Stranger Than Fiction: Difference between revisions

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* [[Painting the Fourth Wall]]: For us. The narrator in any other movie would be the normal narrator, but here the main character reacts to a voice, as you do when someone describes your life in detail.
* [[Post Modernism]]
* [[Rage Against the Heavens]] / [[Rage Against the Author]]
* [[Railroading]]: When Harold Crick tries [[Take Your Time|staying at home all day, doing nothing, in order to prevent the plot from moving forward]], a wrecking crew [[Chandler's Law|tears a hole]] in his apartment wall.
* [[Reality Writing Book]]
* [[Roofless Renovation]]
* [[Slipstream]]: Genre-wise, it's more this than [[Magical Realism]], both in terms of the movie itself and possibly in Karen's book, what with the watch being portrayed as vaguely sentient.
* [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]]: According to the professor, all of Karen Eiffel's previous novels have ended this way, and the rough draft of Harold Crick's story is no different.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Every person in the movie is named for a mathematician, scientist, or engineer. Likewise the streets. And Eiffel's publisher. Just about everything named, actually.
* [[Slipstream]]: Genre-wise, it's more this than [[Magical Realism]], both in terms of the movie itself and possibly in Karen's book, what with the watch being portrayed as vaguely sentient.
* [[Take That]]: in universe. The reason Harold is able to find Karen Eiffel is because she had been auditted ten years prior, which is also around the time she started writing a book about an IRS agent who would inevitably die.
* [[Take Our Word for It]]: The brilliance of Eiffel's original ending.
* [[Take That]]: in universe. The reason Harold is able to find Karen Eiffel is because she had been auditted ten years prior, which is also around the time she started writing a book about an IRS agent who would inevitably die.
* [[There Are No Therapists]]: Played with; A therapist is one of the first people Harold visits, and though his problem is outside her field (she just thinks it's schizophrenia), she does help point him to Dr. Hilbert.
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: Professor Hilbert's copious coffee consumption.
* [[Trailers Always Lie]]: The movie was portrayed as typical Will Ferrel comedy in advertisements, which it is decidedly not.
* {{spoiler|[[What Is One Man's Life in Comparison?]]}}: The idea is batted about that maybe {{spoiler|the possible contribution to world literature and the greater meaning of his planned death mean that Harold should accept his death as it was written}}.
* [[Writers Cannot Do Math]]: In-universe example. While Harold is being distracted by Karen, someone asks him what the product of 67 and 453 is. He answers with 30351, which Karen says is wrong, and that the real answer is 31305, which he quickly corrects to. Because he is obviously distracted, it seems very probable that he would have gotten it wrong. He hadn't, and had the correct answer the first time. Of course, she may have just been messing with him, but why?
** It's a typo in a movie about a novel. The movie is filled with mathematical references and in-jokes. When a writer names every character after a famous mathematician, they can probably do basic multiplication.