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** {{spoiler|Peridot}}. Yes, she ''is'' hilariously dorky, and yes, her budding friendship with Steven is ''adorable''. But that still doesn't excuse her {{spoiler|trying to reactivate the Kindergarten, trying to kill Steven and the Crystal Gems on multiple occasions, and acting like an all around [[Jerkass]] to anyone not named Steven.}}
** Despite her incredibly unpleasant and violent attitude, there are ''plenty'' of fans insisting that {{spoiler|Jasper isn't as evil as fans make her out to be and is only considered irredeemable for being a muscular woman, never mind the fact that she's served the Homeworld as a loyal soldier for 6000 years and counting, was more than happy to have Steven killed despite it not being necessary before realizing that he had Rose's gem, gave him a black eye and knocked him out when she could have simply carried him onto the ship unharmed, and forced Lapis to fuse with her in a manner that is portrayed eerily similar to a rape or domestic violence scenario.}}
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Greg Universe, whosethe self-proclaimed "Coolest dad this side of the Cosmos". Thanks to his easy-going, and friendly nature and consistentas portrayalwell as his willingness to go out of his way to be a great fatherdad to Steven, hasis doneit aany lotwonder tothat endearhe's himone toof the characters in the series?
** {{spoiler|Ruby and Sapphire}} as well, since they're not just an ''adorable'' couple, but also because {{spoiler|their existence proved the widely-accepted theory about Garnet being a fusion.}}
** While they don't show up all that often, the Crystal Gems various fusions tend to be pretty popular with fans. You have the stoic yet sweet Opal, rowdy and rambunctious Nicki Minaj-voiced Sugilite, and the elegant yet prideful Sardonyx, who are all very well-received with fans wishing that they'd make more appearances.
** Thanks to averting the ever-so-common "All popular teens are assholes" stereotype, Beach City's resident cool kids Jenny, Buck, and Sour Cream are pretty popular among the fanbase.
** {{spoiler|Lapis Lazuli}}, whose portrayal as a tragic, homesick [[Anti-Villain]] did a lot to endear her to the masses.
** Then, there's {{spoiler|Peridot}}. While she had fans from the start, it wasn't until she started showing just how ''dorky'' and silly she was that her fanbase really grew. {{spoiler|Needless to say, the fact that she's slowly developing into a better person and a possible new member of the Crystal Gems has made ''lots'' of people ''very'' happy.}}
** {{spoiler|Jasper}} has had far less screentime than {{spoiler|Lapis}} and {{spoiler|Peridot}}, and thus hasn't shown much more of her personality beyond "nasty hypocritical brute". And yet, she's just as popular as the other two, mainly because she's so ''good'' at being loathsome, and her design (big beefy body, wild mane of hair that reaches the floor, orange skin with camouflage-style stripes) is considered to be among the best shown in the series so far.
* [[Evil Is Cool]]: {{spoiler|Jasper}}, whose status as a no-nonsense, vicious [[Badass]] and her seriously cool appearance endeared her to the fanbase overnight.
** Same with the violent and out-of-control Sugilite, but that tends to happen when you're a 50-foot tall purple Oni-esque berserker voiced by Nicki Minaj.
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: While not exactly "evil" per se, {{spoiler|[[Anti-Villain|Lapis Lazuli]]}} is definitely a looker.
** Ditto for {{spoiler|Jasper}}, who a lot of fans find attractive because of her shapely hips, beefy body, long wild hair, and hot temper.
* [[Fan Dumb]]: Steven Universe is infamous for having what is considered to be one of the most hostile and intolerant fanbases of all time, thanks to numerous incidents such as when fans chased writer Matt BrunettBurnett off of Tumblr over a simple continuity error, threw a stink over the ''Uncle Grandpa'' crossover episode and harassed members of the show's staff, posting inflammatory reviews for a real life Keystone Hotel that could have seriously hurt business, and harassing fanartists who draw characters in different ways (Such as Rose Quartz with a more petite frame, Garnet as non-white) so badly that one such artist actually attempted suicide.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: As shown in ''Keeping it Together'', {{spoiler|the leaders of the Gem Homeworld (which likely includes Yellow Diamond) have long since crossed it. They authorized sickening experiments involving taking shattered Gems and bringing them back to life through fusing them together, which results in the creation of twisted hybrid abominations who are in a state of constant agony ''as a form of punishment for defecting''.}}
** Speaking of that, there's also the matter of {{spoiler|them also okaying the creation of the Cluster, an enormous forced fusion made from ''millions'' of shattered Gem shards that is spending its time incubating beneath the Earth's crust. When it hatches, it will destroy the Earth upon emerging.}} While you can possibly justify the {{spoiler|Kindergartens as possibly being the only way Gems can reproduce}}, there's just no justifying anything regarding {{spoiler|forced fusion.}}