Stock Super Powers/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''[[Super Breath]] [[Breath Weapon|can come]] in [[Playing with Fire|fire]], [[An Ice Person|frost]], or just plain bad.''<br />
''[[Incredible Shrinking Man|Shrinking]] is a power, but it's [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?|kinda sad]].''<br />
''[[Shapeshifting|Shifting shape]] into [[Scaled Up|a snake]] can give folks quite a fright, ''<br />
''But only your heart will win us the fight!'' }}
{{quote|''There's [[Thinking Up Portals|portal creation]] and [[Astral Projection]].''<br />
''[[Mind Over Matter|Telekinesis]] and [[Back from the Dead|dead]] [[Necromancer|resurrection]].''<br />
''With [[Mind Control]], [[Charm Person|you're on a roll]], and if you're lucky, [[Flight]]''<br />
''But only your heart will win us the fight.'' }}
{{quote|''There is [[Time Travel]], [[Rubber Man|stretching]] and even [[Wall Crawl|wall crawling]].''<br />
''[[Make Me Wanna Shout|A sonic scream]] can help you with your bad guy brawling.''<br />
''[[Chrome Champion|Fists of steel]] can make you feel an [[Super Strength|increased sense of might]]''<br />
''[[Heart Is an Awesome Power|But only your heart will win us the fight]]!'' }}
{{quote|''Who are you? Just a man or a [[Superman]]?''
''The man we turn to for the plan!''
''Who are you? Just a man or a Superman?''
''The man we need to take a stand!'' }}
{{quote|-- '''[[Aquaman]]'s''' [[Song of Courage|Song of heroism]], ''[[Batman: The Brave And The Bold|Batman the Brave And The Bold]]'', "Powerless"}}
{{quote|-- '''[[Aquaman]]'s''' [[Song of Courage|Song of heroism]], ''[[Batman: The Brave And The Bold|Batman the Brave And The Bold]]'', "Powerless"}}
[[Category:Stock Superpowers]]
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