Stewart Felfoss Stenstrøm Stardust Jr. is a fictional character created and played by Danish comedian Anders Matthesen. He has worked as a sailor, musician and hot dog vendor. Matthesen seems to have developed a I Am Not Spock relationship with the character, and even portrays Stewart as an Enemy Within in Anden på Coke, who attempts a Split Personality Takeover in the show's climax.

Stewart's family includes:

  • His very abusive father, who used to beat Stewart with all sorts of instruments.
  • Vivian, his bedridden and antisocial wife.
  • Danny, his drug-addicted, kleptomaniac son.
  • Terkel, his nephew (main character of Terkel in Trouble).
Stewart Stardust provides examples of the following tropes:
Stewart Stardust has appeared in several media:


Live Action TV

Stand Up Comedy
