Steins;Gate/Characters: Difference between revisions

m (A few tid bits here and there.)
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***Mayuri, who already coined her own nickname "Mayushii", and Faris, who rarely uses her real name anyway, are exceptions to this.
***Only Daru and Kurisu object to their given nicknames, though Daru more because Okabe calls him "Hack" rather than "Hacker". As for Kurisu...well, no matter what he calls her, it just pisses her off.
* [[One Head Taller]]: The 5'10<nowiki>''</nowiki> Okabe is this next to the 5'3<nowiki>''</nowiki> Kurisu.
** In worldlines in which he can enter a relationship with Faris, he becomes huge guy part of [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]] (he is 3 inches taller than the average Japanese man compared to 4<nowiki>'7''</nowiki> Faris, who is over half a foot shorter than the average Japanese girl).
* [[Phrase Catcher]]: "[[Hypocritical Humor|You're the last person I want to hear that from]]."
* [[Screw Destiny]]
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* [[The Other Darrin]]: The only character to change voice actress at any point, with Ashly Burch being replaced with Megan Shipman in the second half of ''Steins;Gate 0''. However, the voices are near enough identical to where you wouldn't notice the difference.
*[[She Cleans Up Nicely]]: Downplayed, since she's already rather pretty to begin with, but nevertheless, she becomes so beautiful when preparing for her photoshoot in her route in ''My Darling's Embrace,'' that even Okabe is stunned into silence''.''
*[[Shout-Out]]: The costume she makes for Suzuha in "FugueAgape of Ruin EndRoot" is modelled after Mei Orisaka from the ''Phantom Breaker'' series, another 5pb. property.
* [[Smarter Than You Look]]: Despite what her ditzy mannerisms might suggest, she can be very insightful. After all, she was the one who figured out who Suzuha's dad was.
*[[Static Character]]: Mayuri is sweet, innocent, and a little slow from the beginning of the series. Unfortunately, she isn't given much character development and she remains as sweet, innocent, and a little slow by the end.
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* [[Fiery Redhead]]: Only in the anime, and she has quite the temper to match.
* [[Guilty Pleasure]]: Posting on 2channel, dropping internet slang, just to name a few. Often becomes embarrassed when Daru and Okarin points them out.
* [[Hold Me]]: She may have been drunk out of her mind, but she says this to Okabe when the two are alone together in the movie.
* [[Hypocrite]]: In the 3rd ''Soumei Eichi no Cognitive Computing'' short, she criticises both Okabe and Daru for wearing the same clothes every day, but as Okabe points out, she is never seen wearing any other clothes besides her default outfit herself.
** [[Hypocritical Humor|Hypocritical Humour]]: She teases Okabe about being a virgin, only to then let it slip that she is one herself.
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* [[Jerkass]]: She has many shades of this at times, as she can be rude, defensive, and needlessly confrontational towards Okabe. In her defense though, he didn't exactly make a very good first impression with her.
**Averted when she interacts with other females ([[My Friends and Zoidberg|and Ruka]]), particularly Mayuri.
**[[Jerkass Has a Point]]: Even when she's being rude about it, it can be hard to refute her when she does have a point to make. For example, she isn't that sympathetic towards Okabe after he nearly drowns by pointing out that he tried to pull off a swimming move he was incapable of doing; sure, she doesn't need to rub it in like that, but she isn't wrong about thatit.
* [[Lethal Chef]]: Her apple pie is considered a lethal weapon. It was bad enough to make Suzuha angry.
* [[My Name Is Not Durwood|My Name Is Not CHRISTINA!]]: That pretty much speaks for itself...
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*[[Berserk Button]]: She is super attached to her mobile phone; try to snatch it from her, and she goes berserk until she retrieves it! Even offering to input your contact info for her causes her to get antsy.
*{{spoiler|[[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]}}: Subverted in the sense that she isn't ruthless because she's trained to be a cold-hearted killer, but rather because her emotional vulnerability makes her easy to manipulate into doing other people's biddings.
*[[Conflicting Loyalty]]: Her episode in ''Linear Bounded Phenogram,'' "The Quantum Awakening", retells the first half of the original game through Moeka's eyes. The key difference being that she spends more time bonding with the other Lab Mems rather than just being a {{Spoiler|SERN mole}}. We get some insight into what's running through her mind as she struggles to decide whether her loyalty lies with her new friends, or her contact. We also see the kind of stress this internal conflict has on her, mentally and emotionally.
*[[Drunk Personality Change]]: Though we only see a flash of this in the movie, once she has had a couple, Moeka becomes a lot more lively compared to her usual reclusive self.
*[[Dark and Troubled Past]]: She was the product of an unwanted pregnancy, thus was most likely subjected to a lot of abuse from her parents until they just abandoned her. She was also ostracized by her peers during high school, and even made attempts on her own life because of how worthless she felt growing up. Her route in ''My Darling's Embrace'' explores this, as she mentions that she wanted to die in the past, her difficulties with socialising, before she tearfully acknowledges her feelings of worthlessness and why she feels that way to Okabe when he asks her directly why she runs away from people who do care about her.
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* [[Cry Cute]]: {{spoiler|When she decides to undo the effects of her D-Mail}}.
**Does it again during Suzuha's route in ''My Darling's Embrace'', which has Daru coldly brushing off her flirtatious advances, causing her to burst into tears.
**You'll even notice that she has tears running down her cheeks in one of her sprites if you look closely.
* [[Cuddle Bug]]: Faris tends to get rather cuddly with Okabe on multiple occasions in ''Steins;Gate 0.''
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]: Pink hair and pink eyes, though her eyes are closer to burgundy in the anime.
* [[The Cutie]]: Particularly when she's into her stage persona, Faris NyanNyan. Even when she's not playing a character, she's still adorable. Her cat-like mannerisms certainly help, and her winter outfit in ''0'' makes her even cuter.
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*[[Girlish Pigtails]]
** [[Princess Curls]]
* [[The Glomp]]: She glomps a random guy in an Upa costume when she overheats in ''Linear Bounded Phenogram''. Does so to Okabe a few times in ''0.''
*[[Hidden Buxom]]: Zigzagged: her casual attire hides her bust quite well, while her maid uniform is much more form-fitting.
*[[I Lied]]: During her route in ''My Darling's Embrace,'' she has a "spell" that makes Okabe fall in love with her if he hears her real name. By the end though, she admits that she lied about it, and confesses she's the one who falls in love with whoever calls her by her real name. By the sounds of it, she was waiting on Okabe specifically to do so.
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**In "Vermillion Soteria", Kurisu describes a woman with braided hair who rides a bicycle. It is painfully obvious who she's referring to.
*[[Cat Smile]]: often has one in the VN's, like Mayuri and Faris.
*[[Cruel to Be Kind]]: Employs this tactic on Daru by slinging a barrage of insults at him to get him to stop fawning over her. It backfires spectacularly as he only ends up falling for her even more!
*[[The Cutie]]: Not to the same extent as Mayuri or Faris, but she can still be adorable at times.
*[[Death Glare]]: Shoots one at Kurisu every time their eyes meet during the first half of the anime.
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*[[Rewatch Bonus]]: A lot of Suzuha's early appearances in the beginning of the series make a lot more sense in context upon repeated viewings.
*[[Shout-Out]]: The very first thing she says is a reference to a certain scene in ''[[The Goonies]]''.
**Indirectly, her route in ''My Darling's Embrace'' is simply the plot of ''Back to the Future.''
* [[Slacker]]: Much to Mr. Braun's annoyance, Suzuha tends to slack off from her work.
* [[Spoiled Brat]]: Omega Suzuha fits this trope to a T. She argues with her Alpha and Beta selves frequently, tries to have the last word, and pouts like a child in a sprite only this version of Suzuha has. That doesn't mean to say that Alpha Suzuha doesn't act like one herself sometimes.
*[[Talking to Herself]]: In ''Linear Bounded Phenogram,'' she seeks advice and comfort from her Beta and Omega selves. Only she can see them.
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: She is more Tomboy-ish compared to the other girls, but she has shades of both characteristics. Omega Suzuha is 100% a Girly Girl.
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* [[Hate Sink]]: Delusional, sketchy, foul-mouthed, hateful, just unpleasant in every way? Yeah, he qualifies!
* [[Hypocrite]]: Calls Faris' "Cheshire Break" technique cheating while having his lackies use a laser pen to distract her.
* [[Ignorant of His Own Ignorance]]: He seems to think that ice can cause burns. It doesn't, it causes frostbite. Even Okabe has to point this out to him!
* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Nice Hat]]: Wears a beanie hat that is slightly tilted. It falls off in a physical altercation, revealing that he is hiding a bald spot.
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* [[Put on a Bus]]: He isn't seen, nor even mentioned in ''Steins;Gate 0''.
* [[Scary Black Man]]: Angry and violent with a noticeably darker skin tone compared to everyone else.
* [[Smug Snake]]
* [[Sore Loser]]: Extends to his whole gang. As Faris describes them, they would sooner drown a puppy than lose a tournament to her.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: He has a rather impressive one when Okabe and co. show him Moeka's article uncovering his shady business dealings, breaking into hysterical laughter, before being reduced to a panic-stricken mess when Daru's research is shown to him (said research contains proof of fake businesses, personal bank accounts he doesn't own, and a shady cash flow hinting at tax fraud). All of this causes he and his goons to flee in abject terror when he realises, they aren't screwing around.