under her jacket, which she forced to do so for the rest of the day after her "seduction technique" to distraact Mr. Braun while the Lab mems performed a time leap backfired.
* [[Braids of Action]]/[[Tomboyish Sidetails]]
* [[The Determinator]]
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* [[In-Series Nickname]]: Rintaro calls her "Part-Time Warrior".
* {{spoiler|[[Kid From the Future]]: She's Daru's daughter from the future. When he asks her who is her mother, she decides to keep it a secret}}.
* [[Mundane Made Awesome]]: Despite being 18 years old, Suzuha treats even the most trivial things as if it's a grand discovery, even corn on the cob. This may allude that she {{Spoiler|isn't from this time period}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Ret-Gone]]}}
*[[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: She is the Tomboy while Mayuri is the Girly Girl.
*[[Totally Radical]]: Suzuha often speaks like this. Hell, first thing she says (in Japanese) is "Oha!!", a greeting that was considered to be dated by the 2000's. Maybe she's out of touch...maybe?
*[[Walking Spoiler]]: It isn't easy talking about her without giving awayspoiling major detailslore ofand herplot contributionsdetails. This applies to the''Steins;Gate 0'' overallas storywell.
*[[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Is visibly weirded out by Okabe's bizarre attempts to speak jive/gratuitous English.
{{Quote|'''Suzuha:'''''I can't believe you said "Word to your Mother" to this guy, you freak!''}}{{break}}
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Mayuri's coworker at the May Queen Cafe and the owner. {{spoiler|After she sends her D-Mail, Akihabara loses everything related with moe culture as her father is still alive. She also is the first character to remember memories from other timelines apart from Okabe and Ruka}}.
* [[Animal-Eared Headband]]: As part of her attire, she wears a headband with cat ears. She is almost never seen without them and, similar to how Okabe drops the theatrics, she takes the band off when she gets serious.
* [[The Ace]]: A master of the board game Rai-Net Battle to the extent where she ranks nationally in the competitive scene.
*[[Animal Motifs]]: Clearly, it's cats, since the maid café she works at has a cat theme. She wears a headband with cat ears, and works "meow" into everything she says. ''Steins;Gate 0'' adds a tail and giant cat paw gloves to her attire. Hell, she even behaves like a cat sometimes.
*[[Catgirl]]: Justified that she works as waitress in a cat themed maid café, which she also happens to own.
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** [[Princess Curls]]
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: Faris is not her real name. Very few people outside her circle of friends even know what her real name is.
*[[Living Lie Detector]]: She can spot whether a person is being dishonest or not simply by reading their body language.
*[[Meaningful Name]]: Her real name is {{Spoiler|"Rumiho Akiha" as in "Akihabara", due to the influence on the city's Moe culture.}}
*[[Moe]]: Only seems natural considering her influence on Moe culture in Akihabara.
*{{spoiler|[[The Ojou]]: She's extremely wealthy and has quite the wealthy lifestyle, though she keeps this hidden from most people}}.
* [[Rose-Haired Girl]]: Her energetic, playful attitude and pink hair matching is quite possibly not a coincidence at all: as much as she loves anime culture and considering the otherwise natural-ish hair colors, it could be dyed.