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Leaders, especially ones for ideologically motivated organizations, are expected to have the ultimate dedication to this cause. Be they a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]], [[Knight Templar]], or even [[Dark Messiah]], this leader dedicates themselves to a cause and is willing to die for it, and at times suggests that [[Utopia Justifies the Means|the end justifies the means.]]
Then there's the Straw Hypocrite. This villain (and it usually is a villain) will [[Evil Gloating|exhibit their dastardly plot]] and expose their "good" cause as a smokescreen to some hidden agenda that the villain has. If this happens, then it may be part of revealing the [[Evil Plan]] or the hero discovering it on his own, but often it is to show just how flawed their painted-on ideology is. Any [[Gullible Lemmings]] or [[Black Shirt|Black Shirts]]s who worship or follow them will quickly disperse or switch sides.
Unlike a regular [[Hypocrite]], whose behavior fails to square with his or her publicly expressed (''and'' sincerely held) moral standards due to ordinary human weakness, the Straw Hypocrite does not actually believe in their cause in the slightest and merely uses it as a cover to another end. An [[Author On Board]] might even use the straw hypocrite to discredit the cause they're championing as nothing more than a boat for the evil to commandeer. In this case, they are a '''[[The War On Straw|Straw]]''' hypocrite in the sense that they are not true believers and sometimes used as a [[Strawman Political]] for an author. Unfortunately, by exposing the character as disloyal to their cause, the author fails to properly address the cause itself.
The [['''Straw Hypocrite]]''' is not always a tool for an [[Author Tract]], though: well written, a [['''Straw Hypocrite]]''' can make a great [[Magnificent Bastard]] or a credible and terrifying [[Complete Monster]]. Sometimes, his existence will be a used by an author who does ''not'' want to take sides in an argument; in this case, the ideology, philosophy, religion, or cause the [['''Straw Hypocrite]]''' seems to embrace is not in itself "evil" or worthless, and the author may even allow a more idealistic/honest character to take over the political/religious/philosophical organization after the demise of the straw hypocrite to show that [[Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped|they just needed a leader who actually believes what he says.]] Finally, if the [['''Straw Hypocrite]]''' is in an organization that is unquestionably evil (such as the Nazi Party) it can be shown that [[Even Evil Has Standards]] or set up a [[Conspiracy Redemption]].
Depending on one's level of cynicism, of course, this may be regarded as [[Truth in Television]].
Compare [[Straw Traitor]]. May be used as part of a [[Debate and Switch]]. An important leadership position in the [[Path of Inspiration]] or [[Scam Religion]]. Very common with [[Knight Templar]] types, to argue that the high standard they set is impossible (though ordinary [[Hypocrite|Hypocrites]]s are arguably even more common).
{{Noreallife|real people are not crafted for a specific purpose.}}
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== Literature ==
* Lord Voldemort, of ''[[Harry Potter]]'' fame, champions the cause of pure-blooded wizards over [[Fantastic Racism|"Mudbloods" and Muggles]]. By all appearances, though, he's just a sociopath trying to stave off his own death. And he himself is only a half-blood--hisblood—his father was a Muggle.
** He seems to have been genuinely hateful towards those groups, whether it made sense or not. Voldemort being a half-blood was probably a reference to the [[wikipedia:Adolf Hitler#Ancestry|similar rumours]] about Hitler being part-Jewish.
*** In the fifth book, Delores Umbridge spent much of her time lecturing everyone about how "the Unforgivable Curses are BAD". Toward the climax, however {{spoiler|she threatens to give Harry a dose of the Cruciatus curse to get information}}. When Hermione lampshades the hypocrisy of this statement her basic response is "[[Screw the Rules, I Make Them|I make the rules so I don't have to follow them]]."
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** Hell, half the cast of that show.
** [[Did Not Do the Research]]. Most Vodou adherents are also practicing Catholics, seeing the loa and the saints as one in the same, and Bondye and God the Father as the same being. There's a saying in Haiti that the nation is 90% Catholic and 100% Vodou.
*** Actually, Catholicism is only one part of Christianity, and many sects of Christianity believe that only their sect is the "right" sect, and that all other sects will go to Hell for getting it "wrong". <ref> When they started anyways, only the real die hards believe that if I understand right</ref> So this trope still applies.
**** And the fact that the whole town is ''very'' anti-catholic in the first place (to a point where using the necronomicon to rise the dead is veiwed better than reading form a Catholic bible)
** Even disregarding the voo doo aspect, Censordoll was already a [[Straw Hypocrite]]. When Oral campaigned to get eggs boycotted, she went along with it because she felt it would help her image, even though she loved eggs to the point of obsession (and also because she figured she could secretly keep the mayor from ever banning them). When Oral succeeded, she was forced to buy them illegally.
* The teachers in [[Danny Phantom]], the only reason they gone with Sam's vegetarian food idea is so they can have all the meaty food for themselves.
** Though it is implied that the teachers didn't even wanted to do Vegan Week in the first place and only did so because Sam just wouldn't leave them alone about it. As Sam herself said, "''I finally wore them down."''


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