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[[File:Gate1 2153.jpg|frame|Left to right: Daru, Kurisu, Ruka, Faris, Suzuha. Moeka, Mayuri, and Rintaro.]]
''[[{{ROOTPAGENAME}}]]'' has a relatively small cast, with only eight important characters, and only a handful of recurring minor side characters. Listed tropes will also come from ''Steins;Gate 0''. Spin-off titles will be included as well, and characters introduced in ''Steins;Gate 0'' will not be included here, going on that work's own character [[Steins;Gate 0/Characters|page]] instead.
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* [[Mad Scientist]]: Or, as he prefers to call himself, the [[Surprisingly Good English|Crazy Mad Scientist]] "Hououin Kyouma".
* [[Misblamed]]: Okabe faces Daru's wrath after the latter falls into the swimming pool from being hit with a volleyball, even though it was Faris' fault that Daru fell to begin with by using him as a shield.
* [[Mistaken for Pedophile]]: Because of his weird antics, Nae is understandably creeped out by him, enough to where Mr. Braun won't allow him to be alone with her for this very reason, even when Okabe insists that he isn't doing anything to her.
* [[Nerds Are Sexy]]: Despite being an awkward, scrawny looking chap, Okabe has quite a few female friends. His relationships with the girls are properly delved into the one of the spin-off titles. Among his potential love interests are:
** His childhood friend (Mayuri)
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**Part-Time Warrior (Suzuha)
**Super Hack (Daru)
**Mister Braun (Mr.Yuugo Tennouji)
**Sister Braun or Chipmunk (Nae)
**A multitude of nicknames for Kurisu.
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*[[Rage Breaking Point]]: Episode 16 of ''0'': Daru gets so fed up with Okabe's abrasive attitude after the latter insults Maho one time too many that he outright '''punches''' him in the face and delivering an awesome "It's Not Always About You!" type of speech.
*[[Stalker with a Crush]]: Can be mistaken as such due to his obsession/infatuation with Faris.
*[[Took a Level in Jerkass]]: Takes a massive one in Suzuha's route by ordering Okabe to not get too close to Suzuha herself, issuing backhanded apologies (while insulting Okabe's social standing with girls), refusing to listen to reason, ignoring him, even making Faris cry, and generally acting like an unreasonable douchebag throughout the whole route.
*[[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Pretty much his response when he realises that Okabe had tricked him into ditching his offline meet-up by promising that Faris would be attending the lab's party.
* [[Younger Than They Look|Younger Than He Looks]]: You'd think Daru was in his mid-20's by how he acts, looks, and sounds, but you'd be wrong; he's 19, a year older than Okabe.
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* [[Animal Motifs]]: Clearly, it is cats, given her cute and playful nature. She exhibits a lot of strange cat-like behaviours, including her verbal tic, and cute cat-like gestures. Then of course, there's her trademark cat ears that she almost never takes off.
*[[Beat Them At Their Own Game]]: Coined by Okabe as "Dubbing 10", Faris will take the former's chuunibyou ramblings and run with them, applying them to her own stories. This irritates Okabe a lot since her theatrics practically force him to play along with little opening to worm his way out. Faris seems to get upset when Okabe shoots down her stories before she starts rambling, however (see their first encounter in ''"Catmaiden's Domain"'' for example).
* [[Because You Were Nice to Me]]: After Okabe rescues her from a group of thugs, she allows him to call her by real name as a sign of gratitude and trust. By extension, she'll give this privilege to anyone she gets close to (like Suzuha for example).
*[[Bratty Half-Pint]]: Faris sometimes shows shades of this when she doesn't get what she wants, mainly when Okabe doesn't play along with her bizarre stories. A more humorous example is when she runs up to a random person wearing an Upa costume, hugs them, and throws a tantrum when Suzuha drags her away.
**Cold rejection though (as Daru once showed us) will really open up the waterworks for her.
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*[[Hidden Buxom]]: Zigzagged: her casual attire hides her bust quite well, while her maid uniform is much more form-fitting.
*[[I Lied]]: During her route in ''My Darling's Embrace,'' she has a "spell" that makes Okabe fall in love with her if he hears her real name. By the end though, she admits that she lied about it, and confesses she's the one who falls in love with whoever calls her by her real name. By the sounds of it, she was waiting on Okabe specifically to do so.
*[[Iconic Item]]: Notice how frequently those cat ears are mentioned? You can count the number of scenes where she '''doesn't''' wear them on one hand.
*[[Improbable Age]]: Would you believe that 17-year-old Faris (a.k.a {{Spoiler|Rumiho Akiha}}) is actually the owner of {{Spoiler|'''all''' of Akihabara}}?
*[[In-Series Nickname]]: Faris Nyannyan is not her real name; it is simply her professional name while she's at work, and when she plays RaiNet. Her actual name is a mystery to most. She'd rather you call her Faris, though she isn't deterred by using her real name.
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* [[Meaningful Name]]: Her real name is {{Spoiler|"Rumiho Akiha" as in "Akihabara", due to the influence on the city's Moe culture.}}
**Since "Nyan Nyan" is Japanese for "meow meow", and she has a cat motif, her stage name also makes sense.
**"Faris" means "knight" in Arabic. Knights are, of course, associated with heroism, which is the persona that Faris has given herself.
*[[Meido]]: She works in and owns the May Queen maid café. Need we say anymore?
* [[Moe]]: Only seems natural considering her influence on Moe culture in Akihabara. Her playful, energetic, and cutesy mannerisms only serve to reinforce this.
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*[[Precision F-Strike]]: The usually cheery and playful Faris outright calls Shido a bastard when talking about his underhanded/law breaking business tactics. A surprising moment since Faris very, '''''very''''' rarely shows her anger and frustration in front of anyone.
*[[Rapunzel Hair]]: When her massive twin tails are undone, her hair is very long.
*[[Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory]]: Though not as strong as Okabe's Reading Steiner, Faris is able to {{Spoiler|remember her life from the original timeline as a maid café owner when Okabe takes her to the building that MayQueen originally occupied}}.
* [[Rose-Haired Girl]]: Her energetic, playful attitude and pink hair matching is quite possibly not a coincidence at all: as much as she loves anime culture and considering the otherwise natural-ish hair colors, it could be dyed. Then again, her hair colour may be natural considering her eyebrows are the same colour.
*[[Say My Name]]: During her route in ''My Darling's Embrace,'' she reveals to Okabe that she'll fall in love with the boy who calls her by her real name, {{Spoiler|"Rumiho"}}. She pleads with him to do the honours, having admitted to waiting for him specifically.
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* [[In-Series Nickname]]: Rintaro calls her "Part-Time Warrior".
* {{spoiler|[[Kid From the Future]]: She's Daru's daughter from the future. When he asks her who is her mother, she decides to keep it a secret}}.
* [[Literal-Minded]]: When Okabe describes Daru as "[his] favourite right arm" at the start of ''"Straying Arche"'', she replies by asking if he has more than one [right arm].
*[[Male Gaze]]: In both ''Steins;Gate'' and ''Steins;Gate 0'', Suzuha is subjected to quite a few booty shots. See also the cat suit in Fairs' episode in ''Linear Bounded Phenogram.''
*[[Meido]]: Omega Suzuha wears what appears to be a maid uniform with a familiar pair of cat ears, hinting that she may work with Faris at May Queen Nyannyan in the Omega worldlines.
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A CRT-TV store owner, and Rintaro's landlord. {{spoiler|He is secretly working for SERN, sending orders to Moeka and her group}}. He is fascinated with old CRT televisions and is very protective over his 11-year-old daughter, Nae. He is quite fond of Okabe and his friends despite the former's absurd delusions.
* [[Badass Baritone]]: Thanks to Christopher Sabat.
*[[Cranky Landlord]]: Seeing as though his tenant is [[Large Ham|Rintaro]]...
*[[Dirty Old Man]]: In the game, he finds Suzuha's "seduction technique" rather kinky, commenting on how firm her belly was, much to Suzuha and even Nae's disapproval. Downplayed on the "old" part, seeing as he is only 32.
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* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: He has such an embarrassing case a chuunibyou that even Okabe recoils in disgust. Also, unlike Okabe and Faris who play up their theatrics for fun, Shido talks and acts like he really believes his own absurdities.
* [[Color Motif|Colour Motif]]: He is obsessed with the colour black ("kuro" in Japanese), to the point of ramming it into everything he says.
* [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]]: The role he is elevated to in Faris' route in the spin-off game.
* [[The Faceless]]: In the anime only; we hear him on the phone, but he doesn't make a physical appearance.
* [[Greek Mythology]]: While Okabe has a fondness for Norse mythology, Shido leans more towards Greek mythology as hinted by his constant references by Gaia.
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* [[Scary Black Man]]: Angry and violent with a noticeably darker skin tone compared to everyone else.
* [[Sore Loser]]: Extends to his whole gang. As Faris describes them, they would sooner drown a puppy than lose a tournament to her.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: He has a rather impressive one when Okabe and co. show him Moeka's article uncovering his shady business dealings, breaking into hysterical laughter, before being reduced to a panic-stricken mess when Daru's research is shown to him (said research contains proof of fake businesses, personal bank accounts he doesn't own, and a shady cash flow hinting at tax fraud). All of this causes he and his goons to flee in abject terror when he realises, they aren't screwing around.
* [[Would Hit a Girl]]: Hits Faris square in the head (though it was more bad luck on her end) after she refuses to give in to his demands.
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* [[Drives Like Crazy]]: On two occasions, he comes to Okabe's aid by pulling up in a limousine... after barrelling through packed streets and endangering pedestrians.
* [[The Stoic]]: Because of his profession, he doesn't show much emotion, if at all. Not that he needs to anyway.
* [[Violence Is the Only Option]]: It isn't clear what exactly Kuroki does to knock Okabe unconscious in "Vermillion Soteria", but he assaults the latter (twice) just to stop him from having irreversible emotionally breakdowns.