• In Stormwatch: Team Achilles #6, Jukko Hämäläinen fights The Midnighter over a man who can activate latent superpowers in people. It starts when Jukko asks the man if he can deactivate superpowers as well and the Midnighter mocks him over it. In response, Jukko presses the Big Red Button on a remote, instantly turning off the Cybernetics that make the Midnighter superhuman. He proceeds to beat the shit out of him ("You're... using... superpowers..." "No. Just jiu-jutsu. And anatomy. And leverage") before telling him:

And just so you know... my "superpower"? The one I used to "beat" you? I'm uber-empathic. I feel the pain of every living being within a four-mile radius. Including yours. I just felt everything I did to you. So don't you ever mock me for wanting to be human again.

    • Despite the fact that the Midnighter used to be a Special Forces operative before he was given superpowers, and would likely not react to jiu-jitsu as if he was totally naive of the martial arts in general.

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