Steins;Gate/Tear Jerker: Difference between revisions

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=== ''My Darling's Embrace'' ===
* Moeka's story path boils down to the other lab mems trying to get her to come out of her shell, but towards the end, she has a [[Heroic BSOD]] after she realises she made a mistake in the group's submission video for a music competition. Fearing that she'll be rejected for this, she [[Heroic BSOD|leaves and retreats to her apartment]]. When Okabe finds her, he notices she had been crying.
** When one of her messages echoes her description of the protagonist for her novel (about no one needing her), Okabe asks if this is the case here, too... only to realise she actually felt this way. This leads him to take her hand to stop her from deleting her messages, and asking her directly why she keeps running away from everyone. She finally opens up and reveals that everyone around told her she was an "unwanted child" to the point where she believed them; because of this, she had attempted to end her own life at one point, feeling no one needed her, that she'd be better off invisible to everyone, so she couldn't disappoint them, she wouldn't be a burden.
** The cherry on top though is after Moeka gives her confession, Okabe reassures her that she is worth a damn, and that people do care about her, including Mr. Tennouji, the other Lab Mems, and himself. Having finally heard the words she had wanted to hear for the first time in her life, she just breaks down entirely, and Saori Goto's voice acting during this scene only makes this scene even more heart wrenching. Even this troper was fighting back tears during this scene.
*Faris eventually opens up to Okabe about her past, revealing that she allowed people, adults in particular, to get close to her, only to betray her the first chance they get, with some even telling they'd be happier if she didn't exist. As a result, she developed trust issues growing up, and was scared of losing the friends she has because, in her mind, she won't know what to do if the other lab mems just disappeared from her life. That is until Okabe reassures her that they aren't going anywhere, and tells her to simply have faith in them.
**Faris has another [[Cry Cute]] moment in Suzuha's route when her attempts to charm Daru fall on death ears. SheThere doesn'tare hideno herlaughs emotionsto be had this time though, she is genuinely heartbroken that her charms were just brushed off so coldly, and it takes some reaffirming from both Okabe and Suzuha just to calm her down.
*Why was Mayuri crying as she spoke to Okabe while he was asleep? We eventually learn that her family was moving away from Tokyo on the 20th of August, and memories of past events where she felt lonely without him resurface. Learning this himself causes Okabe to almost have a Heroic BSOD when he realises just how much Mayuri meant to him, and he was about to lose her.
**As Okabe delivers his [[Love Confession]] at the cemetery, Mayuri confesses that she developed a sense of inferiority when Kurisu first joined the lab; she became saddened by how close Okabe and Kurisu had become, and started to believe she was being replaced. ItShe isstarts onlyto whenregret Okabe reaffirmsfeeling that sheway isonce theOkabe onetells her he loveswants theher mostat that she regrets feeling the way shehis didside.
=== ''Linear Bounded Phenogram'' ===
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** As if her description of what happened that day wasn't bad enough, we get to witness that fateful day for ourselves. This scene will no doubt strike too close to home for anyone who has survived, or lost loved ones to a heart attack. The fact that Mayuri just collapses out of nowhere so suddenly makes it worse.
** The CG of Mayuri suffering from a heart attack definitely qualifies, but also overlaps as [[Steins;Gate/Nightmare Fuel|Nightmare Fuel]].
** Daru's rant towards Okabe's non-reaction to Mayuri's death. It is genuine anger ofon full display, but at the same time, he doesn't realise that Okabe isn't acting this way out of malice, rather because he has had to relive the moment of Mayuri's death over and over to the point where he simply became numb to it.
* Moeka spends the majority of her story at war with herself over whether to side with the Lab Mems or her contact, FB. Her loyalty to each side is frequently being tested, driven by her fear of being abandoned (again) no matter who she sides with.
** Kurisu's tearful show of gratitude when Moeka saves her from being mowed down by a speeding car.