Steins;Gate/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Accidental Innuendo]]: Subjects herself to these often, and it never ceases to embarrass her any time Okabe or Daru point it out.
* [[Adaptation Dye Job]]: Kurisu's hair is brown in the original visual novel, but has red hair in the anime.
*[[Berserk Button]]: In one of the VN, she gets unreasonably irate when Faris alludes to her less-than-impressive bust when talking about her costumes potentially not fitting her.
*[[Blue Eyes]]: And they're pretty big, too.
*[[Broken Bird]]
* [[Can't Hold Her Liquor]]: In the film, it only takes one can of beer to get Kurisu drunk of her ass.
* [[Captain Ersatz]]: Looks very similar to [[BlazBlue|Tsubaki Yayoi]] (anime only) in terms of appearance, she even has the same voice actor to boot!
* [[Closet Geek]]: She often quotes internet memes, denies being an OTP without any hesitation, and clearly knows what a "tsundere" is. She also does a poor job of hiding her geeky side though.
*[[Cool Big Sis]]: she is this to Mayuri, despite the two not being related. Not only does she treat Mayuri with more respect than the guys, but she becomes concerned for her when Okabe becomes more and more distant from her.
* [[Crippling Overspecialization]]: Non-action variety. She took up maths and science from a young age, but sacrificed education in pretty much everything else to a point where even her social skills left a lot to be desired.
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* [[Hypocrite]]: In the 3rd ''Soumei Eichi no Cognitive Computing'' short, she criticises both Okabe and Daru for wearing the same clothes every day, but as Okabe points out, she is never seen wearing any other clothes besides her default herself.
** She is also in no position to give dating advice to anyone after she accidentally outs herself as a virgin.
**In the ''Sekimen Hissi no Gossip'' drama CD, she urges Daru to show his true self to his new girlfriend, yet she won't share her true self with Okabe, only alluding to an attraction after some prodding from Daru, Faris, and Moeka.
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: Multiple nicknames used by Okabe, mainly "Christina". There's also "The Zombie" or simply "Assistant"; there was also the short lived "Celebrity 7" or "Celeb-7", and each one seems to piss her off in varying measures. She states that "The Zombie" is the nickname she hates the most.
* [[Intelligence Equals Isolation]]: Prior to knowing Okabe and co., though not so much she isolates herself as others isolate her. {{spoiler|Her dad no longer wants to see her after she disproved his theory at the age of eleven, and her co-workers are mostly scientist with big egos, who are jealous of her due to her young age. In one fairly comical scene between herself, Daru and Okabe, she unintentionally reveals she's a virgin and has never been on a date}}.
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* [[Bare Your Midriff]]: She wears a cropped undershirt under her jacket, which she forced to walk around in for a day after her "seduction technique" to distract Mr. Braun while the Lab mems perform a time leap backfires.
* [[Braids of Action]]/[[Tomboyish Sidetails]]: Always sports these. The only time we see her without them is in ''0'' when they come undone after {{Spoiler|a vicious fight with Kagari.}}
*[[Captain Obvious Reveal]]: In the movie, her identity is kept under wraps initially, but even before she reveals herself to Kurisu, Cherami Leigh's voice, and the silhouette make it painfully obvious that it's her.
*[[Cat Smile]]: often has one in the VN's, like Mayuri and Faris. Unlike those two however, Suzuha doesn't work at Queen Maye's
* [[The Determinator]]
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* [[In-Series Nickname]]: Rintaro calls her "Part-Time Warrior".
* {{spoiler|[[Kid From the Future]]: She's Daru's daughter from the future. When he asks her who is her mother, she decides to keep it a secret}}.
*[[Male Gaze]]: In both ''Steins;Gate'' and ''Steins;Gate 0'', Suzuha is subjected to quite a few booty shots.
* [[Mundane Made Awesome]]: Despite being 18 years old, Suzuha treats even the most trivial things as if it's a grand discovery, even corn on the cob. This may allude that she {{Spoiler|isn't from this time period}}.
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* [[Animal-Eared Headband]]: As part of her attire, she wears a headband with cat ears. She is almost never seen without them, even when she isn't at work. She has implied that they also enhance her hearing too, but whether that's true or not is unclear.
* [[The Ace]]: A master of the board game Rai-Net Battle to the extent where she ranks nationally in the competitive scene.
* [[Animal Motifs]]: Clearly, it's cats, since the maid café she works at (and owns) has a cat theme. She wears a headband with cat ears, and works "meow" into everything she says. ''Steins;Gate 0'' adds a tail and giant cat paw gloves to her attire. Hell, she even behaves like a cat sometimes.
*[[Beat Them At Their Own Game]]: Does this with Okarin frequently, to his annoyance because she is so good at the theatrics and applying his ramblings to her own fantasies that he feels he cannot beat her.
* [[Because You Were Nice to Me]]: After Okabe rescues her from a group of thugs, she allows him to call her by real name as a sign of gratitude and trust.
* [[Catgirl]]: Justified that she works as waitress in a cat themed maid café, which she also happens to own.
* [[Cat Smile]]: Her default expression is a playful smile.
* [[Cry Cute]]: {{spoiler|When she decides to undo the effects of her D-Mail}}.
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]: Pink hair and pink eyes. Her eyes are slightly darker in the anime, though.
* {{spoiler|[[Disappeared Dad]]: Her father died, but he's alive in the timelines after she sent her D-Mail}}.
* [[Gamer Chick]]: Not just a fan of RaiNet Battle, but she's also a competitive player. She pretty damn good at it too it seems.
* [[Girlish Pigtails]]
** [[Princess Curls]]
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: Faris is not her real name. Very few people outside her circle of friends even know what her real name is.
**Unless he objects, Faris almost alwayalways addresses Okabe as Kyouma.
* [[Large Ham]]: Faris loves her theatrics just as much as Okabe does, especially when they're talking to each other.
* [[Living Lie Detector]]: She can spot whether a person is being dishonest or not simply by reading their body language.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Her real name is {{Spoiler|"Rumiho Akiha" as in "Akihabara", due to the influence on the city's Moe culture.}}
*[[Meido]]: She works in, and owns the May Queen maid cafe. Need we to say more?
* [[Moe]]: Only seems natural considering her influence on Moe culture in Akihabara. Her playful, energetic, and cutesy mannerisms only serve to reinforce this.
*[[Never Live It Down]]: {{Spoiler|After her dad took a business trip instead of celebrating her 8th birthday, she got so upset that she wished he was dead. He died in a plane crash not long afterwards.}} She has never forgiven herself since.
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* [[Serious Business]]: She takes off the cat earred headband when she wants to be serious.
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: "Faris" is apparently the official spelling, but "Feiris" and "Feyris" also see heavy use.
*[[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: She and Mayuri are the Girly Girls, while Suzuha is the Tomboy. Faris takes it further by expecting the guys to respect her privacy when it comes to her D-mail.
* [[Verbal Tic]]: She even ends her sentences with "-nya". There's also working "meow" into her sentences where possible.
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{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' {{spoiler|[[Yukari Tamura]]}}}}
Appears in the 25th episode: she is a woman whom Rintaro initially mistakes for Suzuha. {{spoiler|Actually, she is Suzuha's future mother and Itaru's wife-to-be}}.
'''''Note:''''' ''most of the tropes listed for this character are based on her appearances in Steins;Gate 0.''
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: She has big blue eyes, almost always wears a smile on her face, and has quite the figure, too. Being a cosplayer also helps.
* [[Significant Double Casting]]
*[[Nice Girl]]: Always cheerful and optimistic, plus she genuinely loves {{Spoiler|Daru for the oversized otaku that he is}}.
* [[Significant Double Casting]]
* [[Strong Family Resemblance]]: She looks (and sounds) just like {{spoiler|Suzuha}} without the braids.
** Anime version only. Her appearance in the manga ''Boukan no Rebellion'' makes it clear that Suzuha takes after her father there.
**Downplayed in ''0'' where her design was finalised, and the family resemblance is less obvious.