Steins;Gate/Characters: Difference between revisions

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*[[Break the Cutie]]: Very much so.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: Her "Tuturu~" whenever she greets someone.
* [[Cat Smile]]: Justified that she work as a waitress in a cat themed maid cafe. Seems to only be a thing in the visual novels, though.
* [[Childhood Friends]]: With Okabe.
* [[Cosplay Otaku Girl]]: She loves cosplay, but is only interested in making the costumes and having others wear them.
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* {{spoiler|[[Kill the Cutie]]: ''Many times''. Okabe went through many timelines to try to save her, but the few times he did ended badly for Kurisu}}.
* [[Nice Hat]]: Almost always wears a wide brimmed, frilly looking blue hat.
*[[She Cleans Up Nicely]]: Dowplayed, since she's already rather pretty to belong with, but nevertheless, she becomes even more beautiful when preparing for her photoshoot in her route in ''My Darling's Embrace'',
* [[Smarter Than You Look]]: Despite what her ditzy mannerisms might suggest, she can be very insightful.
* [[Third Person Person]]: Always refers to herself as Mayushii instead of using a pronoun.
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*[[Berserk Button]]: She is super attached to her mobile phone; try to snatch it from her, and she goes berserk until she retrieves it! Even offering to input your contact info for her causes her to get antsy.
*{{spoiler|[[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]}}
*[[Dark and Troubled Past]]: She was the product of an unwanted pregnancy, thus was most likely subjected to a lot of abuse from her parents until they just abandoned her. She was also ostrasized by her peers during high school, and even made attempts on her own life due to her sense of worthlessness. Her route in ''My Darling's Embrace'' explores this, as she mentions that she wanted to die in the past, her difficulties with socialising, before she tearfully acknowledges her feelings of worthlessness to Okabe when he asks her directly why she runs away from people who do care about her.
*[[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Her route in ''My Darling's Embrace'' basically has Okabe trying to get her to open up about her feelings.
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A teen girl who works at Mr. Braun's shop. Likes to ride her bicycle and gets along very well with Nae, Mr. Braun's daughter. {{spoiler|She's actually a member of the future [[La Résistance]] against SERN, and has traveled to past to meet with her father Itaru, a creator of the time traveling machine. She then travels back to [[The Seventies]] and leaves the IBN 5100 in the Urushibara shrine}}.
* [[Action Girl]]: Part of Okabe's reason for annointingappointing her as "Part-Time Warrior" is because she more or less describes herself as the latter.
* [[Bare Your Midriff]]: Beneath her jacket, she wears a cropped undershirt, which she forced to walk around in for a day after her "seduction technique" to distract Mr. Braun while the Lab mems perform a time leap backfires.
* [[Braids of Action]]/[[Tomboyish Sidetails]]: Always sports these. The only time we see her without them is in ''0'' when they come undone after {{Spoiler|a vicious fight with Kagari.}}
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*[[Eyes of Gold]]: just like Okarin, her eyes are yellow. They aren't related though.
*[[Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling]]: Along with Moeka when the Lab Mems work at MayQueen in ''My Darling's Embrace''. Suzuha plays the Responsible Sister, while Moeka is the Clumsy Sister.
*[ Full Name Basis]: In Japanese, she addresses her peers by their full names for reasons unknown.
* {{spoiler|1=[[Gender Flip]]/[[Samus Is a Girl]]: She is John Titor}}.
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: Rintaro calls her "Part-Time Warrior".
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*[[Male Gaze]]: In both ''Steins;Gate'' and ''Steins;Gate 0'', Suzuha is subjected to quite a few booty shots.
* [[Mundane Made Awesome]]: Despite being 18 years old, Suzuha treats even the most trivial things as if it's a grand discovery, even corn on the cob. This may allude that she {{Spoiler|isn't from this time period}}.
*[[New Job|New Job as the Plot Demands]]: She has taken jobs as a retail assistant, security guard, a waitress, and a stall operator. What she does depends on what the story is.
*[[Rewatch Bonus]]: A lot of Suzuha's early appearances in the beginning of the series make a lot more sense in context upon repeated viewings.
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* [[Animal-Eared Headband]]: As part of her attire, she wears a headband with cat ears. She is almost never seen without them, even when she isn't at work. She has implied that they also enhance her hearing too, but whether that's true or not is unclear.
**Her route in ''My Darling's Embrace'' reveals that the ears aren't actually part of a headband, but rather they are attached with hair clips.
* [[The Ace]]: A master of the board game Rai-Net Battle to the extent where she ranks nationally in the competitive scene.
* [[Animal Motifs]]: Clearly, it's cats, since the maid café she works at (and owns) has a cat theme. She wears a headband with cat ears, and works "meow" into everything she says. ''Steins;Gate 0'' adds a tail and giant cat paw gloves to her attire. Hell, she even behaves like a cat sometimes.
*[[Beat Them At Their Own Game]]: Does this with Okarin frequently, to his annoyance because she is so good at the theatrics and applying his ramblings to her own fantasies that he feels he cannot beat her. She is also unfazed by Okabe's (as Hououin Kyouma) attempts to emotional manipulate her, which only frustrates him even more.
* [[Because You Were Nice to Me]]: After Okabe rescues her from a group of thugs, she allows him to call her by real name as a sign of gratitude and trust.
* [[Catgirl]]: Justified that she works as waitress in a cat themed maid café, which she also happens to own.
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**"Mixy Mix Gaze" (charms her guests by gazing into their eyes while flawlessly mixing their drink)
**"The Touch" (can make one fall for her by wrapping herself around their arm)
**"Hearing Inferno" (enhanced hearing)
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: "Faris" is apparently the official spelling, but "Feiris" and "Feyris" also see heavy use. Mayuri even calls her "Feris-chan" in Japanese.
*[[Teens Are Short]]: At 4' 7<nowiki>''</nowiki>, Faris is very short even for a 17 year old; even Mayuri (who is only 5' 0<nowiki>''</nowiki> herself) overshadows her.