Steins;Gate/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Adaptational Attractiveness]]: He is given a much less gaunt appearance in the anime.
*{{spoiler|[[Always Save the Girl]]: He goes through many timelines to save Mayuri, although it is implied that he ultimately chooses Kurisu}}.
*[[Beat]]: When realises that the term "airhead" was an insult rather than a compliment like Kurisu had insinuated.
*[[Big No]]: Shares one with Kurisu when the latter's dream of the pair being lovey-dovey manifests in video form is broadcast across Akiba.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "I am mad scientist!", "This is the choice of Stein's Gate!", "El Psy Kongroo", among others.
*[[Chick Magnet]]: He seems to have no problem with girls swooning over him, and yes, that includes Ruka. Romance options are somewhat explored in the original game depending on the player's actions, but aren't the main focus. ''My Darling's Embrace'' leans more into the romantic options given the nature of the game itself. That said, it's also the only place where Moeka's attraction to Okabe is made apparent, and Suzuha's relationship with him is the only one that is platonic (though she does give him a kiss before she leaves just so Okabe doesn't forget her).
<!-- *Chuunibyou: His "Hououin Kyouma" persona is something he played up because it makes Mayuri happy. MOD: Not a trope here, as the lack of a link might suggest. Don't add tropes we don't have. -->
* [[Despair Event Horizon]]: {{spoiler|Burst out crying after countless time-leaps in order to save Mayuri with no success}}.
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* [[I Lied]]: If the player choses to undo Faris' D-Mail, Okabe assures her that she'll remember both sides of the worldline shift. He knows full well that he is lying to her just to give her some comfort. After the shift though, he gives her a hug and quietly apologises to her repeatedly.
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: "Operation K-Boom" or "Operation Sweet Side".
* [[Innocently Insensitive]]: Okabe comes within inches of death in ''My Darling's Embrace'' when he almost drowns at a swimming pool, but when Daru and Faris make sure he's okay, he acts as though nothing had happened by putting on his Hououin Kyouma act... only to upset Mayuri without realising it. Considering she was the one who saved his life, he really should've been a bit more appreciative for her heroic actions, and while he didn't mean to upset her, it also shows how inconsiderate he can be sometimes. His attempts to calm her down don't help, either.
*[[In-Series Nickname]]: Refers to himself as "Hououin Kyouma". Mayuri and Daru call him "Okarin", a portmanteau of his full name.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: he is an annoying obnoxious tool at the worst of times, but when the chips are down, he really does care about his friends. This side of him really shines in ''My Darling's Embrace,'' as he demonstrates on multiple occasions that he has a way with words when cheering up his companions, particularly when it comes to Moeka, Faris, and Suzuha.
* [[Jive Turkey]]: In the English dub, he tries to speak jive instead of Gratuitous English. He even quotes Vanilla Ice of all people.
* {{spoiler|[[La Résistance]]}}
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* [[Mad Scientist]]: Or, as he prefers to call himself, the [[Surprisingly Good English|Crazy Mad Scientist]] "Hououin Kyouma".
* [[Misblamed]]: Okabe faces Daru's wrath after the latter falls into the swimming pool from being hit with a volleyball, even it was Faris' fault that Daru fell to begin with by using him as a shield.
* [[Nerds Are Sexy]]: Despite being an awkward, scrawny looking chap, Okabe has quite a few female friends, whether they show romantic interest or not. Among which include his childhood friend whom he had been with for a decade, a neuroscientist who happens to be a closet geek, a cat-eared maid who can keep up with his strange behaviour, a woman with the body of a supermodel (whose only companion is her phone), and an athletic shop assistant who speakspotential withlove outdatedinterests lingo.are:
** The childhood friend (Mayuri)
** The sidekick (Kurisu)
** The self-conscientious beauty (Moeka)
** The popular girl (Faris)
** The tomboy (Suzuha)
* [[The Nicknamer]]: Enjoys giving other people nicknames based on their deeds, including:
**Shining Finger (Moeka)
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* [[The Ditz]]: She tends not to understand anything that's going on in the lab and, unlike Daru, doesn't seem to get it even after having it simplified. When Mayuri says that one of the names Kurisu came up for to describe what they're doing was too complicated, Kurisu nearly says it doesn't count because Mayuri is dumb, which Okabe catches her on.
**Perverted comments she repeats at Daru's requests seem to just fly over her head, doing so without any hint of self-awareness whatsoever.
*[[Gamer Chick]]: She's a big fan of RaiNet Access Battlers, but there's noshe indicationfleetingly thatadmits she's actuallynot anyvery good at it. Rather, she just thinks the mascot, an Upa, is adorable. She also compares Okabe's assessment of world lines to different walkthroughs of a video game.
* [[Green Eyes]]
*[[The Glomp]]: Does this a couple of times to Kurisu; first when they first meet, and second when the latter returns to Japan in the film.
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* [[Smarter Than You Look]]: Despite what her ditzy mannerisms might suggest, she can be very insightful. After all, she was the one who figured out who Suzuha's dad was.
*[[Static Character]]: Mayuri is sweet, innocent, and a little slow from the beginning of the series. Unfortunately, she isn't given much character development and she remains as sweet, innocent, and a little slow by the end.
*[[Teens Are Short]]: Like Faris, Mayuri has a very petite stature, standing only 5' 0<nowiki>''</nowiki> in height, shorter than the average girl of her age.
* [[Third Person Person]]: Always refers to herself as "Mayushii" instead of using a pronoun.
*[[Tragic Keepsake]]: "Pockety", a pocket watch she inherited from her grandmother after she passed away.
*[[Two First Names]]: Of course, Mayuri is her given name, however "Shiina" is also a forename used for girls in Japan.
* {{spoiler|[[Unlucky Childhood Friend]]}}: Ambiguous, but implied in the true ending.
** {{spoiler|[[Your Mileage May Vary]]. There are little to no romantic/sexual implications between Okabe and Mayuri whereas there are plenty of examples between Okabe and the other female characters, including Ruka}}.
** {{Spoiler|Her ending averts this somewhat, whereby Mayuri becomes Okabe's girlfriend after the latter decides to return to the Beta worldline, sacrificing Kurisu in the process.}}
**That said, a possible romance arc between the two is explored in ''My Darling's Embrace'' as a potential [[What Could Have Been|What Could Be]] scenario.
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*[[Out-of-Character is Serious Business|OOC is Serious Business]]: Usually one to fall for Faris' charm, Daru gives her the cold shoulder during Suzuha's route in ''My Darling's Embrace'' because he has serious matters to deal with (to him at least), reducing Faris to tears as a result.
* [[Otaku]]: 2-D girls are the only girls for him! Except when they aren't, of course. Prior to ''0'', Faris is the exception to this.
*[[Pervert|The Pervert]]: Oh, very much so! It doesn't matter who is in his crosshairs, he'll crack a perverted joke or comment in their direction, including Ruka and even Suzuha.
*[[Precision F-Strike]]: He is one of the only characters to drop an F-bomb in the whole series.
*[[Rage Breaking Point]]: Episode 16 of ''0'': Daru gets so fed up with Okabe's abrasive attitude after the latter insults Maho one time too many that he outright '''punches''' himinhim in the face and delivering an awesome "It's Not Always About You!" type of speech.
*[[Stalker with a Crush]]: Can be mistaken as such due to his obsession/infatuation with Faris.
*[[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Pretty much his response when he realises that Okabe had tricked him into ditching his offline meet-up by promising that Faris would be attending the lab's party.
* [[Younger Than They Look|Younger Than He Looks]]: You'd think Daru was in his mid-20's by how he acts, looks, and sounds, but you'd be wrong; he's 19, a year older than Okabe.
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* [[Accidental Innuendo]]: Subjects herself to these often, and it never ceases to embarrass her any time Okabe or Daru point it out.
* [[Adaptation Dye Job]]: Kurisu's hair is brown in the original visual novel but has red hair in the anime.
*[[Berserk Button]]: In onethe ofAlpha theDrama VNCD, she gets unreasonably irate when Faris alludes to her less-than-impressive bust when talking about her costumes potentially not fitting her.
**Unflattering comments about her scrawny appearance will be met with threats to have your brain turned to pickle juice.
**She also gets angry when someone eats her snacks, doubly so if her name is clearly written on it.
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* [[Moe]]: Only seems natural considering her influence on Moe culture in Akihabara. Her playful, energetic, and cutesy mannerisms only serve to reinforce this.
*[[Never Live It Down]]: {{Spoiler|After her dad took a business trip instead of celebrating her 8th birthday, she got so upset that she wished he was dead. He died in a plane crash not long afterwards.}} She has never forgiven herself since.
*[[The Nicknamer]]: Likes to give her friends nicknames that have -nya/-meow worked in somehow, such as Moe-meow for Moeka, Suzu-meow for Suzuha, and so on, so forth (or Moe-nyan/Suzu-nyan). Except for Okabe, whom she almost always addresses as Kyouma unless he objects to it.
* {{spoiler|[[The Ojou]]: She's extremely wealthy and has quite the wealthy lifestyle, though she keeps this hidden from most people}}.
*[[Otaku]]: Loves anime, moe, and otaku culture, even dressing as a stereotypical anime character.
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*[[Say My Name]]: During her route in ''My Darling's Embrace,'' she reveals to Okabe that she'll fall in love with the boy who calls her by her real name, {{Spoiler|"Rumiho"}}. She pleads with him to do the honours, having admitted to waiting for him specifically.
* [[Serious Business]]: She takes off the cat ears when she wants to be serious. She also drops her energetic mannerisms during more her more personal moments (see Episode 17, and her route in ''My Darling's Embrace''). For some reason, she doesn't wear them when she arrives at the lab at the start of the movie.
* [["Shut Up" Kiss]]: She gives one of these to Okabe as he says her real name, because in her words: "Faris belongs to everyone".
*[[Signature Move|Signature Moves]]: She has made up a couple of her own signature techniques, including:
**"Cheshire Break" (see Living Lie Detector)
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* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: "Faris" is apparently the official spelling, but "Feiris" and "Feyris" also see heavy use. Mayuri even calls her "Feris-chan" in Japanese.
*[[Suspiciously Similar Outfit]]: Both she and Suzuha wear identical form-fitting cat suits in her arc in ''Linear Bounded Phenogram'' - "Superhero Chat Noir" - that bear a striking resemblance to an alternate costume a certain gravity shifting super heroine can wear in another [[Gravity Rush|video game]].
*[[Teens Are Short]]: EvenFaris atis 17one yearson old,the Farissmallest ischaracters in tinythe series, measuring only measuring 4' 7<nowiki>''</nowiki> in height; to put thistall. intoFor perspective, theshe topis ofonly her2 headinches doesn'ttaller eventhan reach Okabe's shoulders (and he isn't even11-year-old 6Nae foot)Tennouji.
*[[Third-Person Person|Third Person Person]]: Like Mayuri, Faris frequently talks in the third person.
*[[Tickle Torture]]: She gives this one out twice; once (inadvertently) to Okabe in ''My Darling's Embrace'' when rubbing medicine over him, and again to Moeka in ''Steins;Gate 0'' just to get her to crack another smile.
*[[True Companions]]: Faris, along with Ruka, are both this to Okabe after Daru reveals that they had been looking after him while he was comatose.
*[[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: She and Mayuri are the Girly Girls, while Suzuha is the Tomboy. Faris takes it further by expecting the guys to respect her privacy when it comes to her D-mail, like most girls do.
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== Suzuha Amane ==
[[File:113764_4425.jpg|frame|'''Voiced by:''' [[Yukari Tamura]] (JP), Cherami Leigh (EN)]]
{{quote|''HEY YOU GUUUYYYYSSS!!! Sorry, that's how the kids are saying "What's up!" these days.''|Suzuha's introductorybizarre dialogueself-introduction}}
A teen girl who works at Mr. Braun's shop. Likes to ride her bicycle and gets along very well with Nae, Mr. Braun's daughter. {{spoiler|She's actually a member of the future [[La Résistance]] against SERN, and has traveled to past to meet with her father Itaru, a creator of the time traveling machine. She then travels back to [[The Seventies]] and leaves the IBN 5100 in the Urushibara shrine}}. After spending some time bonding with Okabe, she becomes Lab Member 008.
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* {{spoiler|[[Kid From the Future]]: She's Daru's daughter from the future. When he asks her who is her mother, she decides to keep it a secret}}.
*[[Male Gaze]]: In both ''Steins;Gate'' and ''Steins;Gate 0'', Suzuha is subjected to quite a few booty shots. See also the cat suit in Fairs' episode in ''Linear Bounded Phenogram.''
*[[Meido]]: Omega Suzuha wears what appears to be a maid uniform with a familiar pair of cat ears, hinting that she may work with Faris at May Queen Nyannyan in the Omega worldlines.
* [[Mundane Made Awesome]]: Despite being 18 years old, Suzuha treats even the most trivial things as if it's a grand discovery, even corn on the cob. This may allude that she {{Spoiler|isn't from this time period}}.
*[[New Job as the Plot Demands]]: She has taken jobs as a retail assistant, security guard, a waitress, and a stall staffer. What she does depends on what the story is.
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*[[Shout-Out]]: The very first thing she says is a reference to a certain scene in ''[[The Goonies]]''.
* [[Slacker]]: Much to Mr. Braun's annoyance, Suzuha tends to slack off from her work.
* [[Spoiled Brat]]: Omega Suzuha fits this trope to a T. She argues with her Alpha and Beta selves frequently, tries to have the last word, and pouting like a child in a sprite only this version of Suzuha has.
*[[Talking to Herself]]: In ''Linear Bounded Phenogram,'' she seeks advice and comfort from her Beta and Omega selves. Only she can see them.
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: She is more Tomboy-ish compared to the other girls, but she has shades of both characteristics. Omega Suzuha is 100% a Girly Girl.
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* [[In-Series Nickname]]: Rintaro calls him "Mr. Braun".
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: Even though Rintaro gets on his nerves, he actually likes him.
** Within the Delta attractor field, he is Moeka's foster father, and he treats her the same way he treats his own daughter.
* {{spoiler|[[The Man Behind the Man]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Manipulative Bastard]]: To Moeka, and implied to be towards the other agents he controls}}.
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*[[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]: Downplayed on the "nasty" part, but she plays one when "Sgt. Clean" comes out to play!
*[[Girlish Pigtails]]: Her most distinguishing feature, even when she's an adult.
*[[Intergenerational Friendship]]: Specifically, the ending of "Built With Love" revealsends thatwith Nae (now in her 20's) had befriendedbefriending a much younger Suzuha (since she never came to 2010 in this worldline, she is only 6 years old here).
*[[My Name Is Not Durwood]]: Specifically, don't call her dad "Mr. Braun". In ''My Darling's Embrace'', she is not "Sister Braun".
*[[Literal-Minded]]: She asks Suzuha how one would wash their brain when the latter suspects that Okabe was brainwashed.
Line 460 ⟶ 475:
* [[0% Approval Rating]]: Not matter what the story is, Shido and his gang are universally hated. An example is in Faris' route in which he is a white-collar criminal looking to monopolize the maid café scene in Akiba using illicit tactics like intimidation and bribery to buy out the competition. He even makes his maid wear skimpy outfits to attract more customers, something that really irritates Faris enough to call him a bastard for it.
* [[Break Them by Talking]]: Attempts this with Faris by taunting her relentlessly to break her fightingcompetitive spirit. It didn't work though as Faris revealed she was wearing earplugs.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Losing a RaiNet match to Faris is enough to upset him.
** Even a slight collision causes him and his lackies to fly into a violent rage.
** Faris' mere existence.
* [[Cheating Bastard]]: He and his thugs aren't above using violence, threats, and underhanded means to get ahead.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: He has such an embarrassing case a chuunibyou that even Okabe recoils in disgust. Also, unlike Okabe and Faris who play up their theatrics for fun, Shido talks and acts like he really believes his own delusionsabsurdities.
* [[Color Motif|Colour Motif]]: He is obsessed with the colour black ("kuro" in Japanese), to the point of ramming it into everything he says.
* [[The Faceless]]: In the anime only; we hear him on the phone, but he doesn't make a physical appearance.
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* [[Hypocrite]]: Calls Faris' "Cheshire Break" technique cheating while having his lackies use a laser pen to distract her.
* [[Nice Hat]]: Wears a beanie hat that is slightly tilted. It falls off in a physical altercation, revealing that he is hiding a bald spot.
* [[Only in It For the Money]]: His motivation for monopolising the Akihabara entertainment scene in Faris' route is simply to make money; he couldn't care less of a shit about the city's image, nor otaku culture in general, both of which piss off Faris to no end.
* [[Only Known by Their Nickname]]: Any time he is involved in the plot, he is always referred to as 4°C/Shido. His real name though is Kouichi Suzuki.
* [[Oh Crap]]: His reaction when Okabe reveals that he plans to leak his financial dealings to the National Tax Agency.