Steins;Gate/Tear Jerker: Difference between revisions

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*** Also, while at her grandmother's grave, {{spoiler|when it is revealed she can hazily recall each time she's been killed.}}
*Episode 22: after Okabe tries to [[Take a Third Option|take a third option]] to {{Spoiler|save Mayuri's life without undoing the first D-mail}}, Kurisu insists that he goes ahead with it, even if it means she will die as she did at the beginning. Realising this is his only option, what does Okabe do? He hugs her while having an internal monologue about how he never told her what was in his heart, how he truly felt about her. All this knowing he is about to lose her.
* Episode 23: the revelation that {{Spoiler|Okabe was the one responsible for Kurisu's death in the first place. It's a harrowing scene for both of them: she's bleeding to death, he's horrified that the girl he loves died in the first place because of him}}. It's a heart -breaking scene to say the least.
**What if he [[Heroic BSOD|just gave up after the first attempt]] to save Kurisu's life and he ''didn't'' get support from Mayuri, or a pep talk from {{Spoiler|his Future self}}? Well, Episode 23 beta (the catalyst that kicks off ''Steins;Gate 0'') shows us exactly how that plays out. The result: Okabe becomes so distraught, that he [[Despair Event Horizon|abandons his quest for time travel, ditching the Hououin Kyouma persona, and spends the majority of ''Steins;Gate 0'' mourning Kurisu's death]].
*Another example overlapping with a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] is the last scene of episode 25. {{spoiler|"Close your eyes". Cut to black.}}
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**'''Kurisu:''' ''"It's not fair..."''
* Remember in Episode 22 of the series where Kurisu is cut off as she {{Spoiler|declares her love for Okabe the same way he did for her}}? Well, it happens again in the film, only this time we see it from her perspective. Her emotions are running wild as is, but being interrupted like that while Mayuri and Daru don't even know who she's talking about causes Kurisu to drop to her knees and sob uncontrollably as she summons every ounce of strength to even remember his name.
* Once everyone remembers Okabe, Mayuri declares that while she doesn't who "Okarin" is, the name alone makes her feel warm. Overlaps as a heartwarming moment, too.
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** When one of her messages echoes her description of the protagonist for her novel (about no one needing her), Okabe asks if this is the case here, too... only to realise she actually felt this way. This leads him to take her hand to stop her from deleting her messages, and asking her directly why she keeps running away from everyone. She finally opens up and reveals that everyone around told her she was an "unwanted child" to the point where she believed them; because of this, she had attempted to end her own life at one point, feeling no one needed her, that she'd be better off invisible to everyone, so she couldn't disappoint them, she wouldn't be a burden.
** The cherry on top though is after Moeka eventually opens up about her past, Okabe reassures her that she is worth a damn, and that people do care about her, including Mr. Tennouji, the other Lab Mems, and himself. Having finally heard the words she had wanted to hear for the first time in her life, she just breaks down entirely, and Saori Goto's voice acting during this scene only makes this scene even more heart wrenching. Even this troper was fighting back tears during this scene.
*Faris eventually opens up to Okabe about her past, revealing that she allowed people, adults in particular, to get close to her, only to betray her the first chance they get, with some even telling they'd be happier if she didn't exist. As a result, she developed trust issues growing up, and was scared of losing the friends she has because, in her mind, she won't know what to do if the other lab mems just disappeared from her life. That is until Okabe reassures her that they aren't going anywhere, and tells her to simply have faith in them.
**Faris has another [[Cry Cute]] moment in Suzuha's route when her attempts to charm Daru fall on death ears. There are no laughs to be had this time though, as Daru's cold dismissal towards her shatters her pride into tiny pieces, taking Okabe's kind words just to calm her down. As for Suzuha, she is too [[Tranquil Fury|angry]] to raise her voice after seeing her future dad behave like this.
*Why was Mayuri crying as she spoke to Okabe while he was asleep? We eventually learn that her family was moving away from Tokyo on the 20th of August, and memories of past events where she felt lonely without him resurface. It doesn't help that she had to lie to him to keep him from worrying. Learning this himself causes Okabe to almost have a [[Heroic BSOD]] when he realises just how much Mayuri meant to him, as well as how much he took her for granted.
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* Kurisu speaking to her dad on the phone, in tears, and blubbering incoherently as she begs and pleads for his help despite their strained relationship. In her own words, she was a babbling mess for another 20 minutes before she was able to form another coherent sentence. It is one of Kurisu's rare moments of vulnerability, but it shows how much she wants to repair her strained relationship with her father.
*Okabe is a complete emotional wreck after Mayuri goes missing after the lab is raided, and torment becomes so unbearable that Kurisu fears he will suffer a nervous breakdown. He reaches the [[Despair Event Horizon]] when a news report confirms his worst fear: Mayuri is dead. He is such a mess afterwards that Faris' butler, Kuroki, had to knock him out - twice - just to spare him further pain.
*Faris comes close to having a Heroic BSOD after she learns that Suzuha has to goleave backfor to her own time1975 the following day, and is hurt that the latter didn't tell her to her face, even snapping at her just for calling her by her real name.
*While rescuing Suzuha from the collapsed underground station, Faris quietly breaks down in tears upon hearing the things Mr. Tennouji was saying about her in terms of how rough she'd had it for the past 10 years.
* Ruka spent her entire story blaming herself for Mayuri's death on the 15th, feeling that her choice to become a girl via D-mail was the cause behind the latter's fate.
** As if her description of what happened that day wasn't bad enough, we get to witness that fateful day for ourselves. This scene will no doubt strike too close to home for anyone who has survived, or lost loved ones to a heart attack. The fact that Mayuri just collapses out of nowhere so suddenly makes it worse.
** The CG of Mayuri suffering from a heart attack definitely qualifies, but also overlaps as [[Steins;Gate/Nightmare Fuel|Nightmare Fuel]].
** Daru's rant towards Okabe's non-reaction to Mayuri's death. It is genuine anger on full display, but at the same time, he doesn't realise that Okabe isn't acting this way out of malice, rather because he has had to relive the moment of Mayuri's death over and over to the point where he simply became numb to it.
* Moeka spends the majority of her story at war with herself over whether to side with the Lab Mems or her contact, FB. Her loyalty to each side is frequently being tested, driven by her fear of being abandoned (again) no matter who she sides with.
** A more heart -warming example, when Kurisu and Mayuri find her near the UPX building. The girls assure Moeka that they see her as a friend for reasons other than usefulness. She has never experienced real happiness until now, and their words gave her just that.
**Kurisu's tearful show of gratitude when Moeka saves her from being mowed down by a speeding car.
**Moeka's internal conflict reaches breaking point once FB gives her the order to kill the Lab Mems. So torn on which course of action to take that she finds any excuse she can to push her friends away to make her decision easier, but luckily Mayuri and Kurisu's words eventually reach her (not even realising she was crying the whole time until Mayuri mentioned it) and she decides not to pull the trigger. A real example of [[What Could Have Been]] if Moeka had thought for herself for a change.
** The Lab Mems crying over Moeka as she slowly dies from the [[Taking the Bullet|gunshot wounds she sustained protecting her new friends]], just before she has Okabe send a D-Mail on her behalf.
* The truth about why the death of Mayuri's grandma hit her so hard: Mayuri had promised to spend the day with her, but she instead went to ComiMa with her friends, leaving her grandma alone the day she died. Mayuri had blamed herself for it since then, feeling that she had broken her promise.
** Her decision to rewrite this part of her life isn't any better though, as while she did get to spent one final day with her grandma, Mayuri still ended up in a world line in which the lab wasn't formed, and she had lost contact with Okabe for years before they finally reunited.
*Nae (now 13) doesn't have it easy in her story; still coping with the death of her dad even two years later, she doesn't have anyone else to turn to other than the Akiha family. The fact that Mayuri also died in this worldline only makes her feel even more lonely, and the abandoned CRT shop her dad used to run only served as a painful reminder of what she had lost. Then to say nothing about putting up with Daru's perverted antics...