Straw Hypocrite: Difference between revisions

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* The leaders of Libria in ''[[Equilibrium]]'' preach that Prozium, an emotion-inhibiting drug, would save humanity from having another World War. ''They'' aren't on it, however. The head of the government is revealed to indulge in art and literature that would get regular citizens executed.
* ''[[Ultraviolet (film)|Ultraviolet]]'' had the [[Evil Overlord|Evil Surgeon General]] who hunted all vampires to near extinction with active genocide, be not just a vampire... but ''the first one!'' He manipulated public fear and hysteria to rise to power. However, he was too effective; with most of the vampires killed off, he needed something to keep people in-line. So he was working on an anti-human virus that would require constant treatment that only he could provide.
* The villains of every ''[[Die Hard]]''. It's part of the series' theme.
== Literature ==