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[[File:Femur_Bone_8585Femur Bone 8585.png|frame]]
In media, the classic femur bone shows up somehow very commonly. Possibly faintly [[Justified Trope|justified]] in that the femur is one of the largest, strongest, straightest bones in the body, so it's instantly recognizable, often well preserved, and useful for everything from [[Bad Withwith the Bone|improvised clubs]] to macabre furniture supports.
In media, those femur bones are often symmetrical from both sides, [[Coconut Effect|although they aren't like that in]] [[Real Life]]. That's also known as "Cartoon Bone".
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== General ==
* Some of the insignia with skull and crossbones.
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* Any bone-throwing skeleton in ''[[Castlevania]]'' series throws a classic cartoon bone.
* ''[[A Nightmare Onon Elm Street]]'' video game has the player collecting bones of Freddy Krueger to bury them. However, every single bone is the classic femur bone and Freddy has a lot of them.
* Most of the enemies which drop bones in ''[[RunescapeRuneScape]]'', seem to drop femur bones exclusively. Even snakes! Only a few of the enemies drop different bones.
* Master Higgins throws stock femur bones in ''[[Adventure Island]] IV''.
* In ''[[Minecraft]]'', skeletons drop these.
* In ''[[Pokémon]]'', Marowak and Cubone wield one of these bones, and in turn, the Thick Club item. The Rare Bone item from the Sinnoh Underground is also an example.
* You wield one of these bones in ''[[Secret of Evermore]]''
* ''[[Deus Ex (Video Game)|Deus Ex]]'' has skulls and femurs scattered in the Paris catacombs. No ulnas in sight.
* In ''[[Solatorobo]]'', these are used like cigars among [[Petting Zoo People|Caninu]]. There are even different styles of holding them in your mouth, such as "Wild" and "Sexy".
* In ''Decap Attack'', the enemies die with femur bones flying out of them.
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* In some of the [[Mortal Kombat]] games, certain fatalities would cause the victim to explode in a shower of femurs and rib cages(!).
* [[Joe and Mac Caveman Ninja]] threw femurs as one of their weapon types. Notable in that they were not symmetric, resembling real femurs more than the classic cartoon femur. The icon for the weapon is stock, however.
* ''[[Team Fortress 2 (Video Game)|Team Fortress 2]]'': in the "Meet the Soldier" trailer, the Medic's severed head has a femur where the spine should be.
* One of the first hidden-object pages in ''Escape The Museum'' is a search for ten femur bones. Ironically, they are anatomically accurate human femurs, but are scattered around an exhibit of ''dinosaur'' skeletons.
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* In ''[[A Charlie Brown Christmas]]'', Snoopy has a big pile of these in his bowl; he eats them as he reads the newspaper. Note - he doesn't chew on them, or gnaw the meat off the bones, he eats the bones.
* ''[[The Flintstones]]'': Dino has giant, dinosaur-sized femur bones to chew on.
* In one episode of Spongebob''[[SpongeBob SquarePants]]'', Patrick eats some Exploding Chewing Gum. [[Your Head Asplode|Results were predictable]], right down to having a femur where his spine should be ([[Rule of Funny|if starfish had spines, that is]]).
* ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'': Pegasus wings are usually meant to emulate bird wings when possible, though in one episode we see an X-Ray of Rainbow Dash's wing, [[Artistic License: Biology|and it's made up mostly of Stock Femur Bones]].
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