Steins;Gate/Characters: Difference between revisions

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The protagonist, an 18-year-old 1st-year college student and leader of the Future Gadget Laboratory. {{spoiler|He is the first in the series to be conscious of the timeline changes, an ability he calls "Reading Steiner"}}.
* [[Adaptational Attractiveness]]: He is given a much less gaunt appearance in the anime.
* {{spoiler|[[Always Save the Girl]]: He goes through many timelines to save Mayuri, although it is implied that he ultimately chooses Kurisu}}.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "I am mad scientist!", "This is the choice of Stein's Gate!", "El Psy Kongroo", among others.
*[[Chick Magnet]]: He seems to have no problem with girls swooning over him, and yes, that includes Ruka. Romance options are somewhat explored in the original game, but aren't the main focus. ''My Darling's Embrace'' leans more into the romantic options given the nature of the game itself. That said, it's also the only place where Moeka's attraction to Okabe is made apparent, and Suzuha's relationship with him is the only one that isn't romantic (though she does get cosy with him before she returns to her own time, just so Okabe doesn't forget her).
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**Suffers a '''''massive''''' one in Episode 23;beta, the catalyst for ''0''. Without Mayuri's words of encouragement, or instructions from his Future self, Okabe is so distraught over his failure to save Kurisu, and being responsible for her death, he abandons his time travel escapades, ditches his Hououin Kyouma act, and barely recovers from his series-long depression spell. His misery eventually starts to affect everyone around him, particularly Mayuri.
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: Refers to himself as "Hououin Kyouma". Mayuri and Daru call him "Okarin", a portmanteau of his full name.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: he is an annoying obnoxious tool at the worst of times, but when the chips are down, he really does care about his friends.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Jive Turkey]]: In the English dub, he tries to speak jive instead of Gratuitous English. He even quotes Vanilla Ice of all people.
* {{spoiler|[[La Résistance]]}}
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*[[Can't Hold Her Liquor]]: In the film, it only takes one can of beer (which she doesn't even finish) to get Kurisu drunk off her ass.
*[[Captain Ersatz]]: Looks very similar to [[BlazBlue|Tsubaki Yayoi]] (anime only) in terms of appearance, she even has the same voice actor to boot!
*[[Clingy Jealous Girl]]: has shades of this at times, particularly when it comes to Okabe's relationship with Mayuri. Specifically, in one of the spin-offs, she openly asks Okabe how he can be completely honest about everything with Mayuri, but turn up the theatrics with herself.
*[[Closet Geek]]: She often quotes internet memes, denies being an OTP without any hesitation, and clearly knows what a "tsundere" is. She is quite the geek, but does a poor job hiding it.
*[[Cool Big Sis]]: she acts this way towards Mayuri. Not only does she treat Mayuri with more respect than the guys, but she becomes concerned for her when Okabe becomes distant from her.
*[[Cordon Bleugh Chef]]: As Suzuha puts it, her apple pie could be classified as a lethal weapon. Aside from that, she gets the idea to add pineapple to a curry that Faris was cooking up, only relenting were Okabe recalls a similar incident.
* [[Crippling Overspecialization]]: Non-action variety. She took up maths and science from a young age, but sacrificed education in pretty much everything else to a point where even her social skills left a lot to be desired.
* [[Cry Cute]]: In episode 5, after Okabe, already irate at losing a board game with her, yells at her for calling him by his real name, and then calling her "Christina", reducing her to tears. This was out of relief when she realised he's being his goofy self and his anger wasn't genuine.
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'''Voiced by:''' [[Tomokazu Seki]] (JP), Tyson Rinehart (EN)
Best known as "Daru", he is Okabe's best friend and a hacker. Okabe considers him to be his "favourite right arm", and someone he can rely on. He is also a hardcore otaku and a massive pervert; if a girl says something that can be interpreted as a double entendre, he will ask them to repeat it in a specific manner. He is a huge fan of Faris. {{spoiler|He's Suzuha's father, but he isn't aware of this fact until she leaves}}.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Two big ones:
* [[Big Fun]]: He's a big, fat and somewhat messy guy, but he helps keep the mood going with his generally laid back personality.
**Apathy towards a friend's suffering (eg. Okabe's non-reaction to Mayuri dying of a heart attack).
**That one time a power cut disrupts his eroge game sessions.
* [[Big Fun]]: He's a big, fat and somewhat messy guy, but he helps keep the mood going with his generally laid back personality.
*[[Big, Thin, Short Trio]]: He is the big one to Okabe the Thin one, and to Mayuri the short one.
* {{spoiler|[[Future Badass]]: He leads the terrorist organization against SERN after Okabe dies in 2025, and manages to create another time machine (it's not complete like Kurisu's though), which he leaves for his daughter}}.
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*[[Crossdresser]]: Often seen wearing outfits typically worn by girls, most likely due to his feminine appearance. As Okabe describes, he looks radiant in shrine vestments, but that's because his dad makes him wear them.
*[[Crotch Grab Sex Check]]: Is a victim of this twice; once after he becomes a girl after sending a D-mail (with Okabe getting clocked for it), and again in ''My Darling's Embrace'' after Okabe moves to a world line where the two are a couple. Strangely enough, in the latter instance, Ruka admits to being fine with the act, though he wished it happened privately.
* [[Cry Cute]]: Even cuter than Kurisu! Humorously, he gets super emotional when recounting an old fable surrounding Yanabayashi Shrine.
* [[Dude Looks Like a Lady]]: "But... he's a guy!"
*[[Extreme Doormat]]: Comes across as this sometimes, particularly when it comes to doing embarrassing stuff like cosplaying. He will only do such embarrassing things if Okabe either does it with him, or if other people suggest the latter does so.
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==Moeka Kiryuu ==
[[File:moebitch_1091.jpg|frame|'''Voiced by:''' [[Saori Goto]] (JP), Jessica Cavanagh (EN)]]
{{quote|''First: You built a time machine. Secondoff: You have access to informationknowledge you shouldn't have. Second: You built a time machine. And third: You intended to go public with it.''|Moeka's explanation of why she is targetting the Future Gadget Lab}}
A silent young woman who prefers to communicate through her cellphone. Seems to be searching the IBN 5100 as well. {{spoiler|She works for a man named FB, and will do anything he orders}}.
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*[[Berserk Button]]: She is super attached to her mobile phone; try to snatch it from her, and she goes berserk until she retrieves it! Even offering to input your contact info for her causes her to get antsy.
*{{spoiler|[[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]}}: Subverted in the sense that she isn't ruthless because she's trained to be a cold hearted killer, but rather because her emotional vulnerability makes her easy to manipulate into doing other people's biddings.
*[[Drunk Personality Change]]: Though we only see a flash of this in the movie, once she has had a couple, Moeka becomes a lot more lively compared to her usual reclusive self.
*[[Dark and Troubled Past]]: She was the product of an unwanted pregnancy, thus was most likely subjected to a lot of abuse from her parents until they just abandoned her. She was also ostracized by her peers during high school, and even made attempts on her own life due to her sense of worthlessness. Her route in ''My Darling's Embrace'' explores this, as she mentions that she wanted to die in the past, her difficulties with socialising, before she tearfully acknowledges her feelings of worthlessness and why she feels that way to Okabe when he asks her directly why she runs away from people who do care about her.
*[[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Her route in ''My Darling's Embrace'' basically has Okabe trying to get her to open up about her feelings.
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* [[The Glasses Come Off]]: She's missing her glasses when she reveals to the lab members that {{spoiler|she's an SERN agent}}.
*[[Heel Face Turn|Heel-Face Turn]]: "The Quantum Awakening" in ''Linear Bounded Phenogram'' explores what would happen if Moeka made more of an effort to embrace the Lab Mems as her friends, and realised sooner that FB was just using and manipulating her.
*[[Hidden Depths]]: Despite her reclusive nature, she is quite the talented writer, having written many articles, and even co-wrote a cell phone novel in ''MDE''. ''Steins;Gate 0'' also reveals that she is quite knowledgeable when it comes to classical music in Maho's route.
*[[Heroic BSOD]]: Suffers a minor one in her route in ''My Darling's Embrace'' when she spots a mistake she made in the group's submission video for a music contest; she becomes fearful that the others would turn their backs on her, so much so that Okabe starts firing off multiple text messages out of concern for her emotional wellbeing.
*[[I Just Want to Be Loved]]: Part of the reason she is the way she is is because she never got any love or affection from her parents. Hence the reason she gets so attached to FB the first moment they give her the positive affirmation she desperately craves.
**The spin-off games explore this side of Moeka in thorough detail, particularly in her own episode in ''Linear Bounded Phenogram'', "The Quantum Awakening". She is so desperate to please FB that she triesmakes every trickexcuse inshe the bookcan to push her friends away when they get close to her, until she understands how important friends are to where she has Okabe send a D-mail on her behalf to keep herself from ever becoming a Rounder in the first place.
**''My Darling's Embrace'' further delves into her background, which Okabe uses as the stepping stone to help her open up a little bit. With Tennouji being her legal guardian in that worldline, we get a better understanding of how Moeka functions as a person, and the positive impact Okabe and the rest of the Lab Mems have had on her emotionally. It is after she has a Heroic BSOD towards the end when Okabe asks her directly that she finally opens up to the emotional damage she suffered from, and the former's affirmation that people do care about her that she can begin to heal from it.
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: Rintaro calls her [[Mobile Fighter G Gundam|"Shining Finger"]] because she can text someone lightning fast.
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*[[Perpetual Frowner]]: Her life is pretty empty, so she always looks essentially expressionless and depressed. When in the lab for the first time, she seems intrigued by these people, but since she looks so emotionless, it's a little hard to tell.
* [[The Quiet One]]: She hates having to speak, but when using mail, she's a real chatterbox to the point where the frequency of her messages really irritates Okabe.
**Beta Moeka isn't anywhere near as shy as she was in the Alpha world line, but she still speaks in short fragmented sentences and still barrages Okabe with text messages, but in general, she is more talkative, and will actively help Okabe if he needs it. In the "Steins;Gate" world line, she isalmost morenever openuses toher conversation,phone andto iscommunicate farand lessgenerally reliantlooks ona textlot messageshappier, both of which carry over into the movie.
***In fact, the only time we ever see her pull her phone out for any reason in the movie is at the beginning to show a text message Okabe sent her.
**She is way more talkative in the ''Sekimen Hissi no Gossip'' drama CD as she is given more dialogue, and only sends Kurisu text messages a handful of times.
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==Suzuha Amane ==
[[File:113764_4425.jpg|frame|'''Voiced by:''' [[Yukari Tamura]] (JP), Cherami Leigh (EN)]]
{{quote|''HEY YOU GUUUYYYYSSS!!! Sorry, that's how the kids are saying "What's up!" these days."''|Suzuha's introductory dialogue}}
A teen girl who works at Mr. Braun's shop. Likes to ride her bicycle and gets along very well with Nae, Mr. Braun's daughter. {{spoiler|She's actually a member of the future [[La Résistance]] against SERN, and has traveled to past to meet with her father Itaru, a creator of the time traveling machine. She then travels back to [[The Seventies]] and leaves the IBN 5100 in the Urushibara shrine}}.
* [[Action Girl]]: Part of Okabe's reason for appointing her as "Part-Time Warrior" is because she more or less describes herself as the latter. However, calling herself a warrior might've given away a little too much about her true identity.
*[[Armor-Piercing Slap]]: Kurisu's constant attempts to avoid appealing to her emotions pisses off Suzuha enough for the latter to dish one of these out.
* [[Bare Your Midriff]]: Beneath her jacket, she wears a cropped undershirt, which she forced to walk around in for a day after her "seduction technique" to distract Mr. Braun while the Lab mems perform a time leap backfires.
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*[[Cat Smile]]: often has one in the VN's, like Mayuri and Faris. Fittingly enough, she takes a job at MayQueen in ''My Darling's Embrace'' if the player pursues Faris' route''.''
*[[The Cutie]]: Not to the same extent as Mayuri or Faris, but she does have her moments of cuteness.
*[[Death Glare]]: Shoots one at Kurisu every time their eyes meet during the first half of the anime.
*[[The Determinator]]
* {{spoiler|[[Driven to Suicide]]: In some timelines, her older self committed suicide after giving an apology letter to Mr. Braun directed to Okabe. In others, she passes away due to illness}}.
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* [[Slacker]]: Much to Mr. Braun's annoyance, Suzuha tends to slack off from her work.
*[[Talking to Herself]]: In ''Linear Bounded Phenogram,'' she seeks advice and comfort from her alternate selves. Only she can see them.
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: She is themore Tomboy-ish whilecompared Mayuri and Faris areto the Girlyother Girls.girls, That said,but she canhas be a little bitshades of both herself, especially in more peaceful world linescharacteristics. Omega Suzuha playsis the100% a Girly Girl part straight.
* [[Totally Radical]]: Suzuha often speaks like this. Hell, first thing she says (in Japanese) is "Oha!!", a greeting that was considered to be dated by the 2000's. Another allusion to her true past, maybe?
*[[Tragic Keepsake]]: She keeps a badge that her dad gave her; the only thing she has that reminds her of him.
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<nowiki>'''</nowiki>Voiced by:<nowiki>'''</nowiki> Ayano Yamamoto (JP), Brina Palencia (EN)
Yuugo's daughter and good friends with Mayuri. She is also very good friends with Suzuha.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: Will be [ appearing] in ''Robotics;Notes'' [[She's All Grown Up|all grown up]].
* [[Children Are Innocent]] -> {{spoiler|[[Enfant Terrible]]}}
* [[The Cutie]]: It is through their interactions with playful, sweet, innocent Nae that many of the characters reveal their soft sides.
** {{spoiler|[[Corrupt the Cutie]]: Thanks to the time leap machine}}.
*[[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]: Drastically downplayedDownplayed on the "nasty" part, but she plays one when "Sgt. Clean" comes out to play!
*[[Girlish Pigtails]]: Her most distinguishing feature, even when she's an adult.
*[[My Name Is Not Durwood]]: Specifically, don't call her dad "Mr. Braun". In ''My Darling's Embrace'', she is not "Sister Braun".
*[[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]: Drastically downplayed on the "nasty" part, but she plays one when "Sgt. Clean" comes out to play!
*[[Literal-Minded]]: She asks Suzuha how one would wash their brain when the latter suspects that Okabe was brainwashed.
*{{spoiler|[[Revenge Before Reason]]}}
*[[She's All Grown Up]]: She is 11 years old during the events of ''Steins;Gate;'' she's 20 when she appears in ''Robotics;Notes.''
**She's 24 in the epilogue of her dad's story in ''Linear Bounded Phenogram'', "Built with Love".
*[[Suspiciously Specific Denial]]: When pressed by her dad about Suzuha being outside with her, she responds that she was, "but she definitely wasn't slacking off!"