Steins;Gate/Characters: Difference between revisions

m (→‎Suzuha Amane: minor correction)
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* [[Ambiguous Disorder]]: We don't know whether she has social anxiety or not, but years of being shunned by everyone around her certainly has not helped her in the slightest.
*[[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny]]: she has a very short attention span, judging by how she goes about cleaning her apartment. According to Okabe, it's quite the sight to behold!
*[[Because You Were Nice to Me]]: She reveals at the end of ''0's'' special episode that she gave her handmade chocolates to Kuroki (Fairs' butler) as a thank you gift for allowing her to stay for a bit.
*[[Berserk Button]]: She is super attached to her mobile phone; try to snatch it from her, and she goes berserk until she retrieves it! Even offering to input your contact info for her causes her to get antsy.
*{{spoiler|[[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]}}: Subverted in the sense that she isn't ruthless because she's trained to be a cold-hearted killer, but rather because her emotional vulnerability makes her easy to manipulate into doing other people's biddings.
*[[Drunk Personality Change]]: Though we only see a flash of this in the movie, once she has had a couple, Moeka becomes a lot more lively compared to her usual reclusive self.
*[[Dark and Troubled Past]]: She was the product of an unwanted pregnancy, thus was most likely subjected to a lot of abuse from her parents until they just abandoned her. She was also ostracized by her peers during high school, and even made attempts on her own life duebecause toof herhow senseworthless ofshe felt growing worthlessnessup. Her route in ''My Darling's Embrace'' explores this, as she mentions that she wanted to die in the past, her difficulties with socialising, before she tearfully acknowledges her feelings of worthlessness and why she feels that way to Okabe when he asks her directly why she runs away from people who do care about her.
*[[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Her route in ''My Darling's Embrace'' basically has Okabe trying to get her to open up about her feelings.
*[[Does Not Like Spam]]: Apparently, she does not like macadamia nuts.
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* {{spoiler|[[The Mole]]: She joins the lab group largely because she's also looking for the IBN 5100, and once she has everything she needs, she leads a team to capture them all apart from Mayuri, who is marked for death instead}}.
*[[Perpetual Frowner]]: Her life is pretty empty, so she always looks essentially expressionless and depressed. When in the lab for the first time, she seems intrigued by these people, but since she looks so emotionless, it's a little hard to tell.
*[[Put on a Bus]]: Moeka completely sits out Suzuha's route in ''My Darling's Embrace''. We don't even get a text message from her.
* [[The Quiet One]]: She hates having to speak, but when using mail, she's a real chatterbox to the point where the frequency of her messages really irritates Okabe.
**Beta Moeka isn't anywhere near as shy as she was in the Alpha world line, but she still speaks in short, fragmented sentences and still barrages Okabe with text messages, but in general, she is more talkative, and will actively help Okabe if he needs it. In the "Steins;Gate" world line, she almost never uses her phone to communicate and generally looks a lot happier, both of which carry over into the movie.
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* {{spoiler|[[Villainous Breakdown]]: [[Driven to Suicide]] after FB drops her for failing her mission in the timeline where Ruka undoes the effects of her D-Mail, [[Madness Mantra|typing on her cell phone nothing but endless strings of "FB"]]}}.
*[[When She Smiles]]: She gives a warm smile at the end of her route in ''My Darling's Embrace'' after she and Okabe become a couple.
**Faris and Maho's antics in ''Steins;Gate 0''/Episode 10 get a brief smile and a chuckle out of her, though she quickly tries to hide it. In the game, she bursts out of laughing at their antics, and cries from laughter when Faris starts tickling her.
**One of her sprites shows her wearing a very subtle smirk on her face, typically when she teases Okabe. It only appears a few times though.
*[[Younger Than They Look|Younger Than She Looks]]: You wouldn't be blamed for thinking she was older than just 20 years of age if she hadn't said so.
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**Later in that story, he has a similar reaction when Daru and Faris cast him in the lead role for the group's PV.
*[[Out of Focus]]: He is for the most part, locked out of the loop in ''Steins;Gate 0''. Despite the screen time he gets, he isn't given much involvement in the main plot, nor is he given much to assist the other characters. He had a similar problem in the original adaptation, but at least there, he got character development, helped Okabe grow as a character, and he got his own arc, of which he was the main focus. In ''0,'' he is the only ally whom Okabe keeps his time travel escapades from, which Suzuha believes there is a reason for.
**He is also absent from Suzuha's route in ''My Darling's Embrace'', but unlike Moeka, he does send Okabe an optional text message which the player can reply to should they wish to do so.
* {{spoiler|[[Pettanko]]: Keeps the same bust size even after changing gender}}.
* [[Purple Eyes]]
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[[File:113750_7317.jpg|frame|'''Voiced by:''' Halko Momoi (JP), Jad Saxton (EN)]]
Mayuri's co-worker at the May Queen Cafe, which she also owns. She is also a skilled RaiNet player, but she chooses not to compete in tournaments officially. {{spoiler|After she sends her D-Mail, Akihabara loses everything related with moe culture as her father is still alive. She also is the first character to remember memories from other timelines apart from Okabe and Ruka}}. She is Lab Member 007; a designation Okabe reluctantly gives her when she wants to send a D-mail.
* [[The Ace]]: A master of the board game Rai-Net Battle having played in over 400 unofficial matches without defeat. She is so good she could compete officially if she wanted.
** As an In-Universe example of [[Real Life Writes the Plot]] however, school and work take precedence over tournaments.
** For emphasis, she'll challenge 10 opponents at once, and thrash all of them within 15 minutes; that's how good she is!
* [[Ambiguously Bi]]: There are certain routes in which Faris falls in love with Okabe; even putting that aside, she seems to have a bit of a crush him at the very least. That said, if she finds another girl attractive (or even sexy in some cases), she'll openly say it.
*[[Animal-Eared Headband]]: As part of her attire, she wears a headband with cat ears. She is almost never seen without them, even when she isn't at work. She has implied that they also enhance her hearing too, but whether that's true or not is unclear.
**In the Delta worldlines, the ears are attached to her head via hairclips. Okabe learns this the hard way when he tries to steal them off her head for teasing him, only to end up hurting her instead.
**She'll remove them when she wants to bear her soul to someone, when she's on a date, or she'll ask her lover to do the honorshonours when she falls in love.
* [[Animal Motifs]]: Clearly, it is cats, given her cute and playful nature. She exhibits a lot of strange cat-like behaviours, including her verbal tic, and cute cat-like gestures. Then of course, there's her trademark cat ears that she almost never takes off.
*[[Beat Them At Their Own Game]]: Coined by Okabe as "Dubbing 10", Faris will take the former's chuunibyou ramblings and run with them, applying them to her own stories. This irritates Okabe a lot since her theatrics practically force him to play along with little opening to worm his way out. Faris seems to get upset when Okabe shoots down her stories before she starts rambling, however (see their first encounter in ''"Catmaiden's Domain"'' for example).
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* [[Catgirl]]: Justified that she works as waitress in a cat themed maid café, which she also happens to own. Okabe even lampshades how much she looks like a cat when she smiles. She also loves having her head rubbed.
* [[Cat Smile]]: Her default expression is a playful smile. Not so much in the anime adaptation of the original ''Steins;Gate'', though it comes back in ''Steins;Gate 0''.
* [[Childhood Friends]]: To her surprise, she is revealed to be one with Kurisu in "Vermillion Soteria" thanks to the pre-existing friendship between their fathers.
*[[Cloudcuckoolander]]: She is every bit as barmy as Okabe, but being quick witted has its advantages, since she will absorb his ramblings and add them to hers. Once she drops her mask however, she is much more elegant and soft-spoken, but she still retains a mischievous aura.
**The way that she and Okabe are able to carry these odd conversations so effortlessly like they're completely normal even impresses Kurisu somewhat, albeit in the sense that she's more confused by it.
*[[Color Failure|Colour Failure]]: During ''0's'' Valentine's Day episode, the girls' attempt to make Valentine's Day chocolates ends in such a disaster that this happens to her. Probably the one time she shows signs of distress.
**Also happens to her butler, Kuroki, in Episode 10 after Maho (and later Moeka) turns her guest room into a rubbish tip.
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* [[The Cutie]]: Particularly when she's into her stage persona, Faris NyanNyan. Even when she's not playing a character, she's still adorable. Her cat-like mannerisms certainly help, and her winter outfit in ''0'' makes her even cuter.
* {{spoiler|[[Disappeared Dad]]: Her father died, but he's alive in the timelines after she sent her D-Mail}}.
* [[Foil]]: to her business rival, 4°C/Shido. Faris believes strongly in excellent customer service, treating her workers with love and respect, and making her establishment warm and inviting, while Shido only cares about profitability and will use any underhanded methods to achieve his goals.
* [[Gamer Chick]]: Not just a fan of RaiNet Battle, but she's also a competitive player, and she's pretty damn good at it too it seems. She's also a huge fan of retro PCs.
*[[Girlish Pigtails]]
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*[[Hidden Buxom]]: Zigzagged: her casual attire hides her bust quite well, while her maid uniform is much more form-fitting.
*[[I Lied]]: During her route in ''My Darling's Embrace,'' she has a "spell" that makes Okabe fall in love with her if he hears her real name. By the end though, she admits that she lied about it, and confesses she's the one who falls in love with whoever calls her by her real name. By the sounds of it, she was waiting on Okabe specifically to do so.
*[[Iconic Item]]: Notice how frequently those cat ears are mentioned?
*[[Improbable Age]]: Would you believe that 17-year-old Faris (a.k.a {{Spoiler|Rumiho Akiha}}) is actually the owner of {{Spoiler|'''all''' of Akihabara}}?
*[[In-Series Nickname]]: Faris Nyannyan is not her real name; it is simply her professional name while she's at work, and when she plays RaiNet. Her actual name is a mystery to most. She'd rather you call her Faris, though she isn't deterred by using her real name.
* [[Large Ham]]: Faris loves her theatrics just as much as Okabe does, especially when they're talking to each other.
* [[Living Lie Detector]]: She can spot whether a person is being dishonest or not simply by looking into their eyes. She calls this "Cheshire Break", but it's just razor-sharp intuition.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Her real name is {{Spoiler|"Rumiho Akiha" as in "Akihabara", due to the influence on the city's Moe culture.}}
**Since "Nyan Nyan" is Japanese for "meow meow", and she has a cat motif, her stage name also makes sense.
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* [[Serious Business]]: She takes off the cat ears when she wants to be serious. She also drops her energetic mannerisms during more her more personal moments (see Episode 17, and her route in ''My Darling's Embrace''). For some reason, she doesn't wear them when she arrives at the lab at the start of the movie.
* [["Shut Up" Kiss]]: She gives one of these to Okabe as he says her real name, because in her words: "Faris belongs to everyone".
* [[Signature Move|Signature Moves]]: She has made up a couple of her own signature techniques, including:
**"Cheshire Break" (see Living Lie Detector)
**"Mixy Mix Gaze" (charms her guests by gazing into their eyes while flawlessly mixing their drink)
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* [[Bare Your Midriff]]: Beneath her jacket, she wears a cropped undershirt, which she forced to walk around in for a day after her "seduction technique" to distract Mr. Braun while the Lab mems perform a time leap backfires.
**Her cosplay outfit also shows off her mid-section quite well when she first attends ComiMa.
*[[Braids of Action]]/[[Tomboyish Sidetails]]: Always sports these. TheShe only time we see her withoutunties them iswhen inshe ''0''goes whento theybed, comeas undoneseen afterin {{Spoiler|a viciousCG fightin with''Linear KagariBounded Phenogram.}}''
*[[Captain Obvious Reveal]]: In the movie, specifically. They hide her identity for a bit by hiding her face and putting a filter over her voice, but when she enters Kurisu's hotel room to give her cryptic advice, the film makes little effort to hide her, thanks to her familiar braids, and Cherami Leigh's natural voice.
**Even as an older woman, it is painfully obvious who she is just by going off of other characters' descriptions of her.
*[[Cat Smile]]: often has one in the VN's, like Mayuri and Faris.
*[[The Cutie]]: Not to the same extent as Mayuri or Faris, but she can still be adorable at times.
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*[[Shout-Out]]: The very first thing she says is a reference to a certain scene in ''[[The Goonies]]''.
* [[Slacker]]: Much to Mr. Braun's annoyance, Suzuha tends to slack off from her work.
* [[Spoiled Brat]]: Omega Suzuha fits this trope to a T. She argues with her Alpha and Beta selves frequently, tries to have the last word, and poutingpouts like a child in a sprite only this version of Suzuha has.
*[[Talking to Herself]]: In ''Linear Bounded Phenogram,'' she seeks advice and comfort from her Beta and Omega selves. Only she can see them.
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: She is more Tomboy-ish compared to the other girls, but she has shades of both characteristics. Omega Suzuha is 100% a Girly Girl.
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* [[Sore Loser]]: Extends to his whole gang. As Faris describes them, they would sooner drown a puppy than lose a tournament to her.
* [[Would Hit a Girl]]: Hits Faris square in the head (though it was more bad luck on her end) after she refuses to give in to his demands.
== Kuroki ==
{{Quote|''The young mistress will be with you shortly.''|Kuroki as he greets Okabe and co.}}
A minor character in the series. Not much is known about Kuroki, other than the fact that he is Faris' butler. Though he only makes a one-off appearance in the original game and anime, he is more involved in other characters' stories in ''Linear Bounded Phenogram.''
* [[Ascended Extra]]: Downplayed as he is still a relatively minor character, though he is more involved in Kurisu and Faris' routes in ''Linear Bounded Phenogram''.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: he shows up in Episode 17 just in time to save Okabe from being murdered by the Viral Attackers.
* [[Color Failure|Colour Failure]]: He suffers from this when dealing with Maho and Moeka becomes too much for him to handle.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: He is by far one of the oldest characters in the series, but he is very polite and is willing to take Okabe and his friends in when they need help, thanks to their connections to Faris. He has also served as Faris' guardian due to her absent parents.
* [[Drives Like Crazy]]: On two occasions, he comes to Okabe's aid by pulling up in a limousine... after barrelling through packed streets and endangering pedestrians.
* [[The Stoic]]: Because of his profession, he doesn't show much emotion, if at all. Not that he needs to anyway.