Strange Minds Think Alike: Difference between revisions

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* This a bit of a running gag in [[Clannad]]. Tomoya continues to insist that there is no way a normal person could look at Fuuko's carvings and believe they are anything but a star. Unfortunately, he doesn't know any normal people so everyone apparently recognizes that the carvings are actually starfish. Except Sunohara, who think that they're ''shurikens.''
* [[Guild Wars]] Nightfall has to do this a couple of times are mission splits, to bring the plot back together.
** After the player completes Rihlon Refuge, the Master of Whispers reveals a secret passage to Vabbi behind the waterworks. Its complementary mission ifin Poghan Passage, after which Margrid reveals the Corsairs also know about the passage.
** After both the Nundu Bay and Jennur's horde missions, which take place in two regions of the world, the player character gets a suggestion from one of two different people to find a way to cross the Desolation.
* In ''[[Golden Sun: Dark Dawn]]'', both [[Pirate|Eoleo]] and [[Never Mess with Granny|Obaba]], in their respective intro scenes, immediately notice that Kraden hasn't aged a day in the last thirty years. Once Kraden's immortality is explained, both immediately ''follow up'' by saying how much it must suck that [[Age Without Youth|he'll be seventy-plus forever]]. Apparently Eoleo learned a ''lot'' from his great-grandma.
* In [[Tales of the Abyss]], Jade is able to spot a small stone that the group needs being carried by a monster. When one character remarks on Jade's luck in spotting it, [[Jerkass|Jade]] responds, "Heaven smiles upon me because of my good deeds." The other five members of the team immediately have the exact same thought.
{{quote|'''Luke, Tear, Guy, Anise, and Natalia:''' "(That can't possibly be true...)"}}
* In ''[[Custom Robo]]: Battle Revolution'' random people repeatedly mistake the Steel Hearts "Bounty Hunters" (バウンティハンター) for "Bottom Feeders" (バ'''カ'''ンティハンター) much to Harry's annoyance.
== [[Visual Novels]] ==