Steins;Gate/Characters: Difference between revisions

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The protagonist, an 18-year-old 1st-year college student and leader of the Future Gadget Laboratory. {{spoiler|He is the first in the series to be conscious of the timeline changes, an ability he calls "Reading Steiner"}}.
* [[Accidental Pervert]]: Happens plenty of time throughout the series. Such as barging in on Kurisu and Mayuri while they're in the shower, covering himself with Moeka's undergarments, seeing Maho completely naked in a panic, etc.
* [[Adaptational Attractiveness]]: He is given a much less gaunt appearance in the anime.
*{{spoiler|[[Always Save the Girl]]: He goes through many timelines to save Mayuri, although it is implied that he ultimately chooses Kurisu}}.
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*[[In-Series Nickname]]: Refers to himself as "Hououin Kyouma". Mayuri and Daru call him "Okarin", a portmanteau of his full name.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: he is an annoying obnoxious tool at the worst of times, but when the chips are down, he really does care about his friends. This side of him really shines in ''My Darling's Embrace,'' as he demonstrates on multiple occasions that he has a way with words when cheering up his companions, particularly when it comes to Moeka, Faris, and Suzuha.
* [[Jive Turkey]]: In the English dub, he tries to speak jive instead of Gratuitous English. He even quotes Vanilla Ice of all people.
* {{spoiler|[[La Résistance]]}}
* [[Large Ham]]: When he's acting out his Hououin Kyouma persona, he tends to be very loud and theatrical. When Okabe himself shines through, he's inclined towards gloominess and is actually fairly mellow.
* {{spoiler|[[Love Makes You Crazy]]}}
* [[Mad Scientist]]: Or, as he prefers to call himself, the [[Surprisingly Good English|Crazy Mad Scientist]] "Hououin Kyouma".
* [[Misblamed]]: Okabe faces Daru's wrath after the latter falls into the swimming pool from being hit with a volleyball, even though it was Faris' fault that Daru fell to begin with by using him as a shield.
* [[Nerds Are Sexy]]: Despite being an awkward, scrawny looking chap, Okabe has quite a few female friends,. whetherHis theyrelationships showwith romanticthe interestgirls orare notproperly delved into the one of the spin-off titles. Among his potential love interests are:
** TheHis childhood friend (Mayuri)
** TheHis sidekick (Kurisu)
** The self-conscientious beauty (Moeka)
** The popular girl (Faris)
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** He indirectly references ''[[Back to the Future]]'' when thinking about Suzuha's predicament in her route.
** He makes a ''[[Pokémon]]'' reference when he mentions Upa being more popular than a certain electric yellow rat.
** Remember how he says, "Word to your mother!" to a foreign person? That is a quote from [[Vanilla Ice]].
*[[Sore Loser]]: Cannot handle losing a game of RaiNet to anyone, be it Kurisu or Suzuha, and especially gets pissed off when Kurisu outsmarts him in a debate. Cannot stand that Faris plays into his delusional ramblings so effortlessly since he feels she does it better he does, and thus cannot beat her.
*[[Tickle Torture]]: ''My Darling's Embrace'' reveals that Okabe is rather ticklish, as described under Shirtless Scene above.
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*[[Everyone Has Standards]]: Even he finds Okabe's repeated insistence that Ruka is a dude to be crossing the line!
*[[Geeky Turn On]]: Has one when Okabe reverts back to his old self towards the end of ''Steins;Gate 0.''
*[[Got Me Doing It|Got Her Doing It]]: Gets annoyed that Mayuri started calling him "Hack/Super Hacka", but thankfully he takes his frustration out on Okabe for it and not her (''"Dammit, now you got '''her''' saying it!"'').
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: Everybody calls him "Daru".
* [[Leaning on the Fourth Wall]]: In the games specifically, Daru frequently references the fact that he is in a video game by wondering if his dialogue has triggered a flag for a character route. He even calls Mayuri's route in ''My Darling's Embrace'' "the childhood friend route".
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*[[Shrinking Violet]]: Incredibly shy to the point where she'd mostly communicate through rapid text messaging.
* [[Signature Device]]: The phone she always has in her hand. Moeka is almost never seen without it, and as mentioned under Berserk Button, she becomes extremely angry if it's taken from her forcefully. She will however, hand it over if asked.
* [[Suddenly Voiced]]: A downplayed example, since she speaks already; at the end of "Abduction Across Three Worlds", she arrives at the lab to pick up a sketchbook she bought online, but she uncharacteristically speaks in full sentences without issue.
* [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo]]
*[[Taking the Bullet]]: Realising how much her new friends cared about her, she gets fatally wounded protecting them when her subordinates open fire on the lab at the end of "The Quantum Awakening".
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*[[When She Smiles]]: She gives a warm smile at the end of her route in ''My Darling's Embrace'' after she and Okabe become a couple.
**Faris and Maho's antics in ''Steins;Gate 0''/Episode 10 get a brief smile and a chuckle out of her, though she quickly tries to hide it. In the game, she bursts out of laughing at their antics, and cries from laughter when Faris starts tickling her.
**One of her sprites shows her wearing a very subtle smirk on her face, typically when she teases Okabe. It only appears a few times though.
*[[Younger Than They Look|Younger Than She Looks]]: You wouldn't be blamed for thinking she was older than just 20 years of age if she hadn't said so.
*[[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: She is shocked to learn that SERN higher ups will go out of their way to dispose of their subordinates once they stop being useful to them, starting by cutting off all contact, and then killing them (which is what happens to her). It is only then that she is remorseful for her actions and pleads for forgiveness.
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*[[Hidden Buxom]]: Zigzagged: her casual attire hides her bust quite well, while her maid uniform is much more form-fitting.
*[[I Lied]]: During her route in ''My Darling's Embrace,'' she has a "spell" that makes Okabe fall in love with her if he hears her real name. By the end though, she admits that she lied about it, and confesses she's the one who falls in love with whoever calls her by her real name. By the sounds of it, she was waiting on Okabe specifically to do so.
*[[Improbable Age]]: Would you believe that 17-year-old Faris (a.k.a {{Spoiler|Rumiho Akiha}}) is actually the owner of {{Spoiler|'''all''' of Akihabara}}?
*[[In-Series Nickname]]: Faris Nyannyan is not her real name; it is simply her professional name while she's at work, and when she plays RaiNet. Her actual name is a mystery to most. She'd rather you call her Faris, though she isn't deterred by using her real name.
* [[Large Ham]]: Faris loves her theatrics just as much as Okabe does, especially when they're talking to each other.
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* [[Rose-Haired Girl]]: Her energetic, playful attitude and pink hair matching is quite possibly not a coincidence at all: as much as she loves anime culture and considering the otherwise natural-ish hair colors, it could be dyed. Then again, her hair colour may be natural considering her eyebrows are the same colour.
*[[Say My Name]]: During her route in ''My Darling's Embrace,'' she reveals to Okabe that she'll fall in love with the boy who calls her by her real name, {{Spoiler|"Rumiho"}}. She pleads with him to do the honours, having admitted to waiting for him specifically.
**The only other person she reveals her name to is Suzuha, after the two share a conversation about their absent dads.
* [[Serious Business]]: She takes off the cat ears when she wants to be serious. She also drops her energetic mannerisms during more her more personal moments (see Episode 17, and her route in ''My Darling's Embrace''). For some reason, she doesn't wear them when she arrives at the lab at the start of the movie.
* [["Shut Up" Kiss]]: She gives one of these to Okabe as he says her real name, because in her words: "Faris belongs to everyone".